Author Topic: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0  (Read 124323 times)

Offline efrenespartano

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Join United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command! v1.2 Echoes and Whispers available for download

To install, you need first need to download and install OpenXcom Extended Then, just drop UNEXCOM folder inside your OpenXcom mods folder. Because I'm an Android player, one main goal of this mod is to be entirely playable on Android.

Please, follow the United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command on social media!

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A Cold War themed by the Inventorum Development Team
Andr: sprite creator & main military history advisor
Badfella: sprite designer
DarkDust: support debugging
Dauntless1942: sprite creator
Dr Hans Woofington: lead sprite creator
efrenespartano: lead designer, sprite & ruleset creator
Filip H: ruleset creator
Ikhanad: support debugging & military history support
Luke83: map specialist
Noah183: support debugging
pedroterzero: code support
Tingcat: sprite creator
The Reaver of Darkness: balance specialist
wolwerin: sprite creator

First of all, Hello there! This is my first public released mod and i'm excited to announce it!
This compilation was inspired by several sources. One of the main ones, as well as my reference source is the work of Hobbes in Area 51 and even more in Tech-Com, where I copied several codes. It's my favorite mod of one of my favorite movies. Back in 2015, I played a modified version made by myself of the Equal Terms mod in which XCOM troops used United Nations equipment. Unfortunately, that mod was lost, as my old PC.

I was recently watching the movie The Siege of Jadotville and another source of inspiration emerged of this project, a force of the Blue Helmets fighting against aliens in the Cold War. Xenonauts is also inspiration of this compilation, for some concepts and part of its graphics, although it is not an attempt to copy that game.


This mod is located chronologically right in the middle of the Cold War, almost at the end of the Vietnam War. There will be many pages of UFOpedia explaining the background of the story, as well as the course of the war.

This mod is a compilation, not all the work is mine, as is obvious. I would call it a "franken-mod", because it is made of many different mods, united with glue, love and some things that I have done myself. This compilation is completely playable from beginning to end, but there are still many of my ideas to be implemented.


Air combat is a very important thing now, inspired by Air Combat Rebalanced and Tech-Comm. Hangars can now host 2 crafts. There is a wide variety of aircraft and craft weapons of the time (and will come more, as well as a redesigned tech tree) It implements the HK features, a great addition made by Meridian. So expect to face UFOs actively trying to intercept your aircraft. You probably lose a lot of aircraft soon, that's why they will be somewhat cheaper. Also, you now can forget the ground radars. They are obsolete, actually I remove Large Radar and set the radarChance of the Small to 5%, just to mark the average combat range of your starting planes. Now you can (and you should) launch satellites to search for enemy UFOs and Bases. Be careful, they are reaaaally slow and HKs ate them for lunch.


Hatred just a tool the aggressors to control
Into the jungle's depth, into the desert storm
Caught between legions of hate
Caught beneath malefic eyes of fate

Ground combat is another important part. You will use realistic weapons of the time, such as rifles M16, AKM, LMG like M60 and Bren, snipers like XM21 and Dragunov among others. Each major power of the Cold War will supply you with unique tanks, weapons and equipment, you can choose to stick to the reliable Soviet guns or try the advanced NATO weaponry.

Forget the outdated HWP, now you will be in charge of an M551 Sheridan, a BMD-1 IFV or a FV701 Ferret SC, light tanks that can really be transported on an airplane.
Of course, an indispensable mod in any game, UNEXCOM includes Terrain Pack, so you can fight in different and beautiful terrains.
There are new races (made by Solarius Scorch) and their weapons are now much more alien (drawn by XOPs), so the combat is more enjoyable.


