OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => Topic started by: Solarius Scorch on April 22, 2014, 05:29:43 pm

Title: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.9
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 22, 2014, 05:29:43 pm
Gauss Mod 1.9

This mod adds a new line of items: gauss weapons, or "railguns", to be researched, manufactured and used by the X-Com.

An up-to-date version in the attachment.

Gauss weapons are meant to be an alternative to starting tech for laser weapons, with a different profile but roughly comparable and also available from the start. The main reasoning behind this decision is that both real life hand-held lasers and hand-held railguns suffer from the same problem: it is impossible to build a power supply compact enough to make the weapon practical. If we assume that this problem was overcome for the lasers (probably thanks to early research on alien tech), then we can make gauss weapons too.

The mod adds the following items:
1. Gauss Pistol. A powerful, weighted side arm.
2. Gauss Rifle. A hypervelocity kinetic weapon, very effective against lightly armoured, big targets.
3. Gauss Sniper Rifle. An natural development of the Gauss Rifle, sacrificing mobility for greater accuracy and even more damage.
4. Heavy Gauss. Makes big holes, easily comparable to plasma weapons (at least when pitted against enemies with low resistance to Armour Piercing), but much more unwieldy.
5. Gauss Tank. A standard tank with a sligthtly modified Heavy Gauss.
6. Gauss Hovertank. as above, but mounted on a hovertank chassis. Has far greater mobility and thicker armour, but at a cost of less efficient snap shots (stability issues). Both require gauss ammo rounds to be used.
7. Gauss Cannon. This craft weapon has shorter effective range than the Laser Cannon, but it packs more power per shot (the rpm value is similar for both weapons).
8. Railgun versions for all the above.
It also adds relevant research projects, manufacture orders and ufopedia entries.

Most of you are probably wondering about the TFTD gauss weapons. They are irrelevant: these gauss guns have different stats and a different role. They are more powerful and more accurate than lasers, but they lack autofire and their damage type is Armour Piercing, which most aliens are more resistant to than to lasers. They require ammo clips, but the clips are generally large (since gauss bullets are fairly small). (TFTD gauss guns didn't seem to have anything to do with gauss weaponry whatsoever, but that's beside the point.)

In the future, I will also squash all the bugs that inevitably will appear, since I didn't test this as thoroughly as I should have. :P
And if non-standard grenade damage is enabled in OpenXCom, I would like to add gauss "explosives" with area damage (grenades and rockets), with Armour Piercing damage type.

With version 1.4, old weapon sprites (stolen from TFTD, with slight improvement by myself) were pushed out in favour of new sprites by GrandSirThebus, who was kind enough to donate his superior pictures for this mod. Here's the gallery of some of his works used in this mod:


1.8b: Fixed the bug with some railguns not requiring Elerium to produce.
1.7: Adds a second tier of Gauss weaponry: the railguns, using GrandSirThebus' sprites and Kuisti's sounds. Normal Gauss weapons use TFTD sprites again. Fixed a bug with ammo sell costs. New bullet sprite for Gauss weapons.
1.6b: Fixed missing strings.
1.6: Fixed palette on clip bigobs. Moved sprites to sprite sheets (courtesy of Arthanor).
1.5: Fixed tank ammo category. Added missing French translations (credits: Ascadix). Added weapon entry to the tanks. Some cleaning of unnecessary data.
1.4: Completely new, absolutely stunning sprites and sounds for the hand weapons! Credits: GrandSirThebus.
1.3: Added Spanish translation (credits: Nightwolf).
1.2: Added Russian translation (credits: phobos2077).
1.1: Added French (credits: Aldorn) and Polish translations. Added new sounds (credits: Human Ktulu).
1.0: Added unique Gauss Tank and Gauss Hovertank turrets.
0.6: Fixed typos in this readme. :P
0.5: Added Gauss Pistol, Gauss Rifle, Gauss Sniper Rifle, Heavy Gauss, Gauss Tank, Gauss Hovertank and Gauss Cannon.

"X-Com: Terror from the Deep": craft weapon sprites (slightly altered by Solarius Scorch)
GrandSirThebus: weapon sprites and sounds
Solarius Scorch: ruleset, Gauss Sniper Rifle and Heavy Gauss Clip sprites, icons for the Gauss Cannon (by playing around with TFTD sprites)
Plus, see the changelog for our brave translators!

Special thanks go to:
- Dioxine, for his advice on 2D graphics.
- Tyran_nick, for inspiration (this was at first supposed to be just a sprite update of his Railgun mod, before it went a different path).
- GrandSirThebus, for choosing this mod for upgrade with new awesome graphics.
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: LouisdeFuines on April 22, 2014, 08:51:45 pm
Your description seems very promising :-)

As in TFTD, the Heavy Gauss looks like an overdeveloped hair-dryer :-P
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: Human Ktulu on April 22, 2014, 09:22:01 pm
Cool  8)

For translation string I see "en-US" (ok) but "en-EN" it's possible ?!
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 22, 2014, 09:27:56 pm
Cool  8)

For translation string I see "en-US" (ok) but "en-EN" it's possible ?!

Oh yes, I'll add it in the next version.
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: LouisdeFuines on April 22, 2014, 09:59:50 pm
If it isn`t too much work and you want it, I could help you with the german translation (on occasion).
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 22, 2014, 10:05:52 pm
If it isn`t too much work and you want it, I could help you with the german translation (on occasion).

Of course, I'd appreciate it :)
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: redv on April 22, 2014, 10:09:16 pm
In TFTD the Coelacanth/Gauss uses Craft Gauss Cannon rounds, which must be manufactured and are shared with any Gauss Cannons in use at the base. (

Is it implemented?
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 22, 2014, 10:46:39 pm
For translation string I see "en-US" (ok) but "en-EN" it's possible ?!

I just checked and... the British English is there already. (Not sure if it's correct, but it's there.) Unless it doesn't work or something...?

In TFTD the Coelacanth/Gauss uses Craft Gauss Cannon rounds, which must be manufactured and are shared with any Gauss Cannons in use at the base. (

Is it implemented?

They use different ammunition. Consider this: the Gauss Tank's cannon deals 95 damage, and the craft gauss cannon deals 100 damage in ship-to-ship combat; however, these scales must be very different, since the first wouldn't even scratch the UFO, while the second shoots them down good. So it can't be the same ammo.
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: civilian on April 24, 2014, 12:12:09 pm
I made something similar for me myself, now i wish I hadn't wasted my time on this, because your mod is much more complete...  :-D

Good work!
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: B1ackwolf on April 24, 2014, 01:38:02 pm
i can help you with the spanish translation if you want...i also had the TFTD on i can put the "oficial"-ish translation :v
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 24, 2014, 06:45:00 pm
i can help you with the spanish translation if you want...i also had the TFTD on i can put the "oficial"-ish translation :v

Sure, translations are always appreciated.

My only worry is that AFAIK there's an issue with more than one non-English language version in the same .rul file... I need to check this.
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: LouisdeFuines on April 24, 2014, 10:27:45 pm
Yeah, do that.

In the weekend I will have done the translation work.

And surely blackwolf will have done his work soon too.

Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 29, 2014, 07:47:32 pm
A new version is posted! It features completely new tank turrets! Get it today!
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 0.5
Post by: civilian on April 30, 2014, 12:32:56 pm
Nice! *downloads* 

When making my Heat-Ray mod i initially thought about making it similar in scope to your mod (with added tank and craft weapons) but then I realized that it would be TOO similar and went a different path.

Oh and now I see where you learned the "hairdryer" comparison  ;D
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Argo on April 30, 2014, 05:45:44 pm
Nice mod, thank you :)

I have found a problem into the main campain, I have an engine crash when the "gauss cannon" reseach is complete.  I have no problems with the pistol, rifle, heavy and sniper research.

