Author Topic: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.  (Read 40882 times)

Offline tarkalak

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2020, 08:44:20 am »
Thanks for the suggestions Tarkalak. Hadn't thought of waiting a second turn before starting by deploying a smoke grenade inside Skyranger. Sounds like something to do when we suspect issues at least. Force move also sounds like an interesting option to be aware of. I'll take a closer look next battle. I'm trying to keep the game totally vanilla, so haven't been looking for extra functionality, but some of it might have been in the original without me knowing about it.. But I've kept all the settings on default on purpose..

You are welcome.
Force move isn't vanilla, and prearming grenades before the battle isn't either, but you can arm them first turn and drop.
Sitting the first turn in the craft is pretty common advice, because the AI has full TUs on the first turn.

In the mod I play, there is some superhuman only code, that turns most aliens towards the craft at the beginning of the battle. I am not sure if that applies to unmoded game, though.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 09:05:17 am by tarkalak »

Offline humbe

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2020, 10:25:54 pm »
Fifth mission completed. No aliens spotting Skyranger immediately. Walking out on the ramp, we saw the roof of the UFO behind the forest west of the Skyranger. Forest is dangerous territory. Hard to know whether you are in cover or not, but hard to get line of fire for snipers positioned further back, so anyone around there can easily run into a surprise. Tested out throwing a smoke grenade and a proximity grenade into it, and going around it instead.

The field next to the forest had a fence at the end, so if we stayed all the way up to the edge of the map, aliens on the other side of the field will not see us. Perfect place for snipers, and then I could move a spotter forward and get mutual surprise if any aliens walked out.

The plan sounded good, but in practice shit still happen. We lost 3 soldiers. 2 soldiers we lost to friendly sniper fire. We thought they were fairly safe, but then "snipers" can shoot 30 degrees of the intended trajectory, not much is safe, and while there was plenty of space to not hit our own soldiers, any shot missing a lot seems to hit exactly where it shouldn't. There should also be at least one navigator in that UFO, and we were expecting him to be one of the latest out of that UFO if we waited it out. We shot down whomever got out while we tried to get in position. (Stun rods on soldiers outside UFO around the corners of it) The first one we stunned was a soldier, but the second one was jackpot. A navigator. We carried him around the corner just in case we ended up wanting throwing explosives outside door.

But later sadly a fast moving sectoid went around the corner and killed our third soldier. Another incident where we had a live alien up there which we had issues hitting, we ended up using the heavy cannon and blew up at least one mind probe. Grmpf..

But... NAVIGATOR.. At 06:39 19th of January.. That is an awesome result. But I think we'll finish research of laser rifler before switching.

We lost Linda & Viggo which neither was very promising recruits, but Jeremy which was one of the two in position to stun had great reaction and bravery and would have been a very good addition. We're sad to see him go. On top of that Sigourney got wounded and needs to stay 22 days in the hospital. That's 2 soldiers with long term issues.

We're selling most of the alien loot, and end up with 3.9 million dollars in the bank. So what do we need money for in the near future?
  • Hyperwave decoders - With only 50 scientists, it will take on average around 18 days to complete, and it may be some time before we're done with the laser rifles too, but in 8 days time we hope to get more scientists, to hopefully speed it up.
  • New bases - Once we get to decoders, we'd like to put down extra bases for better radar coverage. It would be nice to get these bases built 16 days in front, with a living quarter, so we can avoid putting the decoder bordering the access lift. If so we should probably do that very soon. First two bases we'd like to add is in US and China, and they cost $800.000 and $750.000 to build. Would be nice to add living quarter and general storage for base defense too, but that costs quite a bit extra. And a hangar or two to be able to have more local interceptors would also be nice.
  • More scientists. In 8 days time we'll have space for 50 more. In 16-24 days time yet 50 more.
  • Workshop - We only have one and it takes forever to build, so if we have spare cash and a palce to put it it would be nice to add another one.

Our soldiers keep getting killed, and we have some extra living space now, reserving 20 free space in workshop for projects we're building, that leaves space for 20 soldiers. We recruit 7 new ones now.