*To Marina, the woman who is always by my side supporting me.
*To Hobbes, practically thanks to him is that I ventured into the world of modding when he allowed me to collaborate with his great mod Tech-Com, as well as Terrain Mod, an indispensable mod.
*To KingMob4313 and Ickschuss, for his mod Equal Terms, one of my favorite mods of all times, of all games.
*To the OpenXcom developers! They gave new life to a fantastic game. Without you, this couldn't be possible.
*To Yankes & Meridian, for their amazing OXCE, for Meridian's Hunter-Killers and for answering my countless questions in the forum.
*To Solarius Scorch, for the mods that I have added in this compilation and for the project The X-Com Files, my main source to get the sprites of Tier I weapons.
*To bulletdesigner, Warboy1982, ohartenstein23 and davide, for your help in the forums!
*To my clan of World of Tanks Blitz, the glorious 130th Armored Division (among them Alnoaht, Xzoria, KYIV94, Armisael, Gato Loco, Zayas) who were the first to try the mod. Thank you, Alnoaht! Basically he hunted most of the bugs before the release of v0.1.
*To Biggieboy, for his compilation of buildings and for helping me with a request I asked him for. In the next updates I will add his buildings.
*To Istrebitel, for his awesome mod Air Combat Rebalanced, from where I took various stats for the craft weapons and weapons itself.
*To alinare, for his incredible source of codes and sprites in his mod The Endless War.
*To Nord, for his recomendation about Android apps to mod OpenXcom, they are very useful!
*To Yataka Shimaoka, Mitra Lightbringer, Valmont and his girlfriend, SIMON and everyone who play provide useful feedback.
*To IgnisAbentorn, danielpembrink, garretrgang and all the kind players at
*To Wikipedia. Yes, much of the info about tanks and guns comes from here.
*And finally, but not at least, to the OpenXcom community, for all the mods, the resources and all the available help.

All of the names, images, and other material used in this mod belong to their respective owners.
Images found from the internet.
2.- CombatUniformArmors by Fox105iwsp
3.- RecycledAlienCollection by Solarius Scorch
4.- Alien Armory Expanded by Solarius Scorch
5.- Equal Terms Mod by KingMob4313 & Ickschuss
6.- XCOM 2012 Music by xover88
7.- XCOM 2 Music Pack by boodman123726
8.- Celebrate Diversity by Solarius Scorch
9.- Skystriker by hellrazor (C-130 Hercules placeholder)
10.- HQ Sounds
11.- Sprites from 40k mod, by bulletdesigner.
12.- Sprites from XenoOperations, by XOps
13.- Codes from Air Combat Rebalanced, by Istrebitel
14.- HK Codes by Meridian and Hobbes
15.- COPTER map from The X-Com Files (Huey placeholder)
16.- Many weapons from X-Piratez, by Dioxine and The X-Com Files, by Solarius Scorch.
17.- HWPs from The Endless War, by alinare.
18.- Improved nations Mod by MKSheppard



30-May-2024: v1.2 Echoes and Whispers
Changes made:
* Improved and expanded Russian translation, by wolwerin
* Rebalanced CALBR, by wolverin
* Rebalanced armor penetration values. Laser does 50% damage to armor, Plasma and Fusion does 60%, by efrenespartano
* Rebalanced Human Plasma weapons (decreased TU costs and accuracy dropoff), by efrenespartano
* Change the USSR plasma weapons hitanimation to blue, the vapor trail is that color, by GumChewer1980
* Reduced alien mech units armor values, by efrenespartano
* Modified M24 Hind with additional ammunition and height by 1 easier to shoot, by Kiro Xei
* Adding new vehicles: Cargo Truck Convoy; Cargo Truck Trailer, by Kiro Xei
* Reduce training room to 15; and modified storage space to 5 for living quarters, by Kiro Xei
* Set terrorist live alien to false, as these humans can be captured (Test), by Kiro Xei
* All units including infantry, vehicles and others will have equipped with special weapon: Melee Attack. Tanks will now perform dangerous driving tactics, by Kiro Xei
* Shuttle map fixed including MCD, by Kiro Xei
* Shotgun slugs do 50% damage to armor, Shells pellet spread improved to 80% (was 50%)
* Rebalanced Alien Retaliation races (reduced chance of Ethereals and Mutons early retaliation, increased chance of Sectoids and Floaters), suggested Brother^2
* Remove specialWeapons: STR_UNARMED_UNIFORM from UNEXCOM armors, by GumChewer1980
* Added Corpses/Prisoners item category, by GumChewer1980
* Fixed various yaml indent errors, by GumChewer1980
* Misc. fixes, e.g., inventory sizes of items, by GumChewer1980
* Tanks are forbidden on Hijacked Plane Assault missions, by efrenespartano
* Enabled hireByLocation on all soldiers, by efrenespartano
* Added Strafing Run Flare, by efrenespartano
* Fixed hole in the stairs, reported by Alligator

v0.1 (27-May-18 09:57 AM)

1.- Terrain Mod by Hobbes
2.- CombatUniformArmors by Fox105iwsp
3.- RecycledAlienCollection by Solarius Scorch
4.- Alien Armory Expanded by Solarius Scorch
5.- Equal Terms Mod by KingMob4313 and Ickschuss.
6.- XCOM 2012 Music by xover88
7.- Celebrate Diversity by Solarius Scorch
8.- XCOM 2 Music Pack by boodman123726
VARS edited

