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Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: April 08, 2015, 07:28:21 pm »
Hey Solarius, took me a while to reply.

Thanks for taking my suggestions as that, I have seen a lot of people getting offended when someone offers opinions on their work, and take it as rude, glad you are not one of them.

Also, on one of my points it seems I was completely wrong (the  one about armors). It seems it was lucky shots that got absorbed from the armor. In later missions I got predictably slaughtered (as it should be). Also in regards to my question about the Hybrid totting rifles that something might be wrong, i was mistaken too. I never saw they had sniper rifles.I just saw the shot and automatically thought its a standard rifle.
Sorry if those caused a hassle.

Oh and another thing: In regards to the shotgun scatter on the alloy munitions: I dont 'want' to make them single shot as opposed to scatter. I just thought a shotgun been a shotgun would have scatter shots regardless of the ammunition matterials. Or so I think. If you believe the way its handled now is better then do it that way :) I just find it odd.

Keep up the good work buddy.

Suggestions / Re: Smarter Civilian AI?
« on: April 08, 2015, 07:16:45 pm »
Why is it I am seeing a few creative ideas again been treated as heresy I would never understand.

Anyways. The civilian AI in the game is purely stupid. There is no (apparent and what one can see from the game itself, I have no idea of the code) logic in the civilian movements. At times you will see them running towards your men and relative safety and at another you will see them moving right next to aliens or worse still crysalids to be slaughtered. Their movements seem tottaly random and I cant believe that this simulates panic.

I can understand that a person who was just enjoying his dayly routine simply cannot find the mental capacity to understand what the hell is going on, who are these monesters, why the city is on fire and who the hell are those guys totting strange guns, and make sound decisions on the spot. But there must be 1 in 10 civilians who can at least understand that the human blasting at the monsters is at least a human and it MIGHT be a good choice to run to him (forget about lines of fire and things like that).

I agree with Solarius that there are a lot of things wich were made haphazzardly and without real consideration or for whatever other reason, but soddy work should be fixed weather intentional or not.

Should it be in the OpenX-com? Well, since the stated purpose is to recreate the original let them beeing dumb. Should it be done mod wise? Definetly.

Suggestions / Re: globe fog of war and battlescape fog of war?
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:12:27 pm »
Its not bad idea, but it is reduntant. It is already there in both scapes. Just it isnt visualised. Radar coverage , and soldier sight range are the fog of war.

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play PirateZ! (0.9) (Piratey Names accepted)
« on: April 01, 2015, 11:35:09 pm »
If you have space: Gankplank

Suggestions / Re: Base Defense Mechanics
« on: April 01, 2015, 11:27:40 pm »
^That would be really cool but instead I would value it more if the base detection was based on a % chance that would equal the tottal damage deployed (not hit but activated) against the craft. That is a missile silo would be 5%, 4 silos would be 20%. But now that I think of this, its not perfect either cause, activating 10 missile defenses would equal the detection chance of activating a fusion defense (numbers are random dont take this into account) hm.... I need to think this a bit better.

Also it would make sense not to have the base chance at automatic detection or % detection. But if you use base defenses the game would launch (in a reasonable amount of time lets say 2-5 days?) the scouting part of a retaliation mission in the immediate area. If the UFOs are downed they would dispatch another wave with stronger escorts. And if that fails it should be a battleship squadron. OFC if that fails too then the flag would go down. The area is clearly off limits and the terrans have too strong a defence there. Back to the same old tactics.

Dont ask me though how all these can be made...I just brain storm in 5 minutes here.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: April 01, 2015, 10:17:26 pm »

2)using the skins from TFTD
These are from the mods that FMP aggregates.  If you'd like to contribute new sprites/graphics to those mods, I'm sure they'd take them.

I am not critising them in the spirit they are good/bad. I just said that they look a bit out of place. That said trust me that if I knew how to do such things or if I was good at it (you have a greater propability teaching my fish to do it than me :D )I would be up to the task. I do not say that someone should change them either, just that for me and me alone is a bit of a turn down in a rather excelent work.

5)Armors too strong
Maybe.. On the other hand, they *are* expensive.  This just comes down to balance.  Is the mortality rate really too low?  I could go either way on this one

I dont think they are expensive. Nor that they should be. And I cant really tell about the mortality rate because I dont keep statistics but in vanilla the general idea is: a few plasma shots and you are down with alloy armor. Yes it can and will protect you but its not something to depend on. In this mod somehow alloy armor gave me an unconsious sense of "Its ok I can take this risk, armor will save me" whereas in the normal it was a nail bitting experience. It is my belief that both the alloy vest and armor could do with a slight % reduction on plasma and laser protection respectively. And that issue with the Hybrid rifles might be a thing to look into.