PS im playing with "openxcom_git_master_2014_04_30_0545"
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 30, 2014, 06:26:23 pm
Nice mod, thank you :)

I have found a problem into the main campain, I have an engine crash when the "gauss cannon" reseach is complete.  I have no problems with the pistol, rifle, heavy and sniper research.

PS im playing with "openxcom_git_master_2014_04_30_0545"


OK, I'll test it later tonight. Are you using any other mods?
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Argo on April 30, 2014, 09:35:57 pm
Yes , i have some mods, but i have disabled all for now :P (only exception for gauss mod) and i still have the game crash after the "gauss cannon" research is complete.
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 01, 2014, 06:00:14 am
Yeah, I found the bug; sorry about that. Uploading a fixed version straight away.
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Argo on May 02, 2014, 11:48:36 am
Thx for your fast fix, now all works well.  :)
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: civilian on May 02, 2014, 03:41:35 pm
Solarius Scorch, try the freeware program BFXR, maybe it helps you with making new sound-fx  :)
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 02, 2014, 06:24:10 pm
Solarius Scorch, try the freeware program BFXR, maybe it helps you with making new sound-fx  :)

Thanks for the tip, I'll remember it... Though normally I just steal sounds from other games and such. :)
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Aldorn on May 10, 2014, 02:42:54 pm
French Translation (from 1.0.1)

Code: [Select]
  - type: fr
      STR_GAUSS_CANNON: Canon Gauss
      STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS: Blindé Anti-G Gauss
      STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: "Cet 'aérochar' est équipé d'un Canon Gauss léger en mesure de percer instantanément la plupart des armures."
      STR_GAUSS_CANNON_ROUNDS_X60: Munitions de Canon Gauss (x60)
      STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS: Armes Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL: Pistolet Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "Le Pistolet Gauss est une arme de poing efficace, tirant de petits projectiles ferriques propulsés par un champ électromagnétique très puissant.  La vitesse extrême de ses projectiles engendre des dommages de haute intensité, et le rend capable de percer aisément l'armure de n'importe quel véhicule blindé, tout en conservant une précision diabolique."
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP: Chargeur de Pistolet Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE: Fusil Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "A l'instar du Pistolet Gauss, le Fusil Gauss allie précision et puissance.  De plus, la petite taille des munitions permet de proposer des chargeurs très fournis.  Malheureusement, cette technologie se heurte à des limites thermiques inhérentes, rendant impossible le développement d'un mode de tir automatique."
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP: Chargeur de Fusil Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE: Fusil de Précision Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "Le Fusil de Précision Gauss résulte de l'exploitation exclusive des points forts de la technologie.  Plus puissant et plus précis, ce fusil longue portée, en de bonnes mains, devient dévastateur sur le champ de bataille."
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Chargeur de Fusil de Précision Gauss
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS: Canon Lourd Gauss
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: "Bien que moins précis que les armes de catégorie inférieure, son potentiel destructeur le définit comme l'arme antichar par excellence.  Un nouveau succès technologique au service de nos troupes qui sera apprécié à sa juste valeur sur le champ de bataille, dans cette guerre toujours plus intense que nous devons livrer face à la menace extraterrestre."
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_CLIP: Chargeur Canon Lourd Gauss
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Human Ktulu on May 10, 2014, 03:11:02 pm
And here new sfx for gauss weapons.
Title: Re: Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 10, 2014, 11:05:59 pm
And here new sfx for gauss weapons.

You're both extremely helpful. The community shall thank you :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Aldorn on May 21, 2014, 10:21:06 am
1) Trying to merge your material (1.0.1) with other mods, I have a new question about referencing sprite and co...

Having a look at your ruleset file, if I check Big Sprites
Code: [Select]
  - type: BIGOBS.PCK
      60: Resources/GaussWeaponry/GaussSniper.gif

60 is effectively used as bigSprite reference for Gauss Sniper Rifle
Code: [Select]
    size: 0.2
    costSell: 37000
    weight: 13
    bigSprite: 60


But regarding BaseBits and IntIcon, 59 and 16 below are not pointed anywhere else in your ruleset file
Code: [Select]
  - type: BASEBITS.PCK
      59: Resources/GaussWeaponry/Basebits/gausscraft.gif
  - type: INTICON.PCK
      16: Resources/GaussWeaponry/Inticon/gausscraft.gif

How is it ?

2) Gauss effects

Referring to fire or laser resistances specific to some of the aliens,  did you have some reflection about specific Gauss effects against ennemy ?

Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 21, 2014, 10:48:03 pm

Regarding the sprites: I am not completely sure, I as copied solutions from other mods, but my guess is that BASEBITS.PCK and INTICON.PCK are divided into subsections, just like for example tank turrets (of which each number has 8 separate files), and that these numbers correspond to the numbers under the STR_GAUSS_CANNON_UC. Perhaps more info can be found here ( and here (

Regarding the damage types: Gauss weapons shoot solid bullets (which are mostly liquid by the time they reach their target, but whatever), so it's not too much of a stretch. And new types of damage can't be defined yet anyway.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Dioxine on May 23, 2014, 03:58:46 am
This corresponds with the "sprite" entry from the GAUSS_CANNON_UC. Sprite 11, but counting from 49-th entry in the ; as "weapon sprite 0" is 49th entry, omitting all the non-weapon entries. So, 48+11 is 59. Similar situation with , only the offset is different (+5 this time).
Care is needed as various assets (weapons, ships, facilities) adress the same spritesheet using various indexes.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Aldorn on May 23, 2014, 10:16:44 am
This corresponds with the "sprite" entry from the GAUSS_CANNON_UC. Sprite 11, but counting from 49-th entry in the ; as "weapon sprite 0" is 49th entry, omitting all the non-weapon entries. So, 48+11 is 59. Similar situation with , only the offset is different (+5 this time).
Care is needed as various assets (weapons, ships, facilities) adress the same spritesheet using various indexes.

Ok this time it is clear : they are effectively pointed out, but with an offset !

"- sprite: 11" is converted (by algorythm reading ruleset file) to :
   59 as BaseBit (because of offset of 48 => 11+48 = 59)
   16 as IntIcon (because of offset of 5 => 11+5 = 16)

(Regarding bigSprite, floorSprite and handSprite, there is just no offset)

Thank you for explanation

In other words :
- regarding BaseBit and IntIcon sprite numbers, it is like a function : y = x + b (b is offset resp. of 48 and 5)
- regarding bigSprite, floorSprite and handSprite, it is like a function : y = x
- in some other cases, as bulletSprite, it is like a function : y = ax (cf. (
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: AzureSkye on June 14, 2014, 02:53:03 am
1) The models are a bit on the bright side. They look like they are brand new, never used RichBoy toys. Maybe dim them a bit? Add some yellow to that white tone?

2) What exactly is the difference with Lasers? You don't really specific in your description. I thought I remembered these having higher AP values?
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 14, 2014, 04:15:46 am

1) The models are a bit on the bright side. They look like they are brand new, never used RichBoy toys. Maybe dim them a bit? Add some yellow to that white tone?

I see your point. Well, the sprites are stolen directly from TFTD... OK, not exactly, I made them a little better. I'll try experimenting with this maybe, but what you're talking about is hard and difficult bitmap drawing, so I'll get to it when I have the time.

2) What exactly is the difference with Lasers? You don't really specific in your description. I thought I remembered these having higher AP values?

