Author Topic: Re: The X-Com Files - 3.7: Best and Brightest  (Read 2706713 times)

Online Solarius Scorch

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The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4395 on: February 14, 2022, 11:50:34 am »
@Solarius Scorch

Thanks for reply but I think we misunderstood each other. What I meant that if UFO crashes into sea you should be able to salvage something out of it (if you have some relevant topic researched - maybe expanded council salvage corpse which could be researched after sea guard was researched). This could be done via generated events on geo map at the end of month (if game can track which UFO and of which class crashes into sea) not as tactical mission (as you are correct that 99% percent of enemies would simply drown by the time your transport aircraft arrives and plasma/laser weapons are unsable under waves so such mission would not make much sense).

I see what you mean, and it makes sense, but I really don't have any idea if this is even theoretically doable. Probably not.

EDIT: The X-com Files 2.3 has been released!

- New weapons: Alien Laser SMG (sprites by Dioxine), Forceblade, Star Pistol, Star Musket, Star Cannon (sprites by author unknown).
- New armor for dogs: Assault Gear (graphics by 8mono).
- New item: Repair Kit (scripting by 8mono).
- New units: Black Lotus Host, Black Lotus War Witch, Black Lotus Stormcloud (sprites by Brain_332), Hybrid Assault, Maid (all graphics by Dioxine), Hybrid Envoy, Osiron Tech Trooper.
- New craft: AH-6 Little Bird (graphics by Perekrylo and Dioxine).
- New UFOs: AH-1 Cobra, MI-24 Hind, UH-1B Huey, CH-47 Chinook, F-4 Phantom, MiG-17, MiG-29, Mirage 5, Angel Fighter (maps by Alex D, graphics by Dioxine).
- New missions: Cult Suppression (1 for each cult), Cult Infiltration (1 for each cult), Cult Street Fighting (1 for each cult), Cult Retaliation (1 for each cult, 1 for Golden Academy and Temple of Dagon each), Cult Assassination (1 for each cult), Cult Manor (1 for each cult, and with 3 tiers; building map by Dioxine), Temple of Dagon (with associated defense missions), Golden Academy Tower (with associated defense missions), Hybrid Embassy (with associated defense missions), Hybrid Recon, Hybrid Sky Patrol.
- Cult Apprehensions grow over time.
- Long-ranged heavy weapons can be mounted on the Humvee (by Dioxine), but it requires 2 drivers.
- Reviewed vehicle detectability.
- Skymarshall is slower.
- Basic Flight Training available earlier.
- Tritanium Foundry has more workspace.
- MiB Outposts aren't generated by alien bases.
- Alien Orbital Station frequency increased.
- Changed Fat to Boomer ratio.
- Disabled the "toxic" shade on Cyberweb Lair.
- New Urban school variant (by Dioxine).
- Modified and improved the Black Lotus HQ terrain.
- Modified parts of the Junkfarm terrain to remove any remaining similarities to URBANNATIVE.
- Hybrid Fighter renamed to Hybrid Aircar, with map changed.
- Hybrid Lander crew overhauled.
- Hybrid ships are tougher.
- Osiron Stakeout gives one Reinforced Osiron Crate.
- Changed radars tech tree.
- Removed AWACS.
- Reviewed craft radar ranges.
- Dog Cybersuit has better bark (sprite by 8mono).
- Hybrid Infiltrators have shields.
- Hybrid Supervisors have a psi attack.
- Hybrid Agents are now Hybrid Soldiers.
- Jarheads are now associated with T'leth.
- Mashinobi are no longer Jarheads, but cyborgs.
- Bio-drone's melee attack toned down.
- MiB have Anti-Camo.
- Rats can "kneel".
- All hybrids are smoke-resistant.
- Hybrids have a 50/50 gender ratio.
- Added Ninja Scrolls to Lotus HQ and manors.
- Alien Gardens are worth 1 point.
- All assault rifles and machine guns have improved armor piercing.
- Assault Suit can be repaired.
- Improved Bulletproof Coat and Toxi-Suit paperdolls (by Brain_322).
- Better Enhanced Dog Bite icon (by 8mono).
- Better Tank Mass Driver ammo graphics (by Brain_322).
- New MiB Enforcer sprites (paperdoll by XOps).
- New mushroom types in Shogg (by Nord).
- Fixed Alien Alloys recovery on downed UFO.
- Fixed bats being allowed on some missions where they shouldn't be.
- Fixed Holo-Grenades production.
- Fixed Taser Cannon range.
- Adjusted Sectopod's fire resistance.
- Fixed some Terror Ship maps.
- Fixed Spacer commendation bonus.
- Minor fixes.

Offline _Brain322

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4396 on: February 14, 2022, 01:09:06 pm »
Congrats on new version release !

Offline Hadriex

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4397 on: February 15, 2022, 04:29:09 pm »
Damn. This and the new engine upgrades sound amazing.

Offline Dadimus_Maximus

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4398 on: February 17, 2022, 12:34:13 am »
I have a fresh install of X-COM Files and for some strange reason my agents are getting a ton of commendations after every mission. They all seem to be mission-commendations like spelunker, aquanaut, dreamwalker, etc. I'm getting these on the basic cult apprehension and strange creature missions. I have some old save files that have the same issue from the new update, it's happening on every mission.

