Author Topic: [OXCE][TC] United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command | v0.11.0  (Read 124497 times)

Offline efrenespartano

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Descargada la nueva version, estuvimos esperandola con mi novia y entrabamos al foro todos los dias, gracias!

Me sacaste una sonrisa con tu comentario. :')

Will give you further feedback as always, keep it up to the to do list... I love that your mod is doable and not insane as some other mods that will probably never be really done because of their scopes.

Yeah, that's one of the points of the mod!

The corrected v0.2b with the rest of the weapons will be avaliable in the next few days, probably tomorrow. :)

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Offline Valmont

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Me sacaste una sonrisa con tu comentario. :')

Y vos nos sacaste muchas sonrisas a nosotros cuando ganamos las misiones casi imposibles que nos pusiste ;)

Yeah, that's one of the points of the mod!

The corrected v0.2b with the rest of the weapons will be avaliable in the next few days, probably tomorrow. :)

My game crashed after two months of in game time, here is the log file:

[20-07-2018_23-38-23]   [WARN]   STR_UNIFORM_WOODLAND not found in en-US
[20-07-2018_23-38-47]   [WARN]   STR_ALLOY_CRAFT_ARMOR_UC not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-23-11]   [WARN]   STR_ALLOY_AEROSPACE not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-45-15]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[21-07-2018_02-45-15]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[21-07-2018_02-45-53]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

I was at the geoscape and my Hercules was on its way to a terror mission.

I think the Aircraft Weapons that you can buy are a little bit bugged or perhaps it should appear which plane can use which weapons etc.

Also, there are many different missiles and aircraft weapons but it is really hard to tell which one is the best for any given situation.

Researching the UN/Soviet supports gives nothing as you can buy all the stuff before the research is done anyway.

UFOs are very aggressive and when I go to intercept them in 70% of the time they end up intercepting me :)

Loving the mod so far! But some parts of it seem overly complicated for no reason. There are many aircrafts you can buy but it is hard to tell which one to use since they don't differentiate between them too much.

Perhaps you did that so that players can just choose the plane they like the most and not loose much in the process.

But I think the weapons platforms and the aircraft should have more clear advantages/disadvantages/differences between them like:

- The Thunderchief is old tech but very reliable, it has average stats but its repair takes half the regular time and it is cheap in terms of maintenance.
- The Migs are very good, fast and maneuverable but you can only buy them at your base in Russia and are very expensive to maintain.
Etc. Etc.

- Also, if we are going to need heavy nuclear bombers to down the big UFOs then I think you should reduce the speed of some of the bigger UFOs. Like independence day, the bigger motherships were slow as hell.

- That way the different airplanes will have better and more unique roles: Use the fast and agile Interceptors to down small but fast UFOs or use the cumbersome but heavily armed bombers on the Bigger UFOs that don't move so fast.

Thats it for now, will give you some more feedback later on!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 12:37:45 pm by Valmont »

Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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The laser sniper rifle floorob sprite kinda needs to be fixed. And then again, the twoHanded: true tag is missing on some of alien guns

Offline efrenespartano

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Y vos nos sacaste muchas sonrisas a nosotros cuando ganamos las misiones casi imposibles que nos pusiste ;)

My game crashed after two months of in game time, here is the log file:

[20-07-2018_23-38-23]   [WARN]   STR_UNIFORM_WOODLAND not found in en-US
[20-07-2018_23-38-47]   [WARN]   STR_ALLOY_CRAFT_ARMOR_UC not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-23-11]   [WARN]   STR_ALLOY_AEROSPACE not found in en-US
[21-07-2018_02-45-15]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[21-07-2018_02-45-15]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[21-07-2018_02-45-53]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

I was at the geoscape and my Hercules was on its way to a terror mission.

I think the Aircraft Weapons that you can buy are a little bit bugged or perhaps it should appear which plane can use which weapons etc.
Can you send me the previous saved game, before the crash? I'm going to try to reproduce it, to see what provokes it.  ???

Also, there are many different missiles and aircraft weapons but it is really hard to tell which one is the best for any given situation.

Researching the UN/Soviet supports gives nothing as you can buy all the stuff before the research is done anyway.

UFOs are very aggressive and when I go to intercept them in 70% of the time they end up intercepting me :)

Loving the mod so far! But some parts of it seem overly complicated for no reason. There are many aircrafts you can buy but it is hard to tell which one to use since they don't differentiate between them too much.

Perhaps you did that so that players can just choose the plane they like the most and not loose much in the process.

Yes it's correct. The option to choose which super power to ask for help, is to give some variety at the beginning of the game. You can choose to stay with the American weapons and aircraft that are available from the beginning. Or choose the weapons of the NATO or the USSR, without it being a great disadvantage not to choose a particular weapon. Also, to be honest, the 1970s weapons and aircraft are not so different from each other.

