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Messages - pilot00

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Suggestions / Re: In-game manufacturing profitability view
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:00:55 pm »
Vanilla says that. There's no automatic selling, nor cheating "profitability".If you can't progress, it's your problem and your failure. Game shouldn't help you to win. It's easy enough already. Most of people were completing this game without manufacturing-selling, just by selling the loot. If I remember correctly, Meridian doesn't do that.
"Autoselling" is cheating enough thing already.

And what does a players prefered strategy have to do with how the game is supposed to be played? If I wanted a boxed up game without alternatives id be playing the 2012 version, not sitting here 20 years after playing the original.

Just because there is not a UI button that makes an already (in vanilla) existing action simpler, not easier, simpler, it means that the original doesnt support said function and that the game is easier now....Sorry mate your logic is at fault here. Manufacturing bases have been around x-com since the games release for this exact purpose. How is this not supported?

Whats the difference between having to press the button and do it automatically, than having to do the process of manufacture and sell manually 1 million times?If I want to do it ill do it, the button existing or not is not gonna stop me. And since the game does allow me to do it with or without the button yes it is a supported action and no its not cheating. If they wanted this behaviour out of the game, they would make everything to not generate profit from manufacturing.

If you can't progress, it's your problem and your failure. Game shouldn't help you to win. It's easy enough already. Most of people were completing this game without manufacturing-selling, just by selling the loot. If I remember correctly, Meridian doesn't do that.
"Autoselling" is cheating enough thing already.

It doesnt help you win, but it gives you the avenue to take different paths. Thats what mass production in the game is about. In all three X-Coms actually. Just because people complete in X way it doesnt mean that completing it in Y way is cheating. Especially when the tools to do so are there and established by the developer. Hell people completed the game with alloy armor rifles and explosives only, should using anything else be considered cheating too?

 I think your thinking is a bit one dimensional   ;)

Playthroughs / Re: Jstank's Final Mod Pack Lets Play
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:49:36 pm »
guys think about it . is a war between advanced aliens and humans.  is not just dogs dying. everyone is. i died like 3 times. hellrazer lik 3 times. ivan dogovich 3 times.  everyone is doing their best to remove the alien threat. if you don't you lose earth. so all the people you need to win so those who died haven't died in vain .

anyway good luck next one

(also hobbes or whoever is responsible needs to get on top of that terrain pack too many bugs :) )

I am still poky poky at command to issue us smoke granades and Ill start poky poky them to issue us one of those automated tank launchers to scout ahead and provide heavy support. It will minimize the loss of life on the doggy side (plus save us the 10k each one costs) and have mobile artilery in the field.

Command must already hate me at that point :D

By the same theoram we need to have a command center in the base which will serve only one purpose: As a primary target for a base assault if it gets destroyed, but that will add another uneccesary hassle simmilar to the ones of the power facility (I already explained my position).

Suggestions / Re: Base Defense Mechanics
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:53:11 pm »
Call me silly but I cant understand the problem at hand?

If you want your base to be assulted leave it bare bones and with a security force.
If you want to get past that annoying mission you just build 5 plasma/fussion batteries and a grav shield and you are set. They are not gonna miss that much.
The mind shield depends on wheather they have scouted your base before hand as far as I know, because if they did and you built it afterwards its useless.

Laser and missile defenses seem to be useless either way and the mission itself is only supposed to be an annoyance than actuall danger (I cant remember ever losing a base).

Suggestions / Re: In-game manufacturing profitability view
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:32:43 pm »
Manufacturing items for sale is not what vanilla xcom about. Literally, it's just side effect of the "selling" feature of the game. AFAIK xcom2012 doen't have that at all. Hell, it's the game about fighting alien invasion, not getting billionaire.

I would have agreed if 2012 was not about surviving the first two months on a predetermined build path and then steam roll the game by giving you virtually limitless cash via the battleship dlc. 2012 did more mistakes than the original.

Nope. It's not INTENDED to be played like that, but still it CAN be a helper. But paying too much of attention on "profit" would heavily bias the main purpose of the game.

And who sais that? If you dont manage your income you cannot progress. By your reasoning you should not expand your operations either because lets face it, you dont need more income, merely do the missions till you have enough research to go the final...(according to your logic)

That said, the harder level settings do in fact necessitate a manufacturing base up to a point to speed up your base construction to cover the globe and the salaries of the science team. More so if you lose soldiers and therefore equipment left and right (which happens all the time). I remember many many runs where the only thing that kept me going was having a workshop base chucking out alien aloys (didnt knew that the laser cannon was the most cost effective back there) to keep my finances stable. Dont get 2012 as an example because 2012 is a textbook game with clear steps on what/when/and how to do it to win with things like finances and interceptions been there for no reason at all.

Playthroughs / Re: Jstank's Final Mod Pack Lets Play
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:17:22 am »
So far so good, the casualty rate is compared to expectations (zerg rush) low, our soldiers are pretty good and the only sad part is that we keep losing a large amount of dogs. Lets hope the animals rights orgs dont get involved with x-com :p

I also have a question:

1)How do you make the arrows appear in the battlescape when you issue a move order? I am pretty sure I search around but I cant find it.

EDIT: Meh seems I had it ticked on but needed a restart.

Playthroughs / Re: Jstank's Final Mod Pack Lets Play
« on: March 28, 2015, 01:59:24 am »
Np, whatever fits. Ill send you some logs tomorrow.

Playthroughs / Re: Jstank's Final Mod Pack Lets Play
« on: March 28, 2015, 01:38:31 am »
Just watched the first episode. Off to a good start it seems :)

P.S 1. I made it to the first team yayyyyyy(?)

P.S 2. Those hazmat suits m8 :D

BTW I can type another missive like the first I sent you but I was wondering: Do you find any use on them or not? If not I can skip them.

Playthroughs / Re: Oh Shit Moments - Why i love XCom :>
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:57:08 pm »
How do you guys get pictures of the entire combat area? I had a landing side on a raider class ufo and the landing craft was surrounded by 5 sectopods.

Playthroughs / Re: Final Mod Pack Lets Play
« on: March 15, 2015, 05:15:16 pm »
PM sent. Hope people enjoy.

Open Feedback / Re: STUN/RECOVER
« on: March 14, 2015, 05:33:12 pm »
it was a minor issue with zombie respawns, fixed now.

Are you sure about it? Because I run yesterday 2 times into an occassion that I stunned floaters in ufo missions and they died from the stun rod (I hadnt hit them prior).


Playthroughs / Re: Final Mod Pack Lets Play
« on: March 14, 2015, 05:25:28 pm »
We should (if Jstank allows when he starts the game), a couple of line with our 'characters' thoughts and stuff. It would make the AAR a little bit more amusing. Or send them to him and he might post what he considers good.

But then again we are sooo many...

No, since other facilities need them, they need to be built first, so they would sit right in the middle of your defense hallway.
Depends on the power requirements and what you will build first. And all things considered there is nothing to stop you from demolising them afterwards and relocate them. Which adds more hassle rather any usefull gimicks to the game and looks (and is) extremely artificial. Then as said you have to balance it with reducing maintenance costs across everything else, which is more tedious than it sounds.

Simply put you are adding a logistical sink to the game, which by default after the 3rd-4th month will become redundant (unless RNG screws you that much).

The same thing happened in UFO AI.

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