Author Topic: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod  (Read 36563 times)

Offline cevaralien

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[OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« on: November 09, 2020, 04:49:04 pm »

From cevaralien.


First, thanks to all people who do awesome works and mods. I have taken some things from many mods to use it or modify it to adapt to my work. Credits to all:

hobbes (Area 51) - Human Soldier, Blackbird MCD parts.
hellrazor (Thunder) - base craft and MCD parts.
Solarius Scorch (XCOM Files)
  Aliens inventory, hybrid.
  Sounds, images of taser and others.
  Farmer civilians.
  Power Suit/Flying suit armors spritesheet.
  Extra explosions.
  Soldier screams.
  MCD parts.
  Geoscape WORLD.DAT and textures.
  Female and male police corpses bigobs and floorobs.
  Male civilian corpse bigob.
Robin - (Men In Black 4.5) - Male suit civilian spritesheet.
Finnik  Hybrid Diplomat.
Dioxine - Female farmer
Moriarity - Power Suit/Flying Suit
Unknown authon - AK - 47
Solarius Scorch (FinalModPack) - Xcom cyberdisc.
Solarius Scorch (Celebrate Diversity) - Soldier names, flags.
Solarius Scorch (SolarsNewUfos) - UFOs Sentry/Excavator/Figther ideas and png images. MCD parts
Sorry, i lost the name of this author. (GenderDetail) - Busty female armor.
Reaver of Darkness (ReaverFullMod) - Heracles basebit and icon, alien habitat backscreen, ideas for plasma cannon recovery.
Shoes, Ivan Dogovich, hellrazor (Commendations v2.1) - full mod.
redv (PSIwar) - Helmet, Spritesheet.
OXCE (Armed civilians) - full mod.
CanadianBeaver (Awesome guns) - Ligthning image, Blackops weapons parts, craft missiles images.
MKSheppard and Gix (Improved nations) - new nations.
Sorry i lost the name of this author and original mod - Kevlar vest soldier spritesheet and inventory.
Kzer-Za (UnrandomizedWounds) - base script.
Daedalus (HQSounds) - Alien sounds and small explosions sound.
Ivan Dogovich (Improved_HandOb) - Handobs for many items
efrenespartano (UNEXCOM) - Female and male civilians.

Thanks to Yankes and Meridian for the guidance while was scripting.

Thanks to efrenespartano for the help updating to 7.2.

If i used some material that is from yourself and i don't give you the respective credit or you don't want to allows to use or modify your material, please, tell me at openxcom forum: cevaralien.


This mod is a expansion of the features of the original XCOM.

I added some new UFOS, weapons, armors and craft weapons.
The game is not so straight forward to finish it like the original one. Some critical techs requieres many others to unlock it. And... it is critical to capture aliens.
Changes to the dynamics of the game. The wounding effects are different, in fact, no one dies inmediately from limbs wounds, but if the wounds are so severe, the unit will fall unconscious and it could lost some time or firing points from his or her stats.
All damage is "flat"; there is no "zero" damage, but critical hits to body parts.
There are some add-ons for power and flying suits.
Rework of Personal Armor, laser weapons and addition of new handguns for armed civilians.
New Alloy Armor (modification from Kevlar Armors)
Small map modifications for some UFOS.
Plasma cannon (and power cell) are recoverable from UFOs.
New HEAT ammo for rocket launcher, special for heavy armored units (yes i speak about you, Sectopods and Cyberdiscs).
Asthetical modifications to original crafts: Lightning, Skyranger and a total rework of Avenger, based on Thunder craft.
Modification to alien mechanics. They are more dangerous.
Ethereals don't use weapons... at all. Be alert, they are very dangerous.
Some new alien ammo for small launcher.
Laser weapons are RECHARGABLE after finish the mission and they don't dissapears after depleat the energy.
Add-ons for firearms: grenade launcher and shotgun modules.
Now there is no "obsolete" weapons. All have it's pro and cons.
Rebalance of units stats: no more athlete runners or super soldiers.
New countries and limits to funding.
New mechanics to infiltration.
Psionics attacks requires special training, not only psi skills.
Redesign of Living Quarters, Workshops and General Stores maps, to match with game descriptions.
And more...

I hope you like it. You can use it or it's parts as you want, but be careful with the third-party material.


It could be reasonable to save Mind Probes and Muton corpses. ;-)

Now the Skyranger have features indicating it's VSTOL nature. Notice that soldier now have chairs attached to the inner hull of the craft :-D

The new Avenger.

Some new weapons, including my favorite weapon work: M4 carabine. I modified the ak47 found on XCOM Files mod to add a buttstock.

New Living Quarter. Now the XCOM bases have four levels.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 05:43:43 am by cevaralien »

Offline Meridian

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2020, 05:00:14 pm »
FYI, Hobbes does not allow using maps created by him to be used in other mods.

Offline gijoe

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2020, 05:19:35 pm »
Thank you, nice laser weapons anyway  8)

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2020, 05:37:39 pm »
FYI, Hobbes does not allow using maps created by him to be used in other mods.

Wow!! My bad!

I will fix the situation soon as possible.

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2020, 06:21:01 pm »
Thank you, nice laser weapons anyway  8)



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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2020, 07:05:39 pm »
This is a nice mod, keep it up! I hope I can do a mod like yours one day.

