
Author Topic: [ADDON] ROSIGMA  (Read 128013 times)

Offline Rangerh

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« Reply #165 on: June 29, 2022, 09:12:50 pm »
Thanks, as usually enemies had "traitor" or "tainted"  (and i also already fought "Chaos Sisters" in a  mission) i thought an unit labelled "Sister of Battle" was some mistake .

And thank you for the new 1.08 version.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2022, 09:26:15 pm by Rangerh »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #166 on: June 29, 2022, 09:41:33 pm »
Enemies are named after their "race" until researched, that´s why it says things like that.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #167 on: June 30, 2022, 10:02:07 am »
if I am not mistaken then these "Sister of Battle" or "Ultramarines" units if hit a lot..then the cloaking turns off and we see that it is the dreaded Alpha legion...I like these enemies as they drop Imperial good loot like Stalker Bolters, Heavy bolters etc...stuff I did not got as Arbiters or in case of Stalker Bolter it cost a lot to buy

and the new Patch will be I think the biggest addon in quite a Time, the updates for Inquisition, Radical I. or for Chaos sound great also the new units look Fancy, especially the Kelermorfh...nice

and faction like Radical inquisition opens so many good ideas...recruiting Joakeros (just use the monkey from X-com files as basis) maybe some demonhost...also maybe the option to convince a Eldar farseer to join your team should be limited to a Radical Inquisitor

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #168 on: June 30, 2022, 02:21:01 pm »
There's a lot of expansion potential for the Chaos and Inquisition options. And also soemthing like more unaligned Xeno-raid missions / Mercenary recruitment.

1.08 has been in the works since February, so there´s a lot of stuff in it. Spent the last couple weeks doing bug hunting but there's always a few that slip through.

A couple of noticed bugs with fixes in the discord, will be included in 1.08A which will probably be just a bugfix patch in a week or so (Want to catch any other bugs there):
- Night Lords Raptor Corpses sell for 220k instead of 22k.
- Dominion and Repentia Strategy require some starting Promethium, this can be added to their starting events.
- Repentia needs to getOneFree Chimera Convoy tech to turn their starting transport craft token into the craft.
- Battle Sister Strategy: Move the STR_HEAVY_LASER (Melta) tech from midtier unlock to starting strategy research unlock.

Offline Rangerh

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« Reply #169 on: June 30, 2022, 05:59:51 pm »
I noticed when playing with the sisters of battle, i had a few sisters carrying a redeemer shotgun with krak shells.
But i noticed when i could shoot that the fire modes available were:
Flachette Shot
Penitence Shot
Inferno Shot
and could fire the Flachettes version

But no Krak , i thought maybe at first those shotguns were preloaded with Flachette, but after going empty and reloading with a Krak shells, i still only had access to the same 3 fire mode, but oddly the "Flachette" was still working.
But not sure if i was really doing Krak shell higher damage

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #170 on: June 30, 2022, 06:55:34 pm »
I think that may be that the particular ammo slot can take either of the ammo types, but only displays one name.

Should do the correct damage though.

Offline Rangerh

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« Reply #171 on: July 01, 2022, 11:33:55 am »
No idea if it is a 40K or a Rosigma bug, but i spotted a problem with the 2 starting Avengers in the Sister of Battle base.
I setup the 2 pilots for each Avengers, i play no problem, save etc...

Then when i play another day, sometime when there's a UFO alert, and i want to deploy an Avenger, i notice that one of them does not have pilots anymore, while the other Avenger suddenly have 4 crews.

But it should not be possible as you can't assign more than 2 crews to an Avenger,

Offline Rangerh

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« Reply #172 on: July 01, 2022, 03:35:55 pm »
A few questions.

1 - I got a dozen of cantus purity seals from manufacturing them, as i thought they were needed for manufacturing the dozen of cantus armor i wanted to outfit the novices instead of their weaker novice habits.
But it looks like you only need 1 adamantium for manufacturing 1 armor without any other condition, and as those purity seals have a value of 0 , selling them provide nothing, and they don't exist as inventory objects, i am puzzled at what is their actual usage ?

2 - i noticed i can manufacture the ARVUS Lighter , that from googling around seems to be a basic transport, but the codex has no entry about it, i am missing something ?