Online Meridian

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4399 on: February 17, 2022, 01:35:07 am »
I have a fresh install of X-COM Files and for some strange reason my agents are getting a ton of commendations after every mission. They all seem to be mission-commendations like spelunker, aquanaut, dreamwalker, etc. I'm getting these on the basic cult apprehension and strange creature missions. I have some old save files that have the same issue from the new update, it's happening on every mission.

You didn't upgrade to the minimum required version of OXCE.

Offline Dadimus_Maximus

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4400 on: February 17, 2022, 06:59:13 am »
Ah of course, that's the bitch. Guess that's what I get for not updating for a year...

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4401 on: February 17, 2022, 04:51:51 pm »
Here's a small update:

- OICW grenade nerfed.
- New handob for the Blaster Multi-Launcher (by Kato).
- Added a missing routes file.
- Fixed rice fields illumination.
- Minor fixes.

Offline Johnny_exe

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4402 on: February 21, 2022, 12:50:25 pm »
Hello there good people o/
Been awile since last time playing this gem (updated from 0.9.9e to 2.3 two days ago)
Have some questions:
1. Where you get Alenium Shards?
2. Why air combat become so hard - my avenger barely can take down medium ufo with blaster rockets and plasma rays. Or is it just me?
3. Why hover tanks have no night vision built in? :D

Offline Progger

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4403 on: February 21, 2022, 02:00:09 pm »
1. Where you get Alenium Shards?
2. Why air combat become so hard - my avenger barely can take down medium ufo with blaster rockets and plasma rays. Or is it just me?

1. From random events, osiron crates, alien bases.
2. You can use up to 4 crafts in dogfight.

Offline Johnny_exe

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4404 on: February 21, 2022, 03:04:01 pm »
1. From random events, osiron crates, alien bases.
2. You can use up to 4 crafts in dogfight.

Oh got it thanx.


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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4405 on: February 21, 2022, 06:57:11 pm »
Schutzstaffeln Ring



I started playing this over a year ago, after finally completing X-Piratez! I haven't played anything but mods for UFO for a few years now. :-)

I realise I am playing an older version - it's been a long game I don't want to risk updating it in case it breaks anything. My version is OXCE 6.9 (I think) and X-COM Files 1.7

I'm at a tricky stage. Sanity loss is so great I can rarely achieve anything on big ships or alien bases, so it's hard to capture any commanders. I've been trying for months (real time) with no success. I may get there in the end - I assume unlocking more research might give new tech to help, but it is a catch 22 as I have nothing left to research until I (presumably) catch a Commander! I have many unresearched plasma items but they require other things I don't have. So I get through each month with high scores, and have over 650,000,000 in the bank.

My question is about the Schutzstaffeln Ring. I finally beat the Syndicate. As usual after a mission I sold anything that had proved useless, so sold yet more Schutzstaffeln Rings. However, then I noticed a manufacturing option:
Syndicate Final Message Decryption
Which requires a Schutzstaffeln Ring ... Argh!

I hoped I would find another, but no luck, and it has been months now!

So, will any Syndicate missions with a ring ever reappear, or is that it? And if so, is there any kind of cheat command that could summon one? I tend to role play and avoid any form of cheating generally (restarting a brand new game when I fail, rather than resorting to a save) but in this case, with 650,000,000 in the bank, I'm sure in real life we'd be able to buy one back, or even just pay to borrow one for a day to unlock the message, then return it. So I can handle that as a one-off, since I can explain it in-world. Thanks!

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4406 on: February 23, 2022, 08:43:04 pm »
I think at this point it's best to just add it to your save.
(Not that it would prevent you from finishing the game or anything.)


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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4407 on: February 24, 2022, 09:57:51 am »
I think at this point it's best to just add it to your save.
(Not that it would prevent you from finishing the game or anything.)

Many thanks - that worked. Then the research result didn't unlock anything new to research but left me thinking that something will happen in the future! :-)
I did another raid on a big ship with my best troops, but as usual more than half died or panicked (so I couldn't get them all back in the craft as others kept running away). I had stunned a different coloured waspite, but when I got back I realised it was just a Navigator and they don't give me any new research options. Must only be Leaders and Commanders I need. Something to keep working on.

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4408 on: February 24, 2022, 10:38:54 am »
Many thanks - that worked. Then the research result didn't unlock anything new to research but left me thinking that something will happen in the future! :-)

Well... It should! :) (Not much, but there's a conclusion.)

I did another raid on a big ship with my best troops, but as usual more than half died or panicked (so I couldn't get them all back in the craft as others kept running away). I had stunned a different coloured waspite, but when I got back I realised it was just a Navigator and they don't give me any new research options. Must only be Leaders and Commanders I need. Something to keep working on.

Waspites are nasty.

Offline Marrik

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Re: The X-Com Files - 2.3: Rise of The Cultists
« Reply #4409 on: February 25, 2022, 08:37:08 pm »
In the new version, I just got an anti-police monster operation where there are no NPCs at all on the map other than monsters. I tried retreating from the mission to make sure, and there were none. I'm using the latest version of the mod and OXCE
« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 08:43:18 pm by Marrik »