There's nothing like an "AP value" in the game. Gauss weapons simply use AP damage type, just like normal human rifles and pistols. Gausses are generally stronger than lasers in terms of damage values, but AP damage type is usually not as good as laser damage type, because aliens tend to be more resistant to it. (Also Gauss weapons don't have auto fire mode, since it would melt their barrels.) I hope I made them roughly comparable.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.1
Post by: phobos2077 on June 17, 2014, 05:32:40 pm
Russian translation:

Code: [Select]
  - type: ru
      STR_GAUSS_CANNON: Пушка Гаусса
      STR_TANK_GAUSS: Танк/Гаусс
      STR_TANK_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Орудие этой автоматизированной боевой платформы было заменено на легкую, но мощную Пушку Гаусса. Она превосходит традиционные легкие пушки как по точности так и по энергии выстрела.
      STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS: Ховертанк/Гаусс
      STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Этот летающий танк оснащен легкой Пушкой Гаусса, которая может мгновенно пробить практически любую броню.
      STR_HWP_GAUSS_SHELLS: Гаусс патроны ТБП
      STR_GAUSS_CANNON_ROUNDS_X60: Снаряды к Пушке Гаусса (x60)
      STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS: Гаусс Оружие
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL: Пистолет Гаусса
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Этот мощный пистолет стреляет небольшими ферромагнетическими пулями, используя электромагнитное поле вместо химической взрывчатки. Высокая скорость позволяет пуле наносить существенный урон и с легкостью пробивать бронепластины машин, а также обеспечивает более высокую точность.
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP: Магазин к пистолету Гаусса
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE: Винтовка Гаусса
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: Винтовка Гаусса, удлиненная и модифицированная версия пистолета Гаусса, является очень точным и мощным ручным оружием. Благодаря малому размеру пуль, магазин вмещает больше патронов. Очевидный недостаток оружия - отсутствие режима автоматического огня из-за угрозы быстрого перегрева.
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP: Магазин к винтовке Гаусса
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE: Снайперская Винтовка Гаусса
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: Снайперская винтовка Гаусса это успешная попытка развития сильных сторон стандартной винтовки Гаусса. Она еще более мощная и точная и позволяет оперативникам X-COM уничтожать сильных противников всего с одного выстрела, тем самым убирая необходимость стрельбы очередями.
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Магазин к сн. винтовке Гаусса
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS: Тяжелый Гаусс
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Несмотря на то что тяжелый Гаусс менее точен чем его меньшие аналоги, разрушительный потенциал делает из него практически противотанковое оружие. Это успешная попытка адаптировать снаряжение наших бойцов под всевозрастающие сложности войны с пришельцами.
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_CLIP: Магазин к тяжелому Гауссу
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.1
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 17, 2014, 06:08:22 pm
Thanks for the translation, will update now. :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: AzureSkye on June 18, 2014, 04:10:50 am

I see your point. Well, the sprites are stolen directly from TFTD... OK, not exactly, I made them a little better. I'll try experimenting with this maybe, but what you're talking about is hard and difficult bitmap drawing, so I'll get to it when I have the time.

There's nothing like an "AP value" in the game. Gauss weapons simply use AP damage type, just like normal human rifles and pistols. Gausses are generally stronger than lasers in terms of damage values, but AP damage type is usually not as good as laser damage type, because aliens tend to be more resistant to it. (Also Gauss weapons don't have auto fire mode, since it would melt their barrels.) I hope I made them roughly comparable.

With the sprites, maybe just shifting the color palette in GIMP or Photoshop? I don't know shit about making art.

And for the damage, I wish we could do better damage modelling. I imagine Gauss and Laser rifles being roughly equivalent, with Gauss weapons having serious anti-armor properties (more damage to tanks/heavily armored things) and Lasers having some thermal properties (more damage to unarmored things). Oh well. I like the mod and think the weapons look super spiffy. Personally, I think Gauss weapons would probably come first before Lasers (Power supply issue vs PS and Blooming)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.0
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 18, 2014, 04:33:58 am
With the sprites, maybe just shifting the color palette in GIMP or Photoshop? I don't know shit about making art.

The main problem lies with the OpenXCom palette, which is pretty limited. I could make the weapons a shade darker, but I don't think it'll look as good.

And for the damage, I wish we could do better damage modelling. I imagine Gauss and Laser rifles being roughly equivalent, with Gauss weapons having serious anti-armor properties (more damage to tanks/heavily armored things) and Lasers having some thermal properties (more damage to unarmored things). Oh well. I like the mod and think the weapons look super spiffy. Personally, I think Gauss weapons would probably come first before Lasers (Power supply issue vs PS and Blooming)

I generally agree, but we have to work it into the already existing game. But I am open to any suggestions.

And thanks for the kind words!
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.1
Post by: Nightwolf on June 18, 2014, 03:43:10 pm

Spanish translation:

Code: [Select]
  - type: es
      STR_GAUSS_CANNON: Cañón de Gauss
      STR_TANK_GAUSS: Tanque/Gauss
      STR_TANK_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Este vehículo acorazado autónomo, tiene acomplado un potente cañón de gauss.  Su perfil de combate es superior a los tradicionales cañones ligeros, tanto en potencia como precisión.
      STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS: Hovertanque/Gauss
      STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Este tanque volador está armado con un cañón gauss ligero que podría atravesar cualquier armadura.
      STR_HWP_GAUSS_SHELLS: Cartuchos HWP Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_CANNON_ROUNDS_X60: Balas de Cañón de Gauss(x60)
      STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS: Armas de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL: Pistola de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: La pistola de gauss es un arma secundaria muy potente, disparando pequeñas balas ferromagnéticas, usando un campo electromagnético en vez de explosivos químicos.  Su alta velocidad implica un daño significativo, siendo capaz de penetrar el blindaje de los vehículos con facilidad, así como teniendo una gran precisión.
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP: Cargados de la Pistola de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE: Rifle de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: Una versión extendida y modificada de la pistola de gauss, el rifle de gauss es muy preciso y extremadamente potente.  El pequeño tamaño de las balas permite abundante munición en el cargador.  La única parte negativa del arma, es la falta de disparo automático, ya se recalentaría instantáneamente.
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP: Cargador del Rifle de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE: Rifle Francotirador de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: El rifle francotirador de gauss es un intento con éxito de maximizar los beneficios de esta tecnología.  Es aún más potente y más preciso, permitiendo a los operativos X-Com acabar con los enemigos más resistentes en tan solo un disparo, de esta forma hace innecesario el uso del disparo automático.
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Cargador del Rifle Francotirador de Gauss
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS: Gauss Pesado
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Aunque el gauss pesado es menos preciso que las versiones más pequeñas, su potencial detructivo lo convierte más en un arma anti-tanque que en otra cosa.  Ha sido un éxito adaptarlo a nuestras tropas al siempre cambiante escenario de la guerra contra los aliens.
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_CLIP: Cargador del Gauss Pesado
  - type: es-419
      STR_GAUSS_CANNON: Cañón de Gauss
      STR_TANK_GAUSS: Tanque/Gauss
      STR_TANK_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Este vehículo acorazado autónomo, tiene acomplado un potente cañón de gauss.  Su perfil de combate es superior a los tradicionales cañones ligeros, tanto en potencia como precisión.
      STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS: Hovertanque/Gauss
      STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Este tanque volador está armado con un cañón gauss ligero que podría atravesar cualquier armadura.
      STR_HWP_GAUSS_SHELLS: Cartuchos HWP Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_CANNON_ROUNDS_X60: Balas de Cañón de Gauss(x60)
      STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS: Armas de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL: Pistola de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: La pistola de gauss es un arma secundaria muy potente, disparando pequeñas balas ferromagnéticas, usando un campo electromagnético en vez de explosivos químicos.  Su alta velocidad implica un daño significativo, siendo capaz de penetrar el blindaje de los vehículos con facilidad, así como teniendo una gran precisión.
      STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP: Cargados de la Pistola de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE: Rifle de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: Una versión extendida y modificada de la pistola de gauss, el rifle de gauss es muy preciso y extremadamente potente.  El pequeño tamaño de las balas permite abundante munición en el cargador.  La única parte negativa del arma, es la falta de disparo automático, ya se recalentaría instantáneamente.
      STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP: Cargador del Rifle de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE: Rifle Francotirador de Gauss
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: El rifle francotirador de gauss es un intento con éxito de maximizar los beneficios de esta tecnología.  Es aún más potente y más preciso, permitiendo a los operativos X-Com acabar con los enemigos más resistentes en tan solo un disparo, de esta forma hace innecesario el uso del disparo automático.
      STR_GAUSS_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Cargador del Rifle Francotirador de Gauss
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS: Gauss Pesado
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: Aunque el gauss pesado es menos preciso que las versiones más pequeñas, su potencial detructivo lo convierte más en un arma anti-tanque que en otra cosa.  Ha sido un éxito adaptarlo a nuestras tropas al siempre cambiante escenario de la guerra contra los aliens.
      STR_HEAVY_GAUSS_CLIP: Cargador del Gauss Pesado  
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.1
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 18, 2014, 07:15:16 pm
Thanks for yet another translation Nightwolf, updating now!
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 20, 2014, 06:33:23 am
So, I wanted to see if I could make my own inventory sprites for the gauss weapons (namely the pistol) and I've been having a lot of trouble. I don't see how the sprite mod information on the wiki translates to gun mods. I've tried just changing the sprite, but that doesn't go over well. How in the world did you do this? For those who are curious, I'll provide a preview of the pistol design I had in mind (It's actually too big for the inventory grid)