V0.1b (15-Jun-18)
1.- Skystriker by hellrazor (C-130 Hercules placeholder)
2.- HQ Sounds
3.- COPTER Map from The X-Com Files (UH-1 Huey placeholder)
Starting to add Tier I crafts, original codes Tech-Comm mod by Hobbes
  15-Jun-18: 10:00 PM # Strings of F-4, F-105, C-130, UH-1, Sparrow, Sidewinder, Vulcan added
  15-Jun-18: 11:25 PM # Corrected in knots the speed of the aircraft
  16-Jun-18: 12:04 AM # Beginning to add extraSprites for airplanes

V0.1c (17-Jun-18)
Added basic UNEXCOM crafts (Phantom, Thunderchief, Hercules, Huey)
Added basic craft weapons (Sidewinder, Sparrow, Vulcan)
Added cool Menu music (very Vietnam war-ish, Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival)
18-Jun-18: 09:47 AM # Added custom Main Menu and Space backgrounds
18-Jun-18: 08:12 PM # Added field uniforms for UNEXCOM troopers (reemplace NONE_UC)

1.- Pilots graphics from 40k mod by bulletdesigner
 18-Jun-18: 11:30 PM # Starting to add Tier I american weapons.
 22-Jun-18: 12:27 AM # Finished add Tier I american weapons. Check for errors. HandObs missing.
 22-Jun-18: 11:51 AM # Added pilots, corrected HandOb of M14
 22-Jun-18: 12.39 PM # Added items StartingBase
1.- Grenade Launcher by Ryskeliini
2.- FourthState ruleset form Equal Terms, by KingMob4313
3.- Alien Plasma Weapons by XOps
 25-Jun-18: 09:34 PM # Added M551 tank Sheridan with ammunition, added listOrder
 25-Jun-18: 11:21 PM # Fixed fatal bug with pilot armor
 26-Jun-18: 08:37 PM # Recolored armor NONE_UC, now it's blue like in real life
 27-Jun-18: 09:28 PM # Added ruleset plasma weapons to ET mod, alien weapons added.
 29-Jun-18: 08:44 PM # Aircraft sprites corrected
 29-Jun-18: 09:23 PM # MEDIUM SCOUT and LARGE SCOUT now have a 50% chance of being Hunter Killers. Speed of SMALL SCOUT (now 1500), MEDIUM SCOUT (now 2000) and LARGE SCOUT (now 2500) reduced.
1.- RecycledAlienCollection by Solarius Scorch
2.- Tech-Comm HKs codes by Hobbes
 30-Jun-18: 11:50 PM # Added first pages of UFOpedia, added most Tier I aircraft sprites
 01-Jul-18: 10:41 AM # Added strings en-US, starting to add strings es-ES
 03-Jul-18: 05:30 PM # Corrected flight distances of aircraft. Added double hangar. Fixed bug with M16 Clip.
 04-Jul-18: 10:08 AM # Added Sentry and Fighter HKs in the campaign. Added RecycledAlienCollection in the campaign.
05-Jul-18: 05:18 PM # Added Linna Satellite, long range recon satellite.

1.- Many weapon sprites from X-Piratez, by Dioxine and The X-Com Files, Solarius Scorch
2.- JustRussia weapons by ThatDude
3.- Underbarrel shotgun/grenade launcher codes by Hyper2Snyper
4.- Weapons codes from The X-Com Files, by Solarius Scorch
5.- HMG codes by Dioxine, moddified by BlackLibrary
6.- Shotgun firing sound by Warboy1982
7.- BMD-1 & Laser Tank sprites by alinare
8.- SCOUTCAR by Arpia, from The X-Com Files
19-Jul-18: 12:18 PM # Added NATO Tier I weapons: FN FAL, H&K MP5, H&K PSG-1, Bren, 30. Cal MG.
20-Jul-18: 10:26 AM # Added USSR Tier I weapons: AK-47, SKS, Dragunov, Makarov, RPG-7.
20-Jul-18: 12:31 PM # Corrected laser and plasma weapons palette.
27-Jul-18: 09:03 AM # Corrected Tier I HandObs. Added some made by efrenespartano: Shotgun, XM21, M16. Modified AK47, original by ThatDude
27-Jun-18: 01:32 PM # Corrected weapons damage
29-Jul-18: 08:30 AM # Initial Test of Capital Class UFOs, renamed Teror Ship to Troop Transport, has speedMax: 380, armor: 120, power 12, range: 20, reload: 15. Battleship has speedMax: 200, armor: 200, power: 15, range: 20, reload: 20
30-Jul-18: 07:44 PM # Added Tier I tanks with guns: BMD-1, Ferret Scout Car. Added Tier II Tank: XM22
31-Jul-18: 06:24 PM # Corrected listOrders, added Laser Tank tech tree with topics.
1-Ago-18: 07:19 AM # Fixed yaml-cpp error with extraStrings. Fixed new research topics, now Navigators & Engineers give UFO Classes info. (UFO classes, new UFO Types). Modified Scout class UFOS.