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2020, 11:46:47 pm »
Well... there is a new version of the XCOM Multimod.

I removed all material related to the mod Terrain Pack of Hobbes. I add some maps made by myself, all of them related with urban environment. These are the changes:

- Removed maps from Hobbes Terrain Pack mod.
- Removed geoscape map and textures from Hobbes Terrain Pack mod.
- New blocks added to replace the Hobbes maps: polar, desert, mountain and jungle urban blocks.
- Fixed urban blocks for some cities.
- Fixed strings for living quarters.
- Added strings for new alien deployments (related to new map blocks).
- Added new geoscape map from Area 51 mod (transitory).
- Some urban buildings are iluminated by default.

I'm using now the geoscape from Area 51 as a transitory step to another geoscape. That will be added in the next version of the mod, alongside some new blocks for natural environments. I think that this geoscape is allowed, because there is no limitations in the mod README file, but if it use is disallowed, please, tell me and i will remove it.

You can download the new version from the original link.


Solarius Scorch give me some advice about the credits.

Finnik  Hybrid Diplomat.
Dioxine - Female farmer
Moriarity - Power Suit/Flying Suit
Unknown authon - AK - 47

Offline Meridian

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2020, 12:37:59 am »
I'm using now the geoscape from Area 51 as a transitory step to another geoscape. That will be added in the next version of the mod, alongside some new blocks for natural environments. I think that this geoscape is allowed, because there is no limitations in the mod README file, but if it use is disallowed, please, tell me and i will remove it.

Any original resources by Hobbes are explicitly not allowed for use, here's the official statement:,4047.msg120036.html#msg120036

Doesn't apply to any non-original resources like maps from other modders (e.g. various UFO2000 maps), conversions and recolors (e.g. vanilla TFTD maps) or any remixes of maps or other resources by other authors.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 12:39:42 am by Meridian »

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2020, 01:43:15 am »
Any original resources by Hobbes are explicitly not allowed for use, here's the official statement:,4047.msg120036.html#msg120036

Doesn't apply to any non-original resources like maps from other modders (e.g. various UFO2000 maps), conversions and recolors (e.g. vanilla TFTD maps) or any remixes of maps or other resources by other authors.

Is for that reason i'm using the area51 gesocape, it is original from Improved Globe and added to area51. But i was reading the readme of the mod, not the forum. If the geoscape is original from him, no problem, i will remove it.

Is Bladum geoscape subject to property? It is another option for me.

Offline Meridian

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2020, 01:48:40 am »
Is for that reason i'm using the area51 gesocape, it is original from Improved Globe and added to area51.

You're probably fine then.
Might wanna use the one from Improved Globe directly, to be extra sure, but that's up to you.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2020, 01:52:22 am »
Bladum should be fine with it I think. I happen to have him on Discord, so I can ask him if you like. But I have no idea what exactly he did with the globe.

If you want, you can use mine (from The X-Com Files) - it's reasonably well tested and a bit improved. Also, only today Dioxine and I fixed some holes in UFO patrols to crack down on "safe base spots". If you're interested, get the up-to-date, yet unreleased version from

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2020, 02:01:22 am »
Bladum should be fine with it I think. I happen to have him on Discord, so I can ask him if you like. But I have no idea what exactly he did with the globe.

If you want, you can use mine (from The X-Com Files) - it's reasonably well tested and a bit improved. Also, only today Dioxine and I fixed some holes in UFO patrols to crack down on "safe base spots". If you're interested, get the up-to-date, yet unreleased version from

Ok i will test it. Thanks.

I'm a big fan of XCOM Files. Excellent work! It gives me hours of playing and i don't finish it yet. It have many features! Congratulations.

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2020, 02:04:04 am »
You're probably fine then.
Might wanna use the one from Improved Globe directly, to be extra sure, but that's up to you.

I was looking for this mod but i don't found it. I know of the origins from Hobbes itself (reading the forum). If you know where i can find it i will apreciate it. Now, i will test Solarius Scorch geoscape.

Offline Meridian

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2020, 09:59:52 am »
If you know where i can find it i will apreciate it.

I don't know, sorry.

Offline cevaralien

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Re: [OXCE] XCOM Multimod
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2020, 01:53:26 am »
Ok, i tested the XCOM Files geoscape and i replaced the area51 world.dat with it, but i made many changes. Thanks to Solarius Scorch for allowed me to use his geoscape work.

First, i changed the polys ID to rework the Earth regions. Second, i modify many places of the map. In the attached images could be seen the modifications.

Another change was the texture for mountains. Frankly, the vanila texture -for me- is similar to a pile of rice grains  :-\. I rewoerked the texture to make it more mountaineous, with snow.

I added the mountain chain of Mexico, alongside a rework of US west mountains.

North Africa was changed, noticeable the new aspect of Turkey.

The Himalaya was corrected. Now is more similar to Google Earth map. Australia was changed too and Ural mounts was added.

And at South America, The Andes was modified and Venezuela is more accurate.

All modifications was made with the same quantity of polygons. I don't know how to add them to the WORLD.DAT but, i think it is quite accurate.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2020, 02:53:34 am by cevaralien »