Thank You very much hellrazor.
I don't want to uncheat them, as I enjoy most the economic and research part of the game. At the moment my time is short, so I don't want to have that many long outside missions. Your mod is even this way a challenge.
I didn't import them. In the original game you had to edit the values via hexedit in the soldiers.dat(?), but in openxcom the values are written directly in your savegame. You can just edit the savefile with a text editor and you will find everything there.
If you still need some german translations can you show me how to do them? I don't think I can help you a lot, but maybe I can take some.
The savegame i attached should fix the Terrormissioncrash, i didn't change anything else, only fixed the bug.
Well if it is a challenge for you nevertheless and you enjoy the other parts of the game more, feel free todo as you please.
The good thing is Warboy was able to make a fix for the Savegame Importer for savefiles from the original game

Your bugreport improved the overall codebase, be proud.
Even thou i still have no clue how the missionSiteZone was set to -1 for a Terrormission, it shouldn't.
I also didn't notice this in my own testrun, but when i will find the time i will make a proper test setup to find this, Warboy also requested a savefile, before the Terrormission is generated with a -1 missionSiteZone, my first conclusive tests didn't let this happen, but maybe some more extrem testing will provide this.
In any case if everyone else encounters this error, i am inclined, to get a savegame from the month before, so i can look at how the mission was generated (missions are only picked at the end of the month and obviously at gamestart).