1.- Legionnaire tank sprite by Solarius Scorch
2.- Angry Wife clip from Piratez, by Dioxine
3.- Delta armor modified from Zane's Power Suit
4.- Shield codes from Xeno-Shield from The X-Com Files
03-Ago-18: 07:15 PM # Corrected Legionnaire tank sprite. Falcon now has 500 damage (280 before), fixed craftWeapons available in store before researching NATO/USSR, Improved Craft Armor/Accuracy techs.
04-Ago-18: 08:27 AM # Now allied countries can come back to UNEXCOM after canceling an alien pact, after destroying the alien base inside the traitor country.
04-Ago-18: 05:42 PM # Added all Tier I weapons fire and reload sounds. Added sprayWaypoint behaviour to SMG and LGM. Various weapons/crafts prices fixed by Alnoaht.
07-Ago-18: 07:20 AM # Added Riot Armor w/ Angry Wife, custom sounds and research.
11-Ago-18: 06:18 PM # Added Delta Armor w/ MG3, custom sounds and research.
14-Ago-18: 11:39 PM # Fixed error with Falcon missile, Targeting pod and Alloy Craft Alloy Armor, added missiing extraStrings
15-Ago-18: 03:22 AM # Corrected M551 Sheridan & BMD-1 tank sprites. Modified tank armor. Modified startingBase to Defensive, added M203 grenades to startingBase.

1.- Improved Nations mod codes by MKSheppard
2.- Updated to OXCE v5.1
10-Oct-18: 05:25 PM # Reduced shields of Capital class UFOs to half (Battleship now has 50 and Troop Transport now has 30)
13-Oct-18: 07:48 PM # Fixed bugs found by IgnisAbentorn, renamed AK-47 to AKM, reemplaced Makarov for Stechkin Automatic Pistol, fixed stats and fire sound. Changed FN FAL & M16 M203 alt fire mode from confSnap to confAimed, to avoid reaction fire with underbarrel addons.
13-Oct-18: 08:48 PM # MG3 now has fixed 60 rounds, removed MG3 belt from store. Fixed fatal bug that made unavailable NATO/USSR stuff (Guns, armor, missiles)
14-Oct-18: 11:35 AM # Allied NPC units now use Human weapons, vanilla weapon no longer used. 11 new countries, original codes by MKSheppard (Norway, Benelux, Denmark, Greece, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Ukraine, Peru, Colombia, Poland)
14-oct-18: 05:30 PM # Updated operationType: 6 to Alien Interception missions, now Hunter Killers take off and land on their bases.

If I missed someone, do not hesitate to let me know and I will credit you immediately.  ;D

If you liked any of my craft sprites, weapons or UFOpedia images for your mod, feel free to use them! Just credit me.  ;D
« Last Edit: August 04, 2024, 10:21:09 am by efrenespartano »

Offline alinare

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Welcome and congratulations for your project. As far as I'm concerned, use all the resources you need from my mod without restrictions.

Offline efrenespartano

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Welcome and congratulations for your project. As far as I'm concerned, use all the resources you need from my mod without restrictions.

Thank you so much! Enjoy, any suggestions are welcome. :)

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Offline Hobbes

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Well, hearing some CCR on equip screen made me chuckle :)

Good luck and if you need any help just ask :)

Offline efrenespartano

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Well, hearing some CCR on equip screen made me chuckle :)

Good luck and if you need any help just ask :)
Haha well, I couldn't make a mod set in the 70s without adding CCR. :') It's a must-have.

Thank you, Hobbes!

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Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Well well well, no surprise that you'll be a modder, and you just earned a download

Offline efrenespartano

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Well well well, no surprise that you'll be a modder, and you just earned a download
Awesome! Thank you, Yataka!

Any suggestion and/or feedback is always welcome. ;D

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Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Upon a quick examination of basic ballistic weaponry, we got inventory issues:

The M60 sprite suggests that it should take 2x3 slots, instead of 1x3.
The same goes with the M60 belt, which is a 1x1 but the sprite suggest 2x1.

