Let's keep suggestions for the suggestion forums

More importantly: For the next milestone I'm currently working on the reaction fire functionality. Which is not really AI, it just is a formula that defines when a unit should reaction fire.
But nevertheless a very interesting feature, because it will -for the first time in openxcom history- allow aliens to automatically open fire on x-com soldiers (and vice versa)

Other stuff to expect very soon (next milestone):
- The sectoid "test aliens" will now be equipped with plasma pistols. (otherwise they can't attack - duh)
- A first draft of a score/loose/win screen will be implemented
- minor enhancements like: better line of sight (multiple raycasting between units instead of just 1 line), because it was possible to hide behind objects where in the original you could not hide behind, unit stops walking when new alien spotted, camera follows bullet when it goes out of the screen,...
Without the real AI implemented you already could play a very nice hot-seat battlescape game

Or if, like myself, you don't find any volounteer, play both x-com and alien side :p