I included the investigation of NATO and the USSR so that we can analyze if the time of the investigation is adequate or needs to be reduced.

But I think the weapons platforms and the aircraft should have more clear advantages/disadvantages/differences between them like:

- The Thunderchief is old tech but very reliable, it has average stats but its repair takes half the regular time and it is cheap in terms of maintenance.
- The Migs are very good, fast and maneuverable but you can only buy them at your base in Russia and are very expensive to maintain.
Etc. Etc.

Exactly that is what I have in mind, modify a bit the characteristics of the team of each super power. For example, that the Soviet equipment is cheaper, more powerful, less precise. And that their planes are more expensive to maintain.

Or that the equipment of the NATO is more expensive, its more precise weapons and its cheaper airplanes to rent, for example.

- Also, if we are going to need heavy nuclear bombers to down the big UFOs then I think you should reduce the speed of some of the bigger UFOs. Like independence day, the bigger motherships were slow as hell.

- That way the different airplanes will have better and more unique roles: Use the fast and agile Interceptors to down small but fast UFOs or use the cumbersome but heavily armed bombers on the Bigger UFOs that don't move so fast.

Thats it for now, will give you some more feedback later on!

In the initial phases of development, I contemplated making the UFO aspect more "realistic": lighter = faster and more agile. heavier = slower. Something like Independence Day.

But this brings a problem:

In the initial game, the aircraft are slow, with little combat range and as the campaign progresses, its speed and range increase. So, the Tier II, III and IV planes will be able to catch up with the most advanced UFOs, such as the Battleship, Terror Ship and Lab Ship.

Considering your proposal and my initial ideas, Valmont, it would mean that Tier II, III and IV planes are going to completely tear apart the heavier UFOs, which will not even have the chance to escape. While the fastest UFOs will be harder to reach for Tier I aircraft.

The question is: will this modification break the gameplay?

A small solution that I am working on is to reduce the speed of the Scouts and create a "low tier" version of the Battleship and the Terror Ship that appears relatively early in the campaign and gives a use to the bombers and nuclear missiles, what do you think?

The laser sniper rifle floorob sprite kinda needs to be fixed. And then again, the twoHanded: true tag is missing on some of alien guns


Offline Valmont

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I am sorry I overwrote on the save slot  :'(

Next time I will keep them for you.

A solution to the super Tier IV interceptors is to also lower their speeds to those of the fastests UFOs or perhaps a little slower.

On earth, no matter how big or how many engine HP an Aircraft has, the smaller jets are always faster because of weight/power ratio and also aerodynamics. Huge UFOs can probably be faster in space but on earth, also taking gravity into account, smaller UFOs and Interceptors should be faster.

Big UFOs should also have a minus to dodge so most weapons hit them (as seen in Independence day). But make up for that with incredibly strong shields/hulls =) (Only nuclear weapons can damage them).

I think this mod should go full Independence Day mechanics as those are less gamey than the default Xcom ones. (Besides it would be very refreshing for players!)

Note: On Independence day the small UFOs were a lot faster than earths jets but more so in acceleration than in final speed and they balanced that with very inaccurate "plasma" weapons so the Jets had a chance.

Offline efrenespartano

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I am sorry I overwrote on the save slot  :'(

Next time I will keep them for you.

Thank you! That will be handy.

I think this mod should go full Independence Day mechanics as those are less gamey than the default Xcom ones. (Besides it would be very refreshing for players!)

Note: On Independence day the small UFOs were a lot faster than earths jets but more so in acceleration than in final speed and they balanced that with very inaccurate "plasma" weapons so the Jets had a chance.

Well, you convinced me. I will modify the stats of the UFOs in the next version and we will see if it works!

Offline Valmont

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Well, you convinced me. I will modify the stats of the UFOs in the next version and we will see if it works!

Cannot think of a better combination than Xcom, Independence Day and the Cold War. Mix made in heaven!

The best part is that Cold War era was so secretive that anything could've happened so the credibility of all this is very high!

I can help you doing spreadsheet and ufopedia (both in english and spanish) work for you if you want ;)

Offline efrenespartano

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Cannot think of a better combination than Xcom, Independence Day and the Cold War. Mix made in heaven!

The best part is that Cold War era was so secretive that anything could've happened so the credibility of all this is very high!

I can help you doing spreadsheet and ufopedia (both in english and spanish) work for you if you want ;)

Do you mean "hoja de cálculo" or more like doing sprites? (spritesheet)

How are your sprinting skills? Some handObs and floorObs would be very helpful for Tier I weapons. As you can see, the handObs of some weapons (like the M60) look terrible.

Offline Valmont

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Yeah I meant "Hojas de Calculo" para balancear el mod y rastrear los cambios/progresos.