By the way, I love this mod. I've forsaken plasma, lasers and almost everything in favor of only gauss weaponry!
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 20, 2014, 02:00:58 pm
Thank you for your kind words!

Your pistol looks so cool I'd actually use it on the spot myself, if there were matching rifles/heavy gauss available! As for the sprite replacement, let me try to cover the basics:
Firstly, start with a file that already works. This will ensure you have the right properties, especially the palette, but also image size, format and so on. It's best to use a similar weapon (if you're making a pistol, use a pistol).
Secondly, use a program that allows editing in fixed colour mode (so it doesn't change the palette) and which won't wreck the alpha channel. I'm using Photoshop.
Thirdly, since you probably won't be drawing from scratch, resize your file to be roughly the same size as pistol copy and then copy it to the end, formatted file. Try to match the position of the original weapon.
Fourthly, run the game and check position of the weapon.
This pretty much covers the bigob file, which is what you see in the inventory screen. Other files - floorob, handob - follow pretty much the same procedures. Good luck :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: niculinux on June 20, 2014, 08:39:29 pm
Thanks for the mos, solarius. Actually i dont really wanna be insatiable :d bur these are the same sprites of tftd? Please may we get, also in the far distant future or next update, a set of original yet unused sprites for ohter mods? Again, thank you for the very hard work!!!!!
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 20, 2014, 10:20:55 pm
Thanks for the mos, solarius. Actually i dont really wanna be insatiable :d bur these are the same sprites of tftd? Please may we get, also in the far distant future or next update, a set of original yet unused sprites for ohter mods? Again, thank you for the very hard work!!!!!

Well. What can I say... Possibly. If someone gets around to make them. :) I don't feel that confident in my skills, and since X-Com canon already has Gauss weapon design, I simply used it. Okay, it's not very pretty, but still.

And again, thanks for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 20, 2014, 11:06:09 pm
I'm very willing to make sprites at least for the inventory, these weapon design inspirations keep me up at night. As for making sprites for the battlescape... well that might be hard. I have no idea what I'm doing, I've been using Paint tool sai as my actual drawing program and Gimp as a file type converter, I don't actually have Photoshop but i can try to get myself a copy somehow.

I'm not sure how well I understood your instructions, but I'll see what i can do with the tools I have available. I was hoping there were tutorials on Youtube but that's not the case.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 21, 2014, 02:04:43 am
I don't think it's very difficult, once you have the right tool. And a nice picture of course. :)

Yeah, any Photoshop will do. I heard GIMP can preserve palettes too, but I also heard it only does so at a certain time of the year, during full eclipse, and if proper rites are completed - well, it's GIMP for you. I'm not sure which other program does that, but it's certainly not a common feature.

If you still have problems, you could always send me the graphics and ask nicely, and I can convert them for you... :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Falko on June 21, 2014, 03:24:01 am
i like aseprite while editing sprites in openxcom it works like a charm with palettes
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: yrizoud on June 21, 2014, 03:31:46 am
Yes there are many free programs better designed for 256-color editing : Grafx2, ASEprite, D-pixed, or even GraphicsGale (free version doesn't let you save in GIF, but you still have PNG).
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 21, 2014, 06:29:44 am
I really appreciate all this help. I'll see what I can do with this information.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 22, 2014, 12:54:35 am
Is there a way i could take something i've drawn in another program and just convert it to 256 colours? I find all these other programs tedious to use.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: yrizoud on June 22, 2014, 05:31:22 am
You're doing it backwards. If you don't paint with the XCOM palette from start, you'll have problems converting your images (unfaithful colors, wrong "transparent part", etc.)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 22, 2014, 07:10:46 am
I guess i'll have to just use one of the mentioned programs. Thanks again.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 22, 2014, 12:50:44 pm
You're doing it backwards. If you don't paint with the XCOM palette from start, you'll have problems converting your images (unfaithful colors, wrong "transparent part", etc.)

Well it's technically possible to:
- take a picture
- take an X-Com-compliant picture (say, from another, working mod), which already has the correct palette
- copy your bitmap and paste it into the old file
- remove any remains of the old picture
- adjust any pixels that went bad (usually green).

But yes, it is best to work with the right palette from the start. :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: yrizoud on June 22, 2014, 03:37:36 pm
- additional step : fix up the parts where transparency and black are fused into a single color (what you wanted black is transparent, or what you wanted transparent is black).
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 22, 2014, 04:00:22 pm
- additional step : fix up the parts where transparency and black are fused into a single color (what you wanted black is transparent, or what you wanted transparent is black).

It's never happened to me, I don't even know how it could happen, but I guess it depends on software one uses.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: yrizoud on June 22, 2014, 04:08:38 pm
Battlescape palette has both index 0 and 15 as black. If you paint in RGB model, you can't choose if your black pixels are part of the sprite or designed to act transparent.

There's also the issue of the last 15 (16?) colors which shouldn't be used for inventory images, because the Ufopedia screen needs to display those sprites and has different colors at those indices.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 22, 2014, 04:12:10 pm
Battlescape palette has both index 0 and 15 as black. If you paint in RGB model, you can't choose if your black pixels are part of the sprite or designed to act transparent.

To me, index 0 is just transparent - you know, with chequered white and grey pattern. At least in Photoshop, I don't know how other programs read that.

There's also the issue of the last 15 (16?) colors which shouldn't be used for inventory images, because the Ufopedia screen needs to display those sprites and has different colors at those indices.

True. That's why I change all last 16 colours to bright pink, to make sure they're not used anywhere. :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: yrizoud on June 22, 2014, 05:58:47 pm
Solarius, you don't get this problem because you paint in RGBA model (RGB + Alpha) - and you have to know the program well enough to avoid partial transparency (set all tools at 100% strength, etc)
Yes, pre-processing the palette can help - but it needs you to know the color-indexed well, and do it in a program which works in actual 256 colors.
This is why I said it was taking the problem backwards : you can only use RGB or RGBA programs if you first know well enough the 256-color mode to avoid problems.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 23, 2014, 09:17:03 pm
I have made a whole new sprite set for the weapons that soldiers use as well as some new sounds. I hope folks like them as i drew them from scratch
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Aldorn on June 23, 2014, 11:09:47 pm
I have made a whole new sprite set for the weapons that soldiers use as well as some new sounds. I hope folks like them as i drew them from scratch
And where is your stuff ?
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 23, 2014, 11:49:05 pm
I sent the files to Solarius Scorch. He can choose whether or not to add them into his mod.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 24, 2014, 10:50:39 am
I sent the files to Solarius Scorch. He can choose whether or not to add them into his mod.

