Extended version of OpenXcomMod version 4.0aOpenXcom date: Nightly 2018-08-17
OpenXcom commit: a6d2d32495d9a2efa5b3460a284b7be33629129d
Extended date: 2018-09-09
Extended commit: 5fb565cd9d7b31978b4a152a38b55cd389b1ffb0
Ubuntu required libssudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian libsdl-mixer1.2 libsdl-gfx1.2-4 libsdl-image1.2 libyaml-cpp0.5
Behavior changeHyper-Wave Decoder can have less than 100% chance to detect aliens.
Explosions don't remove unconscious unit if they can't kill them first.
Craft weapon equip screen is a bit rearranged.
Fixed "weapons" like the Medikit are now equipped by unit.
Psi-Amp use 3d range, not 2d.
Psi-Amp can use weapon power.
Fixed ammo are added after weapons in armor and unit (armor items are before unit items).
Corpses, items and Chryssalids are not spawned when unit is killed by weapons with overkill.
Stunned units can be hited by bullets and fire.
Big groups of aliens (20+) get less morale losses from casualties.
Terror units can now spawn with any built-in weapon, not only one defined by name.
While loading and unloading weapons you must pay the cost of moving the item to hand.
You can unprime granade for half of prime TUs cost.
Support for Ufo2000 armor damage type.
Psi-Amp can now obey maximum weapon range.
Psi-Amp can now deal direct damage using special attack type in popup menu.
Throwing now requires a healthy arm to do it (if the item is two-handed, then it requires both).
You can hit aliens in the head using any item you like, not only firearms stock.
Items can now be non-throwable.
Rewriten handling of alien psi attacks to handle new features of Psi-Amp.
Building, manufactures and research can now have special requirements for buildings available in base.
Throwing and hitting using two-handed weapons have the same penalty as with shooting.
You can train your solders basic skills.
Aliens weapon types/weapons can have different turn restriction.
You can rename weapon slot names in geoscape craft info.
Rewritten item use cost. Now is possible to spend HP, Morale or grain stun damage from using items.
You can't use old `energy*` properties in item, they are removed and replaced by new one in `cost*`.
Item have now range threshold unit they start calculating range power reduction.
Damage type can now change default power change per tile in explosion.
Option for custom weapon deploy for alien missions and ufos.
Options for customizing retaliation mission after shooting dow ufo.
Options for adding custom dodge chance or unit psi defence.
Breaking change: Psi-Amp use now weapon dropoff and aimRange for attack chance.
Breaking change: Drop support for Regeneration stat in armor. Use new regen stats now.
Inventory screens can now have up to 128 backgrounds.
Unit sprites recolors can now support up to 128 values.
Option for custom change of TU, HP, Energy, Morale or Stun after next turn based on unit stats.
New stat bonus based on stun level of unit.
Option for changing fuse type in granades and flare.
Option for pre-priming granades on map spawn.
Option for dodge chance based on direction of attack.
Oprion for bonus morale recovery when using medkit.
Option for self heal using medikit.
Craft can now have up to 4 different wepon type per slot.
Oprion for overriding shape of alien base.
Option for setting chance of special effect of item.
Moving can trigger all close proxy not only one.
Corpse explosion now can have bonus based on unit stats.
Grenades now can explode at once without destroying each others.
Option for custom sound and animation for miss attack and psi weapons.
Option for defining percent of all action cost stats. Old use of `flatPrime` and `flatThrow` is deprecated.
Facilities can now require items to build.
Medikit can now be used without UI and can use `hitSound`.
Option for defining bonus and damage type for melee in range weapons.
Option for big explosion sound for each items.
Option for showing fixed weapons on unit.
Update to nightly and bug fix.
Scripting support in unit graphic (more info in game log with debug on).
`bigSpriteAlt` and `floorSpriteAlt` is now obsolete, will be replaced by scripts in next version.
New property `refNode` used to shared values between items/solders/armors etc.
Option for setting numbers of melee hits done by AI.
Control space usage of soldiers with 2x2 armors in crafts.
Backported game machanic changes from Meridian OXCE+.
Fix stun damage calculation and add random for random option for final stats change by damage.
Refactored script handling.
Script support in reaction atack chance calculations.
Some light handling improvments.
New recolr and replace script graphic option for items.
Option for global events shared by scripts.
Custom tags that have user defined values.
Base building can now prevent building other buildings.
New tag type that store other mod id.
Option for changing defualt unit light radius.
New functions exposed to script.
Reaction scripts have now information about runing or strafing of target.
New functions exposed to script.
New light system.
Option for reserving more space for mod in common surface/sound sets.
Visibility scripts that determine visibility of targets.
Update to buildin script functions.
Update to recent nightly OpenXcom.
Config for new lighting system.
New map script options made by ohartenstein23.
New scripts for items and units.
Add option for grenades to explode in hand.
Changes in handlig items with prime.
Primed granades are not recoverable if consumable property is set.
Fix couple of bugs.
Add some missed scripts.
Add damage type param to unit damage script.
Fix critical bug in unit damage function.
New params with shooting weapon and shooter to damage and hit script.
Merge chagnes from master.
Random functions in script.
Vertical map generation support.
Add multi ammo weapons.
New param with battle action for unit hit and damage script.
Bug fix.
Bug fix.
Improvments in displaying multiple ammo items in inventory.
Script altering experience grain.
Bug fix.
Bug fix.
Bug fix.
Bug fix.
Update nightly.
New grenade fuse config.
Bug fix.
Update nightly.
Damage script can now alter zombie transformation chance.
Add access to current difficulty level in scripts.
Add base function requirmets to buy items, crafts and solders.
Add access to geoscape soldier in scripts.
Add script that is run at end of mission.
Add arcing shoots per attack type (by ohartenstein23).
Breaking change: Renamed `action` to `battle_action` in reaction scripts.
Add battle action to `awardExperience` script.
Breaking change: Renamed access function to statis in armor (added prefix `Stats.`).
Bug fix.
LinksCurrent working branch:
https://github.com/Yankes/OpenXcom/tree/OpenXcomExtendedDownload available on mod site (require latest nightly):
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/w07p0ibc985kd/OXCEForum thread:
http://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2915.msg31641#msg31641CreditsMeridian for OXCE+

stiansel for FOV speedup.
redv & WarBoy1982 for a couple of commits.
SolarusScorch for fixing language in readme.
SupSuper & WarBoy1982 & Daiky for OpenXcom