6) alloy ammo transforms the shotgun into a rifle
I've actually wondered the same thing.  Of course I took advantage of it -- using AP ammo essentially gives you a very accurate rifle -- but I fear this may be unintentional/OP, though of course the proper place to discuss that would be in the source mod thread, not FMP

Yeah I just posted this on the spirit that it may need some look into it, since it sounds unintentional. I wouldnt call it OP because if it could make scatter damage with multipliers it could be even more potent. However as is now, its risky albeit serious answer to terror missions with cyberdisks. Since multiple shots from them and sniper rifles could down them in a time frame where you cant. Its risky its grind but it can be done. However using a shotgun I expected it to be scatter damage. It was a WTF momment when I saw the missile :D

11) researching an alien weapon making the ammo automatically available to research
I can see both sides of this.  In previous discussions, it was brought up that whereas the weapon does not need power miniaturization, the clips do (logically).  However, this does deviate from the normal "research flow" established by vanilla items.  I'd be in favor of either dropping the power mini requirement for clips or making power mini also a requirement for weapons.  Disjointing the weapon from the clip I think is too confusing.

If all it takes is to combine both research topics to make them available at the same time then so be it. Just having the one and unable to research the other is comfusing and dare I say silly?

12)Research randomness
This is actually my favorite part of the mod (though I would love to see the ideas in the vanilla rebalance mod integrated).  Randomness fosters replayability, and forces you to perhaps try new tactics.  I like this aspect.

This is a matter of perspective (and I respect yours) however one should remember that this is a double sided coin. Whereas you see replayability and force to adapt, I see an inability to lay out my strategy and plan in a strategy game (and X-Com is a strategy game) and forcing me to deal with random problems that have nothing to do with my capabilities. Sure the game has quite a number of random factors, however its beuty (to me at least) was that despite its randomness once you learned how things worked out, you could lay down your plans and progress accordingly to your needs. This is the bet that X-com had won vs the random element and this is the bet a lot of games who have it fail. I dont say that the mod doesnt do its job well. I say that (according to my perception) it can mitigate the randomness factor a little bit, allowing it to do its job (make the game enjoyable) a lot better.[/quote]

13)New manufacturing notification for disassembly jobs
That would be nice -- which mod do these come from?

No idea. I posted this here because I thought this is the place to do so and because I know Solarious is working all around the mod and its add ons. If there is another are to post by all means link it to me.

EDIT: BTW can someone tell me what I need to do to get the good ol' medkits back? (that is research them) :D

Suggestions / Re: Flanking gameplay mechanic
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:45:16 pm »
Totally unnecessary in X-Com, as others have pointed out there is rear/side armor and the fact that they can't see/shoot you.  Flanking worked the way it did in Mass EffeXcom because the combat was very simplistic and lined the opposing sides up like football teams.  Without their flanking system, it would be pretty blatant how 2d the combat really was.

Ah mass effect...What a great game it would have been IF they would put some more work hours into it...Reminds me of Apocalypse in so many ways.

In the new one, there is no Alien Morale. This is a shame as they don't panic berserk or anything. Stupid really  :'(

Been several months since I last played but I think they do get panicked.

Troubleshooting / Re: Some custom music tracks not playing
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:29:57 pm »
Now you do understand OP that I am going to ask you how you did the swapping in the music files so I can do the same yes?

Now, now, one hurdle at a time.
We already solved most of the hassle that comes with having to build it seperately. We can talk about comman centers later. (They should probably be part of a radar system.)

Maybe I was not clear. What I want to say is that to me at least (and I cant stress that enough) both the Power generation and the command center are not something that are needed in a base because the game as is doesnt actually support them without hard swings. They would just be unessessary hassles. And I threw the command center as another proposed unessessary add on.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:58:38 pm »
Copy/pasting this here because I posted it in the wrong thread.