After the mission, region activity graph for UFOs have risen to around 84 for Europe, sticking at around 42 for Siberia and 6 for North Africa and 1-3 for the rest.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2020, 10:28:07 pm by humbe »

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2020, 01:01:52 am »
At midnight, beginning of January 20th, 26 scientists and 20 engineers finally arrive. Laser Rifle progress turns to Good in the now full research lab. Still takes 5 days to finish the last 12 of the 20 laser pistols we ordered though. Hoping we abort that earlier due to inventing rifles.

21st of January we see new activity in Central Asia and Siberia.. We sadly didn't check reports often enough, and probably could have spotted it an hour earlier, but now at 16:42 we're scrambing skyranger-2 and the interceptor to go patrol for it. Will probably send out skyranger 1 too, as soon as we've checked the equipment we have loaded. Hrmpf.. We searched around until 06:00 January 22nd, and past all of Russia more than once, and still didn't find it. I guess we lost it.

At 06:00 we got the 7 new recruits incoming. Jennifer, Ben, Roger, Mel, Harrison, Tom & Uma. Don't look like good soldier candidates, but we'll see what happens.

After the lost UFO, Siberia graph is up at around 48 and Central Asia 4. Not that big a movement so I guess it may very well have been a very small UFO. If it was a small UFO that landed, I would have expected to have found it patrolling.

At midnight, at the very start of January 24th, we finally discover how to make laser rifles. This will make a huge difference during combats. Laser pistols are awesome fast. It's possible to fire of 12 shots in one turn using 4 auto shots. Laser rifles is a bit slower, so you can only manage 6 shots per turn, but each shot is a lot more accurate and deals more damage. It does twice the damage of the regular rifle, and is more accurate for snapshots and autoshots. It is slightly less accurate for aimed shots, but you may be able to fire of two aimed shots instead of one per turn. Our workshop has almost completed making the 17th of 18 ordered pistols. We'll let them finish the 17th before starting on rifles. At 04:00 we finish the 17th pistol. 11 days and 3 hours is the estimate to finish 20 rifles. Might be a few missions before that, but there might be some ready for the next mission.

The 50 scientists will now focus on the Alien Navigator. While there's lots of nice bits to research for us, getting real radar coverage is priority one. Scanning these reports in details is hard work.

At start of January 26th, our hangars are complete, and we can finally dismantle our southern ones. We do, and also start building another workshop. We need another day to finish 2 research labs and a living quarter, at which time we will demolish the original general store and start building another.

At start of January 27th, living quarter and research lab completes. We want to hire another 50 scientists, but as it's already so late in month, we have to await until February to hire them, to avoid paying them a full January salary. Should have been cheaper to hire them late in month :)

January 28th, 23:23:30. New activity reported in Siberia. Sending out all 3 crafts to patrol. If we find it fast, it should be great timing for a day mission. Ouch.. Terror in Novosibirsk

At least we filled the Skyranger with 14 soldiers, and we did manage to produce 8 laser rifles in time. We expect this to be another sectoid mission, and if so we're expecting cyberdiscs. Hopefully we'll be able to deal with them with our laser rifles but they are fairly armored and may take quite a few hits, so it might be hard to get everyone to survive.

Supposed to save as many civilians as possible too, but if we run fast into the town, we're sure to be shot down randomly here and there. We start in the corner of the map, so I think we'll just hope the civilians can hide a while, and secure our corner and try to slowly take on the town, part by part.

The start looked like a place where cyberdiscs could reaction shot into, so we dumped a smoke grenade on the floor, awaited a turn, and dropped one outside and waited another turn. In the meantime we heard a ton of shots, and around 10 civilian death screams. How on earth were we supposed to save these people? Almost all died in the first two turns?

We deployed, and ensured to keep the most expendable troops in front. We actually scouted and shot down 4 cyberdiscs without a single casualty. Pretty awesome and much better than expected. One was even shot down by a laser pistol alone.

The deaths came from the spotters being seen by aliens during their turn. Again, I guess we could have tried to hold the position close to the skyranger, and awaited aliens to come to us. But just sitting put waiting and moving a bit back and forth to see if there's someone approaching is a pretty boring strategy.

