1. The problem is that the last mob was burried in the wall
Yes, it's funny when you complete the mission. After running for the Fusion Torch. While all team are screwing up of low morale. Very very funny.
2. I don't want to check, but probably I can't go down in Stormtrooper Armor because of the mob. Meantime I can't see him while flying over it, that's weird.
3. The problem in X-Com Files is not Golden Dragons itself, but increable, and in most cases unneccessary, penalty after each turn. In this case I have left only about 10 turns before whole team started screaming like puppets. They are all soldiers, elite of the elites, best of the best, 200+ missions, 500+ kills and still they just babies. Thanks to you and your logic.
Take the save and look for yourself. The save was made after "fixing" Golden Dragons.
I'm sorry about my previous harsh statements. I'm playing X-Com Files for the first time. And I laugh about this post because of the situation is really funny when you are looking at it as a third person. Still, morale's penalty over each turn is too much and Sensorium is sucks, honestly.
Golden Dragons are useless in most cases:
1. The root issue. The sanity recovery does not working when a soldier is wounded. First you would get wound recovery X days, after that same amount of Y days after the mission for sanity recovery (like the soldier woud not get a wound).
2. Golden Dragons tradeoff is only working when you won't loose a soldier, but there're no qustions when you need just to find out the last mob. You can easyly skip all screams and do not use any Golden Dragons. Because what's the reason of getting X wounded's + Y sanity's recovery days? No reasons.
3. The price of using Golden Dragons is very high already. The amount of the healed sanity is low, in most cases you need to use it for a whole turn, e.g. 3-4 times to do something useful. In the end the total cost is: 1 turn, 1-3 wound recovery days, 7+ sanity recovery days.
4. Conclusion. What's the point of getting wound recovery days, when a soldier already useless within next 7 days? A few more days solve no problems.
5. In the endgame all this looks like that soldiers have a lot of sanity recovery holydays. Yes, holydays, because there is no word how to describe it in other way.