Maybe related to this post?, all, whole that core-engine of UFO-XCOM (~1993) (/OXCE++ (~2008-'12 (
) ) cwould be rewritten, with possibility of fully implementing and adding, changing all those long-wanted, long-discussed ..changes, things, thus make whole refreshed, fully -rewrittend "old" UFO, ( *OXCE ) in version, and niveau, of y2020
Ah, yeah, sure.
Any such endeavour must discard any notion of being an reimplementation of the vanilla, which OXC is by definition. It must be an entirely different code base from oxc/oxce. No possibity of a shared codebase, no upstreaming of patches/features. This is what I think stops most attempts. It damn well stopped my own attempts so far - once you get into reengineering the oxc engine, even if you keep compatability with most of the mods (and by dropping that you drop the community and what are you going to do without the community?), even if you keep it C++ (and there's exactly zero sense to do that the from technical POV) it is still is a mighty uphill battle for acceptance. Without which there is no point.
For myself, for now I stopped at
- keeping 100% mod compatability. As in all current mods/tcs load and play more-or-less consistently
- blowing up interface to 640x400 logical resolution
- rewriting core in _compiled_language_of_choice_ (Rust) and logic in _interpreted_language_of_chouce (Python/PyPy)
And the last point is where it all falls apart. It's about 4-6 months work to an MVP, about $20-30K . No one has that kind of pocket money. (But if you do, please PM me

Not to mention the acceptance of the new product. We have what, maybe 6 maybe 10 max people well versed in the oxce engine, able to modify it, etc. How much time it would take to get back to that on an entirely different engine, written in entirely different languages? My only answer as of now - too long to make any sense. Not to mention problems with general acceptance of the new thing, because, you know, it's not the old thing.