I've just saw the sprites. I absolutely love them, and will happily add them to the mod! Thank you, man. thank you.

The only glitch I saw was the pistol when facing SW - it looks raised and could your a little bit of work.

I'll leave the old TFTD gauss weapons as an alternative folder.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Aldorn on June 24, 2014, 11:39:46 am
@GrandSir : could you perhaps attach some screen shots of stuff you sent to Solars, so we have an idea ?
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 24, 2014, 08:15:16 pm
I'm a bit busy today, but i'll try to make time for it
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 24, 2014, 08:56:25 pm
Here are images of the guns I made. I would appreciate it if they were previewed in the first post for easy reference.

Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 25, 2014, 12:44:19 am
Here are images of the guns I made. I would appreciate it if they were previewed in the first post for easy reference.

OK, I'll add them to the first post (with your credits) when the version that contains them is released.

I could do it now-ish, but I'd like to try and fix the SW pistol, and currently I don't have time for this. Tomorrow maybe... Unless you feel up to it? :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 25, 2014, 01:26:37 am
I put the SW pistol down a pixel. I thought that would Fix it. In my opinion it looked fine however
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 25, 2014, 01:32:52 am
I put the SW pistol down a pixel. I thought that would Fix it. In my opinion it looked fine however

Yes, it's definitely good now! I'm proceeding with the mod upgrade. It's now available for download.

EDIT: Do you think you could do the craft cannon too?
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: GrandSirThebus on June 25, 2014, 04:15:26 am
I'll need to make sure i have a cool design for it. I'll think on it.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: niculinux on July 07, 2014, 01:43:36 pm

If possible, for the next 1.5 verison I'd make them a bit more rounded (eg. around the edges) and less square so these may look a bit more original...otherwise..who cares!  ;D
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.3
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 07, 2014, 04:38:14 pm
If possible, for the next 1.5 verison I'd make them a bit more rounded (eg. around the edges) and less square so these may look a bit more original...otherwise..who cares!  ;D

Sure, I'll be looking forward to it! :)

Also, if you could think of that craft cannon... ;)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Aldorn on July 15, 2014, 07:09:16 pm
Please do not remove your previous work, I mean your first version of Gauss sprites

I like them, I use them, and I'm quite sure other will

It would be kind of you to include them in your new mod (under an "unused" folder as do some other modders ?)

Such nice stuff should not be forgotten
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 15, 2014, 08:52:16 pm
Worry not, they have their special little happy zipped folder. :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: GrandSirThebus on July 16, 2014, 11:56:33 pm
If possible, for the next 1.5 verison I'd make them a bit more rounded (eg. around the edges) and less square so these may look a bit more original...otherwise..who cares!  ;D

I may make other designs, but I'm currently working on other projects not related to OpenXcom. Shaving off a pixel or two may should be easy for someone else to do, I personally like the meaty square look. But that's just me.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 17, 2014, 04:42:55 am
I may make other designs, but I'm currently working on other projects not related to OpenXcom. Shaving off a pixel or two may should be easy for someone else to do, I personally like the meaty square look. But that's just me.

I like them too, but I'm always encouraging people to make graphics! :)

BTW Dioxine used the rifle model and changed it a little. I'll ask him to put it here.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Dioxine on July 17, 2014, 04:47:37 am
Yeah here are the models (I've remade the pistol, too). They might not fit the whole gauss idea, though - they look more lazor-like now. Handobs need some love too, but I didn't have the time for them yet.

Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: GrandSirThebus on July 17, 2014, 10:00:13 pm
Feel free to change them up as much as you like. I'm not too big a fan of the rifle sprite, but the pistol looks awesome.

To give more context to my designs, I was going for a more heavy look to them, as these weapons are rather weighted. Thus huge and square. This fact may help further interesting design changes.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: niculinux on July 17, 2014, 10:01:27 pm
No "offence" at anyoni, but i like more dioxine's sprites :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Mr. Quiet on July 19, 2014, 06:58:26 pm
Wonderful to see talented folks in here >)

I love the new sprites from Thebus as well. Dioxine's pistol looks better though. Just replace the spite .gif, right?

Thanks peoples
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 19, 2014, 07:50:26 pm
Wonderful to see talented folks in here >)

I love the new sprites from Thebus as well. Dioxine's pistol looks better though. Just replace the spite .gif, right?

Thanks peoples

Yes, if you want to just change a bigob to something else, just replace the file with another file of the same name (and properties, like size and palette).
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Ascadix on July 31, 2014, 01:21:37 am

Superb mod,  :D

While playing, i found some small problems:

(1) Some extrastring are missing,
my 2 cts for french:
Code: [Select]
      STR_TANK_GAUSS: Blindé Gauss
      STR_TANK_GAUSS_UFOPEDIA: La tourelle de ce char automatique a été remplacée par un canon gauss léger. Son potentiel de combat est supérieur aux canons légers traditionnels à la fois en précision et en puissance.
      STR_HWP_GAUSS_AMMO: Obus PAL Gauss (x60)

(2) there is an extrastring STR_HWP_GAUSS_SHELLS: that doesn't link to any item.

(3)  The Gauss HWPs ammo is not in the right manufacture category:
STR_HWP_GAUSS_AMMO , is in category: STR_AMMUNITION instead of category: STR_HWP_CANNON_SHELLS
so it doesn't show in the good manufacture sub-menu .

(4) In ufopaedia, the HWP are missing the weapon: entry

But ... these are really tiny thing at the bottom of this superb mod  :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 31, 2014, 01:25:25 am
Thanks for all the feedback, Ascadix, and for the nice words. I'll make sure to fix everything... when it's no so damn hot in my apartment. :D
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: redv on July 31, 2014, 09:56:15 am
(3)  The Gauss HWPs ammo is not in the right manufacture category:
STR_HWP_GAUSS_AMMO , is in category: STR_AMMUNITION instead of category: STR_HWP_CANNON_SHELLS
so it doesn't show in the good manufacture sub-menu .

The Coelacanth/Gauss uses Craft Gauss Cannon rounds, which must be manufactured and are shared with any Gauss Cannons in use at the base.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.4
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 31, 2014, 12:59:27 pm
New version posted. Thanks, Ascadix! :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.5
Post by: Ascadix on August 01, 2014, 12:24:35 am

Dissect a mod helps me to understand and advance in mine.

But ... I do not know if I have more trouble with the pixlart or rulesets  :P
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.5
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 01, 2014, 02:05:00 am
Dissect a mod helps me to understand and advance in mine.

But ... I do not know if I have more trouble with the pixlart or rulesets  :P

Heh, I know what you mean :P
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.5
Post by: Arthanor on August 11, 2014, 05:21:09 am

In the interest of Linux OpenXCom players, I have merged your sprite sheets for the weapons and tanks, and modified the ruleset accordingly. I also took the opportunity to move the Gauss weapons ahead of the laser ones so they don't clash with improved laser ones (like the elerium optical effect) and changed the aimed value of the sniper rifle to 75% of TUs instead 50 (which seemed really fast compared to all other sniper rifles I have seen).

It's all zipped together, with a diff file for the rules. Hope you like it!
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.5
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 11, 2014, 07:48:28 am
Thanks! I never got around to actually make the spritesheets, so now is a good moment. Much appreciated!