Please refer to the attached screenshots (on mobile )

Using the new "Sheridon" tank is awesome and in the same time displeasing. This tank is too op and can soak up shots more than a hovertabk can do. This new tanks just makes early to mid game Waaaay too easy.
My solution would be instead of nerfing the tank, why not make it more pricey? Since it is a top tier grade tank that time, its just normal that we acquire it at the right price, and oh, make the shells more expensive, so once bought, the tank will feel like a complement to the army
« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 12:16:32 pm by Yataka Shimaoka »

Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Forgive me thy mod, but I feel this one should be separated.

During examination of the ufopaedia, I experience a game crash after I pressed the next button on the page of the small radar, if I am correct, the next topic will be the large one, since the large radar was removed, such crashes shouldn't exist, unless if it wasn't purged out entirely.
Text issues with all of the ingame crafts, refer to the photo below
And a question: Can we save Earth without destroying it? All we ever wanted after this war is the events of Fallout right? :)

In that inventory screenshot, I see you made a little mistake, there is an unconscious soldier but we don't see the proper bigob, instead it is represented by the grenade launcher bigob (Though its cool to think that once a soldier dies, they transform to weapons).
« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 12:22:10 pm by Yataka Shimaoka »

Offline efrenespartano

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Thanks for the quick feedback!

I'm working to solve the inventory glitches and the Craft UFOpedia pages. I didn't notice the "grenade launcher human being", I'm fixing it. ;D

About the Large Radar UFOpedia page, I forget to remove them from the ruleset. Also working on that. ;)

About the Sheridan, it's meant to be a powerful tank, it's main gun fires 152mm shells and uses Shillelagh guided missiles. In my tests, a Cyberdisk resisted 2-3 Shillelags and 3-4 shells. But it's correct what you say, it's very OP. I'm going to increase it's cost (both tank and shells) and also decrease it's armor. It's supposed to have an armor as thick as wet toilet paper, after all. ;D

Talking about saving the Earth with nuclear weapons , the Falcon nuclear missile (and soon, the Genie rocket too) is very powerful and can annihilate small UFOs, if you can get close enough. I wish that could be possible to make some penalization to the score for the use of this kind of guns, to reflect the concern of U.N. about nuclear explosions right in top of their heads.

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« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 04:37:48 pm by efrenespartano »

Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Hello again, seems like you forgot to add twoHanded: true tags on some of your laser weapons, I noticed my soldier holding the las lmg with a single hand, like he was a terminator. Just heads up
And oh, at the start of the game, just give the players 6 pilot units, so we can easily assign them to the crafts where they rightfully belong.

Offline efrenespartano

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Hello again, seems like you forgot to add twoHanded: true tags on some of your laser weapons, I noticed my soldier holding the las lmg with a single hand, like he was a terminator. Just heads up
And oh, at the start of the game, just give the players 6 pilot units, so we can easily assign them to the crafts where they rightfully belong.
I've fixed your reports (except for the starting pilots, I'm still working on these),  but I'm not at home. Would you like to wait until the release of 0.2? Or you would like me to attach the fixed rulesets here tomorrow?

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Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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I'll just wait for the official release, since the bugs I pointed out ain't that critical

Offline Valmont

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First I wanted to thank all the modders and Efren for all their amazing work.

As a seasoned Xcom player I wanted to introduce my GF to Xcom but also spice things up for me.

I found this mod's theme, time and features to be the exact right mix for both introducing new players to the Xcom formula while also making it more interesting for veteran players such as myself.

Now to the important feedback part:

The mod needs to work on balancing a few things:

- Interceptor planes' fuel is WAY WAY WAY too low. Looking at the files I found them to be around 120-220 for the most part and it was making the game a chore to play. On out first 40 min run we only managed to down 1 (one) single small scout UFO with two bases!

- I suggest at least doubling each of the planes' current fuel capacity.

You see, UNEXCOM being a whole WORLD initiative it is only fair so that all UNEXCOM crafts to refuel on any airport of any supporting country. Since it would be a mess to simulate this you could just increase fuel capacity.

The hard way of doing these would be:

- Increase fuel consumption when crafts are flying over hostile countries while reduce fuel consumption when flying over NATO/RUS countries.


The fuel tank increase addon that you can buy only gives 50 additional fuel capacity which is nothing and barely even noticeable. It should give at least 150 or more fuel capacity specially considering it takes one weapon slot. Right now there is no logical reason to get one over a weapon.

Everything else seems quite balanced but I will be posting more feedback as we play more.

Thanks and keep this UP! Can't wait for version 0.2

Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Hello! Your ideas are great! But the problem is that no such feature exist. Sorry.