3 - what are "Sister Superior Honor" and "Novitiate Induction" , i obtained those items when manufacturing superior armor and bolter godwyn de'az pattern , they're floating in my store but again a value of 0 and no inventory existence to equip them and there's nothing to exchange for them, so what is their point ?
Also the bolter godwyn de'az pattern that i manufacture from the request novitiate stuff has no entry in the codex

4 - how do you obtain the Sororitas Power Armor ? i have 2 of them (i think they came from the original researches that provide you with various equipment) since a long time ago and i can see an entry in the codex.
After comparing stats it looks like in term of power level they're between the Cantus Armor and the Sister Superior Armor , but it looks like in term of progression something is missing as i can (and did) already manufacture Superior armor that are in every way better than the Power Armor ?

5 - Bloody Rose armor , i noticed some of my sisters can switch to one, they seem to look the same as Power Armor with 2 more slots but there's no entry in codex, i have also no idea how they came in there.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2022, 03:42:36 pm by Rangerh »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #173 on: July 01, 2022, 05:51:38 pm »
0. The 4 crew thing I've not seen before, I'm guessing its a OXCE bug potentially?

1. Purity seals are usually just because a manufacturing project must produce an "item" and the armor doesn't count in OXCE. Its a crash prevention thing. If it's a Purity Seal, having it in your inventory should give the unit +1 Bravery. Yes, it stacks.

2. The Codex entry might be tied to Inquisition stuff, I'll have to check how it can be changed.

3. The Sister Superior Honor is used to promote a sister to Superior, the Novitiate Induction is to promote a Novice of sufficient rank to Sister of Battle. They upgrade armor then to the default Adeptas armor (they can wear other armors).

4. See 3.

These are soldierTransform promotions.

  - name: STR_INDUCT_CANTUS #Turns a Novice into an Adeptas
    producedSoldierType: STR_ADEPTAS
    allowsDeadSoldiers: false
    allowsLiveSoldiers: true
    allowsWoundedSoldiers: true
    minRank: 2 #CANTUS

      tu: 45
      stamina: 40
      bravery: 30
      strength: 25
      psiSkill: 20

  - name: STR_PROMOTE_CANTUS #Produces Cantus Armor for minRank 2 Novices. Optional in the promotion chain.
    producedSoldierArmor: STR_ADEPTAS_CANTUSArmor
    allowsDeadSoldiers: false
    allowsLiveSoldiers: true
    allowsWoundedSoldiers: true
    minRank: 2

  - name: STR_PROMOTE_SUPERIOR #Transforms an Adeptas (min rank 3) into Sister Superior.
    cost: 100000
    producedSoldierType: STR_ADEPTAS_SUPERIOR
    allowsDeadSoldiers: false
    allowsLiveSoldiers: true
    allowsWoundedSoldiers: true
      - STR_ADEPTAS_REPENTIA_SUPERIOR #if you feel like it, no practical difference
      - STR_ADEPTAS_NOVITIATE_SUPERIOR #if you feel like it, no practical difference
    minRank: 3

      bravery: 50
      firing: 50
      melee: 50
      psiSkill: 50

5. The Bloody Rose is a easter egg armor from the ROSE mod that merged with IGMA to become ROSIGMA. It's not very different but has a different look. Flavor.

Offline Rangerh

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« Reply #174 on: July 01, 2022, 07:14:23 pm »
Thanks for the answers. I had no idea you could transform your troops somewhere in the menus as i checked all them.
And.. finally found it in Soldier menu then on the bottom i could change "Soldier Info" into "Transform Overview" (amongst many other entries)  that gave me access to the sister transformations. That's a very cool feature.

Maybe that information should be available somewhere in the codex, personnally i had no idea there was such functionality (and many more from what i see under the Soldier Info drop down menu)

Now for the  purity seals i can't seem to find a way to get it into a Sister inventory to have those +1 Bravery ?
they don't exist in the "Equip Craft" (only in the store or sell/sack menus) menu so i don't see any ways to add one to a sister's inventory

For the pilot bug, it's a nasty one as i left the bugged 4 pilots in the first Avenger for a while and gave 2 new pilots to the 2nd Avenger, then after more saving, quitting the game and loading, what do i see , 2nd Avenger is again devoid of pilots and the 1st Avenger has 6 crew (despite it is limited to 2).
Could be related to that bugged pilot function, but i also noticed if i go to Codex -> Craft and Armament -> select the Avenger then click on "Infos" then press the "Deployement Preview" button, it's a direct crash  (doing the same in the codex with the Corvus works normally)

I also attach the save if it can help.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #175 on: July 02, 2022, 07:10:31 pm »
Dear all,

in Geoscape the game crashed...I assume the Sanctioned psyker had to arrive (was playing as the Inquisition)

update it crashes when next month starts and also Veteran frateris arrival is not working - I reproduced the crash with pop-up but not psykers but Frateris.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2022, 10:29:03 pm by Simi822 »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #176 on: July 03, 2022, 01:53:34 am »
1.08A is out, quick one. Tested the new lists + codex pages, new gun etc.