Will upload the new version to the portal later.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.5
Post by: Arthanor on August 11, 2014, 08:06:19 am
My pleasure! With Falko's tool, it's super quick to do and I need to any ways if I want to see what I'm facing, might as well share!

Cool mod btw! Great weapon to have alongside lasers. These projectiles go faster than light! (or lasers) ;)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.5
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 11, 2014, 07:00:13 pm
Thanks! And done!
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.5
Post by: XCOMFan419 on August 12, 2014, 12:55:32 am
While updating TDS's Gauss Mod companion (so the gauss mod is involved) I came across a little...bug?

The STR_HWP_GAUSS_SHELLS still have no string for en-US, en-GB (or en-EN as you put it, I believe this is outdated) but it appears in the fr translation.

I've noticed this since 1.4, and while I added a string for TDS, is this intentional? I mean, I don't see why, but the Gauss HWP ammo is still manufacturable and is used in both the Tank/Gauss and the Hovertank/Gauss.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 12, 2014, 01:25:38 am
No, they actually should be there... Somehow they got deleted. I'll add them back.

Edit: done, I hope.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: AzureSkye on August 19, 2014, 01:44:47 am
Any chance we will see a fully expanded armory mod to complement these?

There's already your alien armory mod, what about ballistics and lasers? :D
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Arthanor on August 19, 2014, 07:05:52 am
The most "all inclusive" experience is without doubt Solarius' Final Mod Pack.

Otherwise, I started working on the XCom Armoury Expanded ( after being inspired by his Alien Armoury. It does pretty much what you ask: Add new conventional and laser weapons, to go with the new plasma weapons he added. It is a compilation of mods to fill the need for more XCom weapons (and also lengthen the research tree a bit).

It is due for an overhaul, and will account for Gauss weapons once that happens, but until then, it is still at the very least compatible with both the Gauss and the Alien Armoury mods.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 19, 2014, 07:43:17 am
The Gauss mod is also compatible with the Alien Armoury Expanded, so they can be enabled together.

And if you really want to have absolutely everything in one package, use the Final Mod Pack! :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: XCOMFan419 on August 22, 2014, 03:51:31 am
What made you decide that the Gauss Weapons would not have an auto-shot feature like the Gauss rifles from TFTD, or even most of the weapon mods that are out there for OXC?
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Dioxine on August 22, 2014, 05:15:38 am
Must've been his unmatched cruelty.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 22, 2014, 08:05:43 am
What made you decide that the Gauss Weapons would not have an auto-shot feature like the Gauss rifles from TFTD, or even most of the weapon mods that are out there for OXC?

Gauss weaponry deals uses hypervelocity ammo that produces so much heat while leaving the barrel that allowing a full auto in such a small weapon would simply melt it, and possibly set the soldier on fire.

Must've been his unmatched cruelty.

And there's this, I guess...
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: XCOMFan419 on August 22, 2014, 11:03:47 am
Gauss weaponry deals uses hypervelocity ammo that produces so much heat while leaving the barrel that allowing a full auto in such a small weapon would simply melt it, and possibly set the soldier on fire.

Ever thought of Improved Gauss Weapons as a sort of Tier 2.5?

I mean, Plasma is hot. Really hot. I would imagine that the coils used in the magnetic field to launch the plasma from the alien weapons aren't much different from the Gauss Weapons of humanity.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: smexyvami on August 22, 2014, 01:11:19 pm
halo 2 guss truck cannon when ?  :P but ya guss is a magnet fied bullet prepelled at higer speeds i dont see how you can speed up mulitiple with out jaming the gun or blowing a hole in your partners back as you shoot over there sholder
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 22, 2014, 02:27:56 pm
Ever thought of Improved Gauss Weapons as a sort of Tier 2.5?

I mean, Plasma is hot. Really hot. I would imagine that the coils used in the magnetic field to launch the plasma from the alien weapons aren't much different from the Gauss Weapons of humanity.

While the working principle is different (gauss weapons use simple electromagnetism, while plasma uses pseudoscience mambo jumbo that I wrote about in the Ufopaedia articles), I admit they're both quite hot. Still, plasma bolts are encapsulated in a forcefield bubble and do not come in direct contact with elements of the weapon, and I think they don't travel as fast as gauss bullets... I really need to work out the details. :P Anyway, I kind of like the supergauss weapons, I think there's room for them.

halo 2 guss truck cannon when ?  :P but ya guss is a magnet fied bullet prepelled at higer speeds i dont see how you can speed up mulitiple with out jaming the gun or blowing a hole in your partners back as you shoot over there sholder

Yeah, part of the explanation. Still, I think it should be possible if you throw enough alien tech at the engineering team.

Hmm, maybe it'd allow us to have both the original TFTD sprites and Sir Thebus' sprites - the former for normal Gauss guns, the latter for advanced Gauss?
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Arthanor on August 22, 2014, 06:30:06 pm
If you implement autoshot in gauss weapons, what's the difference with lasers? More powerful but requires clips (with 30 shots)? That just entirely overshadows lasers unless you are facing an ap resistant enemy. I think your basic gauss weapons are nice as they are, with only, maybe, some stats tweaks if they are to interract with other modded weapons (like in the FMP/XAE).

I was playing around with depleted Elerium ammo for gauss weapons as an upgrade.

Lasers have unlimited ammo and auto-shots, so as a starting tech they are really good (noobs can't aim so autoshot is great for spray and pray and you never run out of ammo even though you have to try 20 times to hit something). Making Gauss have an easier upgrade in new ammo (compared to the optical Elerium laser mod which requires new rifles altogether) but at the cost of ammo being Elerium dependent (I made 3 rifle clips for 1 Elerium) seems to strike a good gameplay balance and make both options useful. I also am tweaking the values for specialized weapons (ex.: laser sniper fires faster but less powerfully) to give each a reason to be used.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Avalanche on August 22, 2014, 07:21:23 pm
I absolutely love the gauss weapons, but honestly, I'm not really sure how much upgrading they need. As it stands, they're already insanely useful, even without autoshot. Dat insane accuracy with the gauss sniper. The only things they don't kill in one or two shots are Mutons, Sectopods, and maybe Cyberdisks and Chrissilids. Basically, if it doesn't have a really high AP resistance, the rifle/heavy/sniper will kill it. While I'd personally love to have an even stronger, autofire gauss to deal with things like Mutons, they'd have to be gamebreakingly powerful to deal with Sectopods.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: XCOMFan419 on August 22, 2014, 08:34:23 pm
I absolutely love the gauss weapons, but honestly, I'm not really sure how much upgrading they need. As it stands, they're already insanely useful, even without autoshot. Dat insane accuracy with the gauss sniper. The only things they don't kill in one or two shots are Mutons, Sectopods, and maybe Cyberdisks and Chrissilids. Basically, if it doesn't have a really high AP resistance, the rifle/heavy/sniper will kill it. While I'd personally love to have an even stronger, autofire gauss to deal with things like Mutons, they'd have to be gamebreakingly powerful to deal with Sectopods.
Milages vary.

When I use the Gauss Mod, I find most of my soldiers being killed by a sectoid the next turn because they missed both times when it was their time to shine. Just last night I stormed a lab ship and 8 out of the 14 sent were killed due to their mishaps with the Gauss mod.

So while it would be interesting to see Gauss/Advanced Gauss weapons deployed onto the battlefield, I also believe that this requires Solar's (in)famous balancing act to make sure it stays in line with lasers.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 22, 2014, 11:09:58 pm
If you implement autoshot in gauss weapons, what's the difference with lasers? More powerful but requires clips (with 30 shots)? That just entirely overshadows lasers unless you are facing an ap resistant enemy. I think your basic gauss weapons are nice as they are, with only, maybe, some stats tweaks if they are to interract with other modded weapons (like in the FMP/XAE).

