Author Topic: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod  (Read 38135 times)

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #45 on: November 26, 2020, 11:01:42 pm »
Yes, but i will integrate 3.2 in the next version. Happens that i do changes to some descriptions, so, i need to look them with more detail.

And, when i downloaded the commendation, this was the version that i look at first. I was new with openxcom playing and the mods at that time.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2020, 11:03:35 pm by cevaralien »

Offline WaldoTheRanger

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #46 on: November 29, 2020, 09:01:07 pm »
Hmm. no connections to existing facilities in that new alien containment mapblock?
I do like it a lot better then default, just seems like a rather odd thing to not have.

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #47 on: November 29, 2020, 09:34:05 pm »
Yes, they have.

All xcom base mapblocks of my mod have 4 levels. These images are for the upper and lower levels, but the mid level have conections. The alien containment have 3 levels and the lower one is ground.

In the attached image you could see the mid level (mapview).
« Last Edit: November 29, 2020, 09:52:02 pm by cevaralien »

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #48 on: December 05, 2020, 08:56:14 pm »
There is a new release of XCOM Multimod

What's new?

Added civilian female corpse bigob.
Added civilian male corpse bigob.
Updated female police corpse bigob.
Updated floorobs for police corpses (female and male).
Added new male civilian modded from MIB agent.
Added new female civilian.
Enhanced paramedic spritesheet to be more female.
Enhanced police female spritesheet to match bigob image.
Rebalanced armed civilians deployment in terror missions.
Updated commendations Angel's Cross to use new stat for tracking revived soldiers (from original mod Commendations 3.2)
New Mars terrain color.
Removed personal lights on remaining units.
New mapblocks for Green Mountain maps.
Enhancement of Mountain maps with more vegetation.
Enhancement of Geoscape: addition of Tikicaca lake, enhancement of Maracaibo lake and addition of La Paz city.
Adjusted Alien Retaliation mission mechanic.
Adjusted tilesets of human advanced crafts.

Some images of the new maps.

Offline WaldoTheRanger

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #49 on: December 08, 2020, 12:35:13 am »
Oh. Very sweet. My bad for not actually playtesting first

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #50 on: December 08, 2020, 04:23:55 pm »
No problem.  :)

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #51 on: December 16, 2020, 05:52:05 pm »
Today was released a new version of XCOM Multimod.

What's new:

Implemented maintenance cost for HWP and units in Alien Containment.
Implemented maintenance cost for Firestorm, Avenger and Lightning crafts.
Renamed "Craft Rental" for "Craft Rental & Maintenance" in cost screen.
New UFOpedia images for heavy weapons platforms.
Four new mapblocks replacements for alien bases.
Implemented sniper, scout and commando trainings with UFOpedia descriptions.
Added UFOpedia description for Psionic Combat Training.
Fixed grey mountain rulesets. The maps are in 1.05 version, but it was not activated.

In the attachments:

New mapblock for alien bases.
Mountain map with some trees.
List of possible trainings
UFOpedia Commando training description.

Offline Ran

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #52 on: December 27, 2020, 02:44:23 am »
Starting a new game almost all of my soldiers have all stats at zero, health is 1.
One or two have normal stats though, what's going on here?

I mean I know XCOM personnel is notoriously incompetent but these guys literally can't move a finger. :-\

I tried both OXCE 6.7.2 (2020_10_24) and the current 6.8.3 with your multimod 1.06.
Unaltered fresh install without any other mods.
Logs show no error except the transparency stuff. Also it says mod version is 1.05, this was likely not updated.

Offline WaldoTheRanger

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #53 on: December 27, 2020, 07:29:32 am »
I've got to try that lol

Offline WaldoTheRanger

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #54 on: December 27, 2020, 07:37:10 am »
ok that's bizzare.
It does it for me too. all but one have 0s and 1 health.

then in the purchase/recruit screen it says I only have one soldier, even though I clearly have all 8 starting ones.

I assume the one it's recognizing on p/r is the one with stats.

Offline WaldoTheRanger

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #55 on: December 27, 2020, 07:46:22 am »
oh geeeezz

just looking through the ufopeadia a bit, and day-um. 200 damage for high-ex by default?

I'm excited and scared, and very skeptical of the balancing. last time I saw that used it was ridiculously overpowered.

on the final mission for fmp, so I'll find out soon I guess.

[edit] does it still take 200 damage to get through ufo walls?

actually now that I think about it some more, I think it's probably gonna be fine. the added weight, the fact that each soldier can only carry 5 max due to the inventory rework, and the added danger to your own troops from increased blast radius should all make up for it.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 08:43:14 am by WaldoTheRanger »

Offline WaldoTheRanger

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #56 on: December 27, 2020, 08:32:24 am »
wow. just a few minutes of playing (even with the bugged soldiers) and I'm impressed.

It's not just more content than vanilla, but it's so much more polished and refined. (not to mention makes more sense)

I really like the simplifying of the inventory. less to think about, so you spend less time equipping and managing space and more time with the action.
oh yeah, and taking the silly timers off of smokes and regular nades is great too. it was just confusing for no extra benefit before. (however the ufopeadia entry for nades would indicate that it still has them)

ufos actually being hard to shoot down (or rather catch) is so much more immersive and tense. and the third slot weapon pod on the interceptors is a fantastic way to offset this (and it makes canons viable in regular engagements. holy crap I didn't think that was possible)

I think I will recommend this mod over vanilla to people who are new to the game.

the one thing I don't like is that instant grenades are turned on by default, but I do see how it fits with the design philosophy, and I'm happy since you let us change it back.

also a second pass on the 'peadia for spelling/grammer is in order. I'll try and make notes on specific problems next time I read it, but just a heads up
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 08:38:42 am by WaldoTheRanger »

Offline Ran

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #57 on: December 27, 2020, 09:13:02 pm »
I'm glad the soldier stats bug is reproducible. I hadn't played OXC for more than 5 years, I thought I had messed something up during installation. ::)

There appear to be two unrelated bugs affecting soldier stats and one regarding palette shift for night missions:

1)The initial soldier bug only appears in 1.06.
I started a dozend new games and it seems you randomly get between zero and 5 normal soldiers, the rest are duds. Sacking the zero-stats soldiers and hiring new ones fixes the problem, they all have normal stats.

2) If you run a random battle, you get a lot of soldiers with non-zero but very low 1-digit stats.
But also the zero-digit ones and a few normal ones.
This also happens with 1.05 and both OXCE 6.7.2 (2020_10_24) and 6.8.3.

3) Terrain palette shift bug
There's something wrong with the palette shift for night missions. Like Bug 2) it seems independent from the mod and OXCE versions Iv'e tried. Upon starting a new battle the correct palette briefly flashes up, then the terrain turns greenish. See here, together with one of mankind's finest warriors...

Still I like this mod a lot, hope cevaralien fixes the bugs!

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #58 on: December 27, 2020, 09:22:03 pm »

I will look for these bugs soon. I'm busy now but i will fix all soon.

Thanks for the feedback :)

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #59 on: December 27, 2020, 09:52:51 pm »
About the pallete...

It is not a bug but a feature of openxcom. It is a "nigth vision mode".

I removed all light emissions from soldiers and mind controled aliens. Because this, if you do a night mission, you wouldn't see the scenario without a flare, so, the openxcom developers released this feature.

You can try a day mission.