UPDATE notes:
FIX, ECONOMY: Lowered cash for Night Lords Raptor corpses to 22k from 220k (+0 be gone).
FIX: ADEPTAS. Add getOneFree: STR_LANDRAIDER_ADEPTAS for Repentia Strategy, required to manufacture their craft token into the convoy.
FIX: ADEPTAS, Renamed the 1st COMMANDERY topic to Immolator Convoy. Same for the token (brainfart called a Chimera convoy, when it's a Rhino convoy). It's 1 lead Immolator, 2xRhino and the 1 Landraider is unarmed.
FIX: ADEPTAS, Added some free Promethium fuel (400) for the Dominion and SoB starts for their starting craft. You'll need to capture more from the enemy.
SEMI-FIX: Added a 50% chance to get Melta tech at start (STR_HEAVY_LASER) for SoB start (that and light bolter tech), will figure out a better event driven solution later + getOneFree for Dominion.

Dominion Strategy now gets the Chimera Convoy tech for free at mid-tier.
MAP FIX: Fixed elevator + one broken door on IMPMEDIUMSCOUT.MAP
ART: De-Naughtified assets for daemonettes and Nurgle Sisters, + certain codex article art, the Emperor protects! You can change them out for the OG versions if you prefer those.
DIFFICULTY: Tuned down the third stage of the Final Mission.
EXPANDED: Retaliation racelists that can attack you when going down the Chaos Path. Inquisition led Storm Troopers, Assassins, Adeptas, Novice Kill Teams, Frateris Militia and Eldar can now attack as well.

Included the new Sisters units, Dominions, Repentia, Novitiate and Repentia Superior, + Adeptas Assassins, Saint and Geminae in the Martyr script. Removed imperial assassins that should not have gotten the martyr script.

NEW WEAPON: High Grade Lasgun, mid-tier fine quality lasgun for the tried and true pattern. Takes hotshot cells and is every so slightly more accurate. +10 autoshot, +5 snapshot accuracy and +1 ranged accuracy. Got its own darker green bigOB with golden eagle, the starting lasgun has a new bigOB to help distinguish them. There's also a codex article for it.
Costs 20k to buy vs the cheap ones <4k.
The Mastercrafted variant have gotten a +1 range upgrade as well.
Tanith and Vostroya variants have gotten a buff as well, fitting in the DMR or pseudo sniper roles. The Longlas is better at sniping still, but these two variants got some added flexibility for close encounters.
Hotshot laspistol clip size reduced from 20 to 10, higher energy drain and to balance it against other ammo types.
Hotshot lasgun clip size reduced from 30 to 20, higher energy drain and to balance it against other ammo types.
Longlas ammo drain increased to 2x for AIMED shots (only), so those hotshot clips last for 10 shots when doing aimed shots.
Longlas cash cost to buy bumped from 28650 to 50k.
Shotgun weight bumped from 7 to 10. Makes lascarbines more attractive for noodle armed soldiers.

@Sim822, I'll take a look at those crashes.

The Psyker crash is because of a missing S in the eventScript.rul, go into your rosigma/Ruleset/eventScripts.rul and search for this script below. Add a S where I've bolded one.
#Spawn Guard Scripts
  - type: STR_BEGINNER_SPAWN_GUARD_SCRIPT #The Emperor Protects Difficulty
    firstMonth: 0
    lastMonth: 12
    executionOdds: 100

Can't find a eventScript error or any sort of item or soldierType error for the event itself for those Frateris Veterans. Will dig more tomorrow unless you get a log file for that one too. Apply the Psyker fix first to narrow it down.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2022, 02:05:50 am by Leflair »

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #177 on: July 03, 2022, 11:31:35 am »
thanks for the quicke response, I have the save with the log

will try the fix and also the new patch and see what happens
« Last Edit: July 03, 2022, 12:04:29 pm by Simi822 »

Offline Leflair

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« Reply #178 on: July 03, 2022, 01:46:12 pm »
Found the issue, seems the basic Frateris Militia event gone AWOL.

Adding it in for the next version.

Workaround for now is to go into eventScripts.rul (ruleset folder), search for STR_BASIC_SPAWN_FRATERIS_MILITIA (there's only one as part of the adeptas spawn script) and add _VETERAN on the end there. It will spawn the other type of (better) Militia then.

Offline Simi822

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« Reply #179 on: July 03, 2022, 10:04:40 pm »
yes it worked, thanks a lot

gotta say playing as the Inquisition is the most fun I had a long time...