This constitutes my opinions and in no way it should be seen as looking down on the mod or rage or whatever. I compiled this with the hope it might give you some insights and make the mod better nothing more nothing less, so lets do this:

1) Issue the TFTD maps. While those are awesome and I like the design overall, I found certain of them to be huge and overtly complex. I had a terror mission in a resort and I felt I was replaying the old Cruise liner missions from TFTD trying to find every freaking alien in every freaking corner. And eventually I found a cyberdisc stuck in a room which had a single door (but thats another matter which is related to the originals unit placement). In other words those maps are beutifull and well designed but they are a strain to the player. Not because he will be unable to finish them or they are hard but because they suffer from hunt the alien syndrome.
I know that probably this is just me and that there is nothing to be done about it really, but I thought I will say it.
2)On the same course I liked every new alien race in the mod so far, but again I was a bit thrown down when I saw the new alien races (and the gauss weapons) using the skins from TFTD. Again I know its not wrong but it throws me a bit off. Especially the gauss tech which is a tech developed in the second war. Would it be possible to rename Gauss into something else? Again I know this something that it is only me, but I have a knack for lore.
3)In one of my starts I litteraly received as a first mission the base defense. I had 1 UFO detected and shotdown and then by Jan 5 I was attacked. Surely one UFO shot down is not enough to warrant an alien retaliation mission right?
4)Laser-Plasma-Gauss-Rails. This needs to be adressed a bit I fear. There is litteraly no reason why you should try to research Lasers anymore. With the time you can spent on having all the nessesary components to fully unlock the laser reasearch, you are better off beelining to go directly to Gauss which is actually more effective and if you are Auto happy then jump directly to Rails and be done with it. Lazers require some tweeking. Either make them easier to research or a slight damage boost to make them a clear alternative to Gauss, because honestly the Auto shot tradeoff simply doesnt cut it.
5)Armors. So far I am using alloy armors I havent progressed further. However I feel that even the not so humble alloy vest is too strong for what it provides. It makes you almost immune to lazers (which is ok I guess after all its alloy) but the weird things start with plasma. Unless its a really lucky shot the notsohumble alloy vest might resist a full autoshot from a plasma rifle and ever since I upgraded to ally armor this got even worse. I am not a sadist, but I dread to think what powersuits will do :D
6) Shotguns. IDK why the alloy ammo transforms the shotgun into a rifle but I wants me an alloy scatter round pl0x. Or I would settle with a high powered shotgun variant with scatter shot. I luv me shotguns on everything below 50ish accuracy.
7)Speaking of armors and their too stronkiness (yes thats a new word), I found it amusing that said alloy armor could resist and srug off a full auto from plasma rifle but a Hybrd Ak-47 was able to penetrate the armor like it was paper. Three times.
Russians and their engineering?
8)The Sentinel requires a small edit in its description to say it is powered up by Elerium IMHO its not clear.
9)Its too easy to get Psilabs although the entertainment requirement might not be so obvious, to someone who knows it might allow for psionics from month 2 which might lead to full hard on psi squads that would make the etherials cry like babies in the end game.
10)Speaking of which going into your second mission and getting attacked by psionics is a bit....I wet my pants ok? I thought somehow they were etherials because I had no eye contact. Might want to dissable the sectoid leader psi powers for a couple of months and combine it with a psilab research path overhaul to delay psi in general.
11) You might want to reconsider the fact that when you have researched an alien weapon, the ammo must became automatically available to research. After all those things are clips, even if you dont know how to build more, you can simply slide them in and fire yes? And since the damn alien gave you the specifics for the entire function of the weapon why wouldnt he tell you of the clip?
12)Research randomness. Now this is the big question of the mod. Why should it be random and why I have litteraly to captuare the alien invasions entire command stracture to get access to their tech? What are the egg heads in my labs doing then? Engineers will provide only so many research options the rest you need leaders+ for. And while I always felt the original had bonked it in that specific department that their only thing to give was the martial solution and the cydonia mission, this mod is a bit to leader happy. You need to capture them all and the results you get are random and you get things that might lead you nowhere at your current state. I still cant understand what optronics are supposed to do, but I believe that they have to do with craft desings. Or I hope so....
So what I propose is this: Limit the need for engineers and Leaders. I dont think you should need more than 6 (total) and the tech tree should be made a bit more linear and less random. Leader/engineer 01 gives you access to tech x, then 02 gives access to tech Y and all of them branch out on specific fields.
I think that would be a good way to make things less random and allow you to reach specific avenues (for example I might be a nut and not care for my soldiers but want to speed up avionics).
13)We need a message after specific research is completed in regards to husks/corpses and their dissasembly from the Engineers and their uses thereoff.
14) The X-com Cyberdisk without having research plasma and lasers can be made available. I understand that rewiring the weapons of the cyberdisk can be possible, but then we are running on the oximoron of been unable to fire a laser rifle because the egg head didnt write a manual on it and how to load the clips on it :D
15)The skymarshall sometimes (due to extended size I guess) gets its ramp access completely blocked in the densly terrain new maps which only allows deployment by the rear exits. I would also like to say that I find the boxes deployed in front of the ramp to be completely out of place as well as the fact it is on storie one and the weels are hanging from the wings :D. I dont believe that those are the answers to provide cover durring deployment, or to be precice that eart tech craft should provide such things. Or at least do it a bit more believable?
16)And something that occured to me: I have researched the toxisuit but I was wondering: Does the powersuit allow you to use flamers? One would expect from a completely sealed off containment unit to do so.