Lastimosamente mis habilidades para sprites son terribles =(

Offline efrenespartano

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Yeah I meant "Hojas de Calculo" para balancear el mod y rastrear los cambios/progresos.

Hahah OK, now I get it. Yes, I'm glad that you want to help. :D

Será más sencillo llevar el control del daño de las armas, gracias!

Lastimosamente mis habilidades para sprites son terribles =(

As same as mine. Actually I consider myself good at making aircrafts, but I suck at making spritesheets for units (both soldier/armor as tanks)

Offline efrenespartano

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With a slight delay of 10 days (because of a lot of work), version v0.2b is finally ready!

This version is more complete than the previous one, the listOrders are better organized and the weapons work well.

The problems reported by Alnoaht, Valmont and Yataka Shimaoka were resolved.

Death in the shape of a panzer battalion.

* All Tier I weapons, obtained through some very simple investigations of NATO and USSR. Now every assault rifle features a second special use: M16 uses M203 GL, FN FAL uses Underbarrel .12 Gauge shotgun and AK-47 has a deadly bayonette.
* Shotgun stun shells! Knock out and kidnap those pesky aliens!
* New tanks! 2 Tier I tanks, linked to the same weapons investigations. One fast and light, the other a bit more resistant. (NOTE: I put shielding similar to the real one in the BMD-1, please, tell me if it is too weak to increase it) and a brand new XM22 Legionnaire laser tank, researched after Alloy Manufacturing and Laser Cannon. (Special thanks to alinare for allowing me to use their sprites for the XM22 and the BMD-1 and for their help for the HWP.)
* New investigations of the new types of UFO, obtained through interrogation of Navigators and Engineers.
* Inventories for tanks.
* UFOs are now classified by "classes"! The Large and Very Large are now very slow and have weak weapons, but they have a lot of resistance (Valmont's suggestion, tested by me and by Alnoaht.) The Scouts are slower, to allow the Tier I planes to catch them.
* New handObs for basic weapons! More are coming, one for each weapon.
* New organization of weapons / tanks / etc in the UFOpedia
« Last Edit: August 01, 2018, 08:48:55 pm by efrenespartano »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Lovely tank (the white one), but it really needs some cleanup.

I've already cleaned the other one, use it if you like.

Offline efrenespartano

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Lovely tank (the white one), but it really needs some cleanup.

I've already cleaned the other one, use it if you like.

Thank you so much, Solarius! I'm going to use it. ;D

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Offline Valmont

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With a slight delay of 10 days (because of a lot of work), version v0.2b is finally ready!

This version is more complete than the previous one, the listOrders are better organized and the weapons work well.

The problems reported by Alnoaht, Valmont and Yataka Shimaoka were resolved.

Death in the shape of a panzer battalion.

* All Tier I weapons, obtained through some very simple investigations of NATO and USSR. Now every assault rifle features a second special use: M16 uses M203 GL, FN FAL uses Underbarrel .12 Gauge shotgun and AK-47 has a deadly bayonette.
* Shotgun stun shells! Knock out and kidnap those pesky aliens!
* New tanks! 2 Tier I tanks, linked to the same weapons investigations. One fast and light, the other a bit more resistant. (NOTE: I put shielding similar to the real one in the BMD-1, please, tell me if it is too weak to increase it) and a brand new XM22 Legionnaire laser tank, researched after Alloy Manufacturing and Laser Cannon. (Special thanks to alinare for allowing me to use their sprites for the XM22 and the BMD-1 and for their help for the HWP.)
* New investigations of the new types of UFO, obtained through interrogation of Navigators and Engineers.
* Inventories for tanks.
* UFOs are now classified by "classes"! The Large and Very Large are now very slow and have weak weapons, but they have a lot of resistance (Valmont's suggestion, tested by me and by Alnoaht.) The Scouts are slower, to allow the Tier I planes to catch them.
* New handObs for basic weapons! More are coming, one for each weapon.
* New organization of weapons / tanks / etc in the UFOpedia

Amazing Release Espartano! Nice to see so many players being hyped by this right now. As a youtuber a few of my fellow comrades are playing this mod right now to evaluate potential streams.

Downloading this right now!

By the way: The new tanks look awesome!

Question: Is a new campaign recommended?

Offline efrenespartano

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Amazing Release Espartano! Nice to see so many players being hyped by this right now. As a youtuber a few of my fellow comrades are playing this mod right now to evaluate potential streams.

Whoa! That could be awesome! I'll be very honored to see UNEXCOM on YouTube. Let me know any advances.

Downloading this right now!

By the way: The new tanks look awesome!

Thanks! More are incoming. I'm looking for a better sprite for the Sheridan. Now looks a little bit ugly.

Question: Is a new campaign recommended?

Not really. You can do it if you want. I just recommend to no research the end game tech tree. I'm working in a expanded tech tree which involves a Moon mission before invading Mars.

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