The score ended up negative, so no score gain for the mission.. But the 29 alien artifacts are probably worth a pretty penny.

Daniel, Ben and Roger died. They were all three rookies with poor stats. All in all though, we thought we did pretty well on our first terror mission facing 4 cyberdiscs.

Graph is now up to ~63 for Siberia and still around ~84 for Europe.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2020, 08:43:31 am by humbe »

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2020, 11:36:33 am »
Night to 30th of January we finish researching the navigator and moves on to hyperwave decoder.

First month done. They say it's excellent and that they are happy, but the US and Japan don't want to increase funding, so the extra funding is a bit lower than we hoped for.

Hired 50 more scientists and 3 more soldiers immediately.

Already in 1st of February we see another UFO on the radar. It's a small one heading south. We expect it to be coming for Europe, but it flies through and down south in Africa. We follow it with interceptor, but as it's daytime we just track it while we get Skyranger down there to fight a mission.

It's a jungle mission with floaters, and it went pretty good. Poor Charles got shot while searching up the last floater that hid in the jungle.

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2020, 11:54:31 am »
I guess Africa might be an active area this month. It's hell to see anything minor on the activity reports now, as it is cluttered from last month, so maybe we should try to keep patrols over Africa.

After selling most of our alien artifacts, we have 6 million in the bank. Lets build a base in US and China now, so we have locations to put decoders in. We actually ended up building bases in Brazil, Zimbabwe and Australia too. With those 6 bases, when we get decoders in all, we'll cover all land on earth apart from Antarctica and the southern tip of South America. Will likely put a 7th base in Antarctica at some point.

Building living quarters in US Base (Great Falls) and in China base (Weinan), to connect a decoder and a general store behind it later. Costs a bit with living quarters too, so delaying putting them in 3 other bases, until I'm fairly sure we can afford building 3 decoders when we have researched that.

The activity graph is a mess. South Africa now at ~13. Europe/Siberia graphs are 0-5. Hard to say. Others look to be zero.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2020, 11:56:18 am by humbe »

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #20 on: August 07, 2020, 02:11:00 pm »
Night to February 4th, another 50 scientists and 3 soldiers arrive. Progress of Hyper-wave decoder went to good after assigning them. But it's an advanced project that takes quite a bit of time. We're soon done producing the 20th laser rifle too. Securing a rifle for all our soldiers. Last mission we could have equipped all 14 soldiers with one, but we opted for one to still have the rocket launcher with incendiary rounds for the jungle. We should probably have used that one more to try and burn down the forest. If so Charles could possibly still be alive.

It's heavy ammo though, so impractical to carry enough to do it.

A fourth soldier also came. The new four are Maggie, Sylvester, Milla and Val.. Sylvester looks to be the most promising recruit we've seen to date:

            TU Sta Hlt Brv Rea Acc Thr Mel Str
Maggie      51  62  36  60  30  55  65  29  24                                         4.5
Sylvester   58  59  40  40  59  67  75  40  23                                         8.5
Milla       57  63  40  40  34  58  56  35  24                                         5.5
Val         50  67  30  40  36  66  79  39  30                                           6

We have lost a few good soldiers, but we've also lost poor soldiers and gotten better recruits, so no disaster yet. Will be good to get some armor to up chance of survival though. After we have researched decoder, body armor is a potential next goal. Mind Probe would also be nice to be able to capture a Sectoid leader when the chance comes. First aid kit could have saved a few soldiers.. And Plasma Cannon and Firestorm would also be nice to have.. Quite a bit to research.. We'll see about priorities later..

All 20 laser rifles have completed production now. In lack of other bits to make, we've set the engineers to make more to sell to others for some income. It'll pay the engineers salary while we await more work at least.

Been quiet for a while in February, but at 10:00 7th of February we detect new activity. Now around 15 in South Africa and around 3 in Central Asia and North Africa and 1 in Antarctica. I guess the UFO came from Antarctica and travelled northwards.. If the same UFO has all that activity, I guess Central Asia is it's most likely current location. We're sending interceptor to Central Asia and starting to move Skyrangers into Africa to get some coverage there too.

