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Messages - MemoryTAS

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The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: April 29, 2021, 11:44:53 pm »
Solarius, one of the tavern meetings has the wrong description assigned with it:

Code: [Select]

this explains a lot

The X-Com Files / Re: 1.8 Feedback
« on: April 26, 2021, 06:07:27 pm »
I wouldn't say it's required but it's an excellent option once you know about it. In vanilla ufo defense melee was pretty awful, I almost never used stun rods, maybe just to get a navigator for hyperwave decoder but that's it. In TFTD, they're more useful but it's mainly because Lobstermen are so tanky against most damage types. Having the additional time units allows for melee to be much better. Additionally I feel your units start out crappier than in vanilla and having the extra burst of speed can help reach cover. And as somebody who has played a lot more xpiratez than this, I'm kinda used to sprint being an important mechanic (whether or not one can sprint is armor dependent in that mod). I just wish I knew sooner it was an option that xpiratez just has enforced because I just love playing with it.

The X-Com Files / Re: Some Basic Questions?
« on: April 25, 2021, 01:21:06 am »
1. "A violent jarring; a shock", basically includes things like high explosive grenades etc, but also includes sonic weaponry and also things that if you were hit by irl you would have a really bad concussion like wrenches and crowbars.
2. Not quite, has different resistances but it tends to cause stun.
3. Default hotkey for search is Q.
4. Really depends on what you're up against, I recommend looking at enemy armor values and such and making informed judgments from that. HE = explosion and BS = buckshot meaning like a shotgun spread.
5. Mainly just experience in combat, basically anything will improve strength and time units, but there are also special transformations that can increase them as well.

EDIT: Note that BS ammo is basically multiple smaller pellets being fired at once as opposed to a large shell, so if you're dealing with something more heavily armored, typically BS ammo is not the way to go.

The X-Com Files / Re: 1.8 Feedback
« on: April 24, 2021, 01:41:10 pm »
Oh sprint is a setting in this mod? Well I'm somewhat surprised it isn't on by default but that's good to know.

The X-Com Files / Re: 1.8 Feedback
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:22:37 pm »
I haven't gotten super deep into this mod yet, but I feel the issue with melee isn't necessarily just the size of melee weapons because X-Piratez has similar melee weapons, yet they're much more viable. In that mod you have some units with far more TUs and the ability to sprint to spend less TUs at the cost of additional stamina. I don't necessarily think that you should necessarily change the mod to be more like X-Piratez in this regard, you're not exactly running around with genetically engineered mutants here. However, it also feels that a lot of missions just take place in wide-open fields with basically 0 cover, especially with the four initial cults. This admittedly has getting a bit better later in when I'm not dealing with as many outposts but it's still crippling. Smoke cover isn't even as good as you'd hope, given how many enemies can either see through smoke or have sniper behavior. I don't really get why x-com's research team would bother investing in such large melee weapons at all. Guns have ruled combat for many years at this point, and for good reason. Even in the original x-com I never really bothered with stun rods that much, I mostly just waited for stun bombs. TFTD was a tad better in that regard: Captures are much more important, Lobstermen are weak to melee, and there's just more line of sight breakers in TFTD maps.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: April 16, 2021, 10:49:08 pm »
The weapons used in bases are a lot worse than you've been dealing with up to this point probably, last I checked they were rolling around with plenty of gauss which is what the mercs mainly use.

Dojos I do use even if they're not the fastest xp method just to train units I might not use as often or fragile.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: April 05, 2021, 08:43:22 am »
Save often. Save & Load are part of the game.
Ironman/Supermutant is for masochists who dont mind grinding up bases and gals and losing games after dozens or hundreds of hours of play.

I personally play exclusively on Supermutant because I find having absolutely 0 consequences for screwing up to be extremely boring. Yes I might lose games but I don't mind. Only time I wish I kept it off is if it's a mission I'm not at all familiar with yet and end up with a lot of dead gals, otherwise yeah. I also always keep EMERGENCY IN CASE OF ZOMBIES gear on hand for every mission.