Fair points, but you're forgetting one thing: Gauss are AP weapons, and most aliens are resistant to AP. So it's not as great as it seems from the sheer damage numbers.

And those advanced Gauss guns would be really, really advanced, probably more than Heavy Plasma. Something like the tyran_nick's railgun mod, but with a better justification.

I absolutely love the gauss weapons, but honestly, I'm not really sure how much upgrading they need. As it stands, they're already insanely useful, even without autoshot. Dat insane accuracy with the gauss sniper. The only things they don't kill in one or two shots are Mutons, Sectopods, and maybe Cyberdisks and Chrissilids. Basically, if it doesn't have a really high AP resistance, the rifle/heavy/sniper will kill it. While I'd personally love to have an even stronger, autofire gauss to deal with things like Mutons, they'd have to be gamebreakingly powerful to deal with Sectopods.

...and there's that. That's why I'm still thinking about this. (Because on the other hand, most aliens die to heavy plasma anyway, so why not make things a bit more varied.)

So while it would be interesting to see Gauss/Advanced Gauss weapons deployed onto the battlefield, I also believe that this requires Solar's (in)famous balancing act to make sure it stays in line with lasers.

I take it as the best compliment a modder can get. :)

And yes, they are meant to be roughly compatible to lasers. But they're definitely better when deployed against humans.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Dioxine on August 22, 2014, 11:14:03 pm
>Blaming XCom modder that your rookies miss their shots

Spending the last of your TUs to take a risky shot is a common rookie mistake. Try to use remaining TUs to get into cover instead, and take the alien out with long-range fire or a grenade.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: XCOMFan419 on August 22, 2014, 11:37:23 pm
>Blaming XCom modder that your rookies miss their shots

Spending the last of your TUs to take a risky shot is a common rookie mistake. Try to use remaining TUs to get into cover instead, and take the alien out with long-range fire or a grenade.
>Aimed Shot
>Not Checking the Carfax
top kek

And there is practically no cover in a desert just outside of a Lab Ship that had one of it's power sources explode so aliens commonly drop from the hole in the wall.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Dioxine on August 22, 2014, 11:39:16 pm
>lol Smoke Grenades
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Avalanche on August 23, 2014, 01:16:17 am
If you do ever make an advanced gauss line, do you think you could make them a bit LESS accurate than the base versions? I've noticed that once your soldiers start taking shots with more than 100% accuracy, they start missing surprisingly often.

Actually, I suppose I should confirm. Has anyone else noticed that happening?
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Dioxine on August 23, 2014, 01:24:06 am
This could explain why my shotguns do not work as expected... 7 pellets, fired at 120% chance, no hits? WTF? But I didn't want to go to the devs unless this was confirmed by someone else... As long as you have a reasonably clear shot, 100%+ SHOULD, according to Warboy, hit around 99% of the time... and it certainly was so with the previous builds I've used (up to late July). I need to make a few missions with the latest build to make sure.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: BlackLibrary on August 23, 2014, 02:11:33 am
If you do ever make an advanced gauss line, do you think you could make them a bit LESS accurate than the base versions? I've noticed that once your soldiers start taking shots with more than 100% accuracy, they start missing surprisingly often.

Actually, I suppose I should confirm. Has anyone else noticed that happening?

Interestingly...wasn't that a bug in Vanilla XCOM as well?  Might be a calc is off.  When a soldier banks toward 100 firing, its time to cryosleep them till Cydonia.  Thats always been the case.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Dioxine on August 23, 2014, 11:07:04 am
100? I think you meant 255? At least that was the problem in my version :)

But when I try to unearth these old memories, it seems that even these 200+ Firing Accuracy monsters were missing their shots quite regularly, which would support your theory about Vanilla...
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: kuisti on December 29, 2014, 06:39:54 am
Hello all!  8)

I made my own Gauss weapon sounds!

Just replace the files at:


Have fun!

- attachment below -
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 04, 2015, 12:09:42 am
Just updated the gauss weapon sounds to your new versions and I think they are much better than the original sounds, a more sci-fi feel to them now.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 04, 2015, 12:34:23 pm
Just updated the gauss weapon sounds to your new versions and I think they are much better than the original sounds, a more sci-fi feel to them now.

Thanks. I'm still considering them.

I'm thinking of making two distinct tiers of gauss weapons, basic ones like they are now (using TFTD sprites) and advanced gauss weapons which are somewhat comparable to other endgame guns (using GrandSirThebus' sprites). I'll have to share available sounds between them. :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: GrandSirThebus on February 12, 2015, 05:50:46 am
I think endgame Gauss would be great! They're probably my favorite weapon type, and I still use them stubbornly into late game even when they become less effective

Perhaps to make them more interesting than just having bigger damage numbers you could add more utility to them such as more ammunition types? Or possibly universal clips?
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: kikimoristan on February 12, 2015, 07:38:48 am
gauss in TFTD is called beam but that's weird. gaus is a railgun which means is a really fast bullet. closest damagetype to this would be AP  not gauss beam.

gauss is probably laser technology with AP damage. which is probably sad cause most aliens are resistant to gauss in Ufo Defense.

So I suggest making gauss intermediary between laser and AP. Lasers have two advantages 1. no clip 2. unique damage type most aliens are not that resistant to it. And even changing the research tree like gauss first then laser second .


also note that plasma is in fact laser weapon that heats up gas and shoots it out. So plasma is really superheated gas not beam.  Is more like a blob if anything.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 12, 2015, 01:34:03 pm
Tollworkout, that's actually very close to how my Gauss weapons work: they're stronger than lasers but AP which sort of cancels out the advantage in many cases, and don't have the automatic fire option (because they'd melt from the heat).

A potential high-end Gauss would be similar, but with auto-fire (alien cooling systems ho!) and a bit stronger (but still AP).
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Arthanor on February 12, 2015, 04:16:25 pm
Just a quick mention for those who are into endgame gauss weapons. In the XCom Armoury Expanded, I have added Depleted Elerium Ammunition, which allows gauss weapons to do higher damage although the rifles themselves don't change.

I also thought to use (Refined) Elerium Ammunition to deal HE damage (maybe blast radius 1-2 depending on weapon as well?) but I have not implemented that one yet.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 12, 2015, 04:45:53 pm
Just a quick mention for those who are into endgame gauss weapons. In the XCom Armoury Expanded, I have added Depleted Elerium Ammunition, which allows gauss weapons to do higher damage although the rifles themselves don't change.

Yep, makes sense. The combination of advanced cooling systems and power generation would do that.

I also thought to use (Refined) Elerium Ammunition to deal HE damage (maybe blast radius 1-2 depending on weapon as well?) but I have not implemented that one yet.

I think such a weapon would be too powerful, we're talking explosive ammo with strength 100 or more...
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Arthanor on February 12, 2015, 05:11:49 pm
That's why I have not implemented the Refined Elerium Ammunition yet ;) That ammo is meant to be XCom's response to a new weapon I want to introduce for Aliens to help make Flying Suits less impervious to damage: Anti-matter plasma. It will also be HE ammo for regular alien guns (but unuseable by XCom). Reaching that point in the itemLevels represents the aliens giving up on infiltrating/converting Earth and deciding the terrorize it into submission/annihilate the population. That tech is also unstable by design, preventing the humans from reverse engineering it.

There is also no need to go crazy with the numbers. Explosions target underarmor on direct hits, unlike AP, so even lower damage could be more damaging to aliens. It has the bonus of not going through AP resistance against mutons (although some other aliens also have HE resistance). A narrow miss still does damage if you can catch the alien in the blast. And you can also limit the blast radius (1 for pisols and rifles, 2 for heavy gauss I was thinking).