Thats it for now. Again those my thoughts on the subject and are not to be taken as mandatory things to be changed. Just what I believe I would tweek if I had the skill to mod the game. Awaiting your reply with interest. Again GJ and as myk002  said, from henceforth I cant play the original without this mod.

Tools / Re: Visualize Research Tree
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:42:52 pm »
And I posted this on the wrong thread......Editing and moving.

Tools / Re: Visualize Research Tree
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:56:54 pm »
So as I make a compilation to lead into a huge post of my opinions on things that you want to tweek (maybe) I found an interesting bug with the Skymarshall.

Apparently there is openning/window its left side allowing the aliens vision inside and subsequently allows them to fire inside the craft at your troops. This happened me twice, you might want to check this :)

Suggestions / Re: Base Defense Mechanics
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:23:39 am »
It's just the way that the defense section of the game is implemented.  Build a bunch of the best research-able defenses to get any benefit.  Build any of the earlier defenses, or not enough higher defenses and you get nothing.

On a slightly different angle from different UFOs attacking bases option, what if early base attacks were conducted by small and very fast UFOs?  Early attacks could be one or two and carry a small party.  As the game progresses they progress into larger groups of larger UFOs.  Having the invading party split into multiple UFOs would also implement a way for defenses to reduce incoming assault parties.  Say 3 UFOs attack, each carrying 6 aliens and you shoot down one.  12 aliens land.  This way, early defenses like missiles could actually make a difference.   

This could be balanced by the higher defenses having higher build and maintenance costs.  Frugal players who don't mind occassional defense missions could choose to have a laser defense that costs far less than a fusion defense and lightens the attacks, which could save him the money he may lose in casualties from a full attack.  Players who do not want base assaults could pay up for full fusion defenses.  Players in the beginning of the game could build a missile defense and actually feel rewarded for his actions if a small UFO attacks early.  I think it could open up the base defense side of the game quite a bit, as well as base logistics.

This should obviously be an optional mod, but I do think it would be a fantastic one.  If the variables necessary to make it happen were available to edit, I would gladly make it.  Namely which UFOs do which missions.

I can understand that, but to be honest and assuming things are at least decent I cant see any ufos detecting the base with standing mechanics early on. Making things such as plasma defenses still top tierish (assuming you beeline plasma research). Which is a minor and not that all effective change IMHO.

Suggestions / Re: In-game manufacturing profitability view
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:20:47 am »
You may think as you want. You also may pervert OpenXcom as you like, by forking and changing it the way your imagination wants.

Well now, I have been in forums for enough ages to recognise a lost cause of a civil and open minded discussion when I see things like the ones in the Italics. Believe what you will then but take note of one thing: This is not a crusade.

Released Mods / Re: [COMPILATION][RESEARCH] FMP Core/Tech Tree part
« on: March 31, 2015, 11:52:37 pm »
Is there any decent way to get at least normal Laser Weapons in the FMP?

Because i am stuck at alloy ammo and fighting Mutons.
I will edit the Ruleset so i have normal Laser Weapons.

All well balanced my ass.

There are...certain oddities for sure in there but so far IMHO it is balanced. For one you should not gun for lazers IMHO (Again IDK for sure first time I am trying this) but try to get some engineers to research Gauss tech. Its a stronger in all accounts than lazers but they lack autoshot (small loss again IMHO).

I have certain pecurialities and remarks Solarius on certain shall we say quality of life tweeks, but I am not sure on some of them, Ill need a day or two to be more certain however its gonna be a wall of a post.

That said this mod makes the game waaaaaaay better and more realistic than the original GJ to all people making this.

I have a question though: Is there a research tree somewhere available?

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