If you don't play with tons and tons of saves it's best to keep your troops armored appropriately even when off duty. Also peasants and Slave Soldiers are far from devalued in recent versions, no idea what you're talking about there.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: March 31, 2021, 01:49:47 am »
Dog fights are far from guaranteed to raise bravery, but it's still at least another chance at an increase.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: March 31, 2021, 12:33:56 am »
I'm not getting the "condemned!" condemnation.
Actually, I don't remember ever getting it.
Any Idea what It might be?
For whatever reason it's always marked as "Not awarded yet" in the bootypedia. You will never see it obtained after the end of a battle either. It's given by other condemnations (typically murderer). To check all the condemnations a unit has, go to Hands, click on a unit and press the + icon next to a unit's armor. That's the only way you can find out if they have condemned.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: March 30, 2021, 10:16:14 pm »

Today's questions - getting back to whether stuff in old posts is still relevant, or whether things have been fixed by now.
- do I still need full radar coverage of the planet by end of the first year?  if so, I need to get cracking on bases.
- does the Snake still have lots of holes that enemy can see & shoot into?
- not seeing Jack token missions, nearly all bounties have been mutant alliance.  is that RNG?  I don't have enough Jack tokens to even unlock Confed gear (although I have had some eagles drop, and can make the ammo).
- is healing or shakeup ceremony still the only way to get/train bravery?  I seem to have a bunch of gals stuck around 50/60 bravery, plus I'd like to get some Locknars to gain bravery to use for pilots.

1. Need is a strong word. I play pretty conservatively with base expansion and never reach full coverage by the end of year 1. Heck sometimes I don't even get a second base by the end of year 1, I like to wait until I can get large barracks to avoid having to do future renovations work. Some people will probably swear by it but unless you're using outposts, radar coverage ain't cheap. Then again, I didn't feel global coverage was as important in ufo defense as most people make it out to be so your mileage may vary. You're definitely far from completely screwed if you don't have it by the end of the first year though.
2. Don't think anything changed but honestly I don't think it was ever too bad. Really no reason to hang out in the cockpit areas which have the majority of the holes. If you end your turn in one of them, you're a lot more likely to get shot. Smoke screens can help mitigate it too.
3. Yes it's rng. Note that one can get some items leading to tokens through missions not marked as bounty missions as well (like ninja badges which are pretty much guaranteed from any fight with Sky Ninjas).
4. That was never the only way to train bravery (unless you mean what is currently available to you and even then I'd argue no). You could also get it through Wench/Seductress abilities, ropes, piloting a successful dogfight, and last but not least, the old xcom 1 method. There's probably additional items and abilities that train bravery similar to ropes and the Wench/Seductress outfits but I don't know them off the top of my head. A somewhat easy way of training bravery is, once you have steady access to hallucinogenic gas grenades via Contact:Smugglers is to repeatedly use them on your own (preferably unarmed) troops. Of course, given the likelihood of panic, I'd only consider it on an easier mission like a Watch Tower.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: June 22, 2020, 11:42:16 pm »
It's based on events now which means it's very easy for voodoo initiation to take a while.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L2 - 21 May - Blood And Skulls
« on: June 22, 2020, 07:56:31 pm »
...The heck, last I tried, I couldn't. Maybe there's something else I was doing wrong. Dang it I feel silly.

XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L2 - 21 May - Blood And Skulls
« on: June 22, 2020, 07:43:35 pm »
You also just can't build large facilities over small facilities at all I'm pretty sure.

ok, i have a courtesan, "manufactured", but do i use/exploit her?

how does pimpcraft work?

UAC weapinry is neither buyable nor manufacturable? Actually only carabine is avaiable throught the black but other pieces no; it's wierd since is ancient tech?
You can buy various pieces of UAC weaponry via different sources.

XPiratez / Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« on: June 19, 2020, 02:31:35 pm »
Read the bootypedia entry.

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