As for gauss autoshots, I find the lack of it to be a great distinguishing feature in the XAE where Gauss is more accurate, slower and has no autoshots, making it great for longer range engagements and support/sniper operatives, but lasers tend to be better at short range due to rate of fire so great for breachers and scouts.

Maybe a 2 shots autoshots for the 2nd tier gauss rifles could work to make it more attractive to the line soldiers. Currently I keep the same rifle and add new ammo, an advantage of Gauss compared to the ammoless lasers for which you need to make new rifles to get better.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 25, 2015, 08:24:44 pm
New version is online.

Get it at:

And it brings much goodness:
- Adds a second tier of Gauss weaponry: the railguns. They use GrandSirThebus' sprites and Kuisti's sounds.
- Normal Gauss weapons use TFTD sprites again.
- Fixed a bug with ammo sell costs.
- New bullet sprite for Gauss weapons.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.6b
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 26, 2015, 12:42:51 pm
Nice update as I was using v1.6b, looking forward to getting the railguns in my current game. The firing rates for the gauss and rail cannons, I assume that the values have been doubled already due to the recent change.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.7
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 26, 2015, 01:37:00 pm
Nice update as I was using v1.6b, looking forward to getting the railguns in my current game. The firing rates for the gauss and rail cannons, I assume that the values have been doubled already due to the recent change.

I think so, yes, though frankly I can't remember now. :P Balance is always hard anyway, so please report what you think.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.7
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 26, 2015, 02:17:00 pm
No they're the same as v0.5 so I doubled mine to:

    reloadCautious: 28
    reloadStandard: 24
    reloadAggressive: 20

As u say balance is always very hard, I'm using a lot of avalanches in my current game and they do take a long time to re fire, hey they r nuke missiles after all.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.7
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 01, 2015, 09:46:55 am
No they're the same as v0.5 so I doubled mine to:

    reloadCautious: 28
    reloadStandard: 24
    reloadAggressive: 20

As u say balance is always very hard, I'm using a lot of avalanches in my current game and they do take a long time to re fire, hey they r nuke missiles after all.

Well whatever, they're compatible with 1.0 then. :)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.7
Post by: GrandSirThebus on March 08, 2015, 11:11:43 am
I've been working for the last few days on a new set of railgun sprites, and I'm finally satisfied with the results. They come complete with inventory, hand, and ground sprites. These were made with the intention of use in Solarius' Gauss Weaponry mod. However, feel free to use them for any and all other mods as you so wish. Use them, alter them, use parts of them in other weapons or as a template. It's all good. Credit would be nice though.

(Also if there's something wrong with them let me know and I'll try to make time to fix it)

Heavy( Sniper( Rifle(

Full Set .zip

I might make a thread elsewhere to advertise them for everyone to use.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.7
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 08, 2015, 11:50:17 am

I'll check which ones would fit the mod better.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.7
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on March 13, 2015, 01:13:18 am
In my current game I've just researched and made some rail weapons, particularly like the HWP's. I was wondering about the following:

    category: STR_WEAPON
    space: 2
    time: 350
    cost: 11000
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 5

  - name: STR_RAIL_RIFLE
    category: STR_WEAPON
    space: 4
    time: 700
    cost: 24000
      STR_ELERIUM_115: 8

    category: STR_WEAPON
    space: 4
    time: 700
    cost: 32000

    category: STR_WEAPON
    space: 5
    time: 1000
    cost: 45000

U need E115 to make pistols and rifles but not sniper rifles or heavy railguns. Was there a reason for this? Once again, very good update from v1.6.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.7
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 13, 2015, 09:57:35 pm
Thanks. And lol no, it was an overlook. Fixed now.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.8b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 30, 2016, 12:58:01 pm
Excuse me, Solarius Scorch.

I got a better idea for new ammunition for your Gauss Weapons mod.

Can High Explosive and Incendiary for all gauss weapons be the best idea for your mod?

That will be cool.

I think you don't understand how Gauss weapons operate (not just in X-Com, as a general concept). A Gauss bullet is so fast that it melts before it even hits the target. That's why the range is so poor for Gauss craft weapons: the bullet would just evaporate completely before hitting a far target.
Now as you can see we can't fill the bullet with explosives. Because they would be destroyed long before reaching the target.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.8b
Post by: pWWWa on June 15, 2016, 11:58:29 pm
to GrandSirThebus:
Alt bigOb Rail Rifle for your Railgun sprites (more equal to rail pistol)
to Solarius Scorch:
Hit animation for RailGuns.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.8b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 16, 2016, 03:28:46 am
Thanks! I'll check them out straight away!
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.8b
Post by: chaosshade on August 12, 2016, 01:38:44 am
Hey Scorch, I did a little digging and got the Gauss sounds from TFTD for the weapons, even the hit sound.  I hope you decide to include them in the mod <3
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.8b
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 12, 2016, 10:15:55 am
Hey Scorch, I did a little digging and got the Gauss sounds from TFTD for the weapons, even the hit sound.  I hope you decide to include them in the mod <3

Thanks! I didn't have them at the time, so it could be good.

I'll sit down during the weekend and decide which is better.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.8b
Post by: chaosshade on January 23, 2018, 07:05:59 pm
I can't download and get your mod from the mod portal. The Mod Portal is down. :-[

I feel unhappy for this.

Can you please add a download attachment of the mod to the topic. :)

EDIT: Does anybody have the latest version of Solarius Scorch's Gauss Weapons 1.8b mod?

Like any of your guys' computers?

I think I have the latest version because I'm sneaky like that.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.8b
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on January 23, 2018, 07:21:49 pm
Here's a copy of the latest version. Also here's all the TFTD mods I have. They should be up to date.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.9
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 23, 2018, 08:32:31 pm
First post was updated - now with download.
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.9
Post by: cptelerium on July 15, 2018, 12:33:23 pm
4. Heavy Gauss. Makes big holes, easily comparable to plasma weapons (at least when pitted against enemies with low resistance to Armour Piercing), but much more unwieldy.

I wonder what is the reason for Gauss, when sure enough soonish you will be using Heavy Plasmas
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.9
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 15, 2018, 02:56:20 pm
I wonder what is the reason for Gauss, when sure enough soonish you will be using Heavy Plasmas

Mostly because using heavy plasmas for the 347th time you complete the campaign can get a little boring. ;)
Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.9
Post by: cptelerium on July 15, 2018, 04:11:37 pm
Mostly because using heavy plasmas for the 347th time you complete the campaign can get a little boring. ;)

Exactly. There should be a strategic/tactical motivation for doing that.

Perhaps a mod that makes plasmas super expensive to produce, and as for recovered ones they have a chance to malfunction and die after a mission in which they were shot at least once

- plasma pistol 50% chance
- plasma riffle 80% chance
- heavy plasma 90% chance

also, plasmas could be made less accurate, especially heavy (though give a bit higher aiming skill to aliens), and then gauss would be the super accurate weapons

Title: Re: [WEAPON] Gauss Weapons 1.9
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 15, 2018, 07:12:35 pm
Exactly. There should be a strategic/tactical motivation for doing that.

Perhaps a mod that makes plasmas super expensive to produce, and as for recovered ones they have a chance to malfunction and die after a mission in which they were shot at least once

- plasma pistol 50% chance
- plasma riffle 80% chance
- heavy plasma 90% chance

also, plasmas could be made less accurate, especially heavy (though give a bit higher aiming skill to aliens), and then gauss would be the super accurate weapons

This is just a simple mod to add a few guns if you like, not a monstrous overhaul.
I've done that too, but elsewhere - with the Final Mod Pack and now, with the X-Com Files.