New activity showed it in Central Asia which isn't a too big area so we are surprised we used so long before spotting it.. But at 15:00 we finally did.

It's night time, so I'm hoping we can shoot it down. But it's at considerable speed, so it might be done and going back at higher speed than we can catch. It does speed away from us, and it does lose the interceptor which is out of fuel and  heading home, but we do reaquire a UFO in southern part of Africa which we assume is the same one. It actually stops in southern part of Africa and lands.. As we no longer have interceptor we can use we're sadly looking at another night mission..

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #21 on: August 07, 2020, 04:16:56 pm »

We dumped a smoke grenade inside. Threw a flare in front and saw that the corner was empty, so then we threw a smoke grenade outside too before waiting a turn.

Three casualties yet again. Mickey, Milla and Val. Neither had reaction to be faster than the aliens and bit the dust. Mickey due to a failure on my part. Throwing a proximity grenade before moving behind corner, but thought turning ones was enough, but turned twice, and then I had one TU too little to move around the corner. Other two deaths were spotters being spotted first. Mickey have been our heavy weapons expert, and had amassed 7 kills, but with poor reaction and firing accuracy somebody else can easily fill his role.

After the mission alien score in South Africa is ~29 and ~11 in Central Asia. North Africa maybe 3, Antarctica and Indian Ocean 3-4 and  Could it have landed there and took of again? I thought UFOs went straight for mission area before wondering around.. Or could there have been two UFOs? Hyperwave decoders will just be sooo nice.

Hmm.. We also found a small launcher with stun bomb this mission.. Too bad we have to research it before we can use it. Would be nice to get Sectoid leader, but not expecting to have capacity to research it first, and mind probe will be more useful if I have to pick one of the two.

With the loot from this latest mission, we can actually afford building 3 decoders I think.. Yay.. But we seem to be slow to research it..
« Last Edit: August 07, 2020, 04:21:54 pm by humbe »

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #22 on: August 07, 2020, 04:35:05 pm »
Finally.. Night to February 10th.. Hyper-wave Decoder.. A milestone in any game.

This means we need to prioritize what's next to research right now. It feels wasteful to use on average 600 researcher days to research Mind Probe which isn't required, but it's a very nice utility, being able to find out if an alien is the alien we need to capture, and also checking if he has TUs left to react. We're not playing for an optimal quick game anyhow, so lets give it a go.

Starting to build one immediately in San Marino, but Great Falls and Weinan bases have 7 days left to build living quarters.. Thinking we'll await those before starting to try and build and easy to defend base.

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2020, 05:10:46 pm »
Three replacement rookies have arrived:

Orlando     59  40  27  10  59  56  62  33  29                                         6.5
Charlize    58  40  40  40  58  41  62  23  25                                         6.5
Kate        58  51  37  60  46  70  77  20  40                                           8

All look like decent recruits. Kate looks especially promising though her reactions could improve.

11th of February we notice reports on more activity in Central Asia.. Creating patrols. Leaving the fast interceptor with the upper route, as it'll be fastest, and then it can travel towards Africa which we are not surprised if the UFO ends up over.

Eventually located the UFO, and managed to make it to it before it set off again, or before night came. I was sure I was over that place once or twice with the interceptor though. Isn't the detection chance 100% if the UFO is landed? I'm pretty sure the spot was within the interceptors circle at a half hour boundary earlier. Well well.. All is well that ends well..

It's a small UFO and I'm guessing we're facing floaters again. I don't like all these buildings close to us though. Close quarter reaction shots easily cause death. On the other hand, if we get on top of the roof of this building we have an excellent sniper position..

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #24 on: August 07, 2020, 08:25:40 pm »
Hehe.. After dumping smoke and waiting a turn I shoot at the wall to make an opening, and as I shoot auto, I shoot down two wall pieces, and an alien standing behind it. Lucky me ;D.. Yeah. Floaters again. Looks to be a floater month. Shooting a whole on the second floor and see yet another one.

We sadly lost another soldier due to a lucky long range shot from an alien spotting us through a building. Orlando looked like a promising soldier, but his career ended quickly.

With the loot from this mission, we can afford building another 2 decoders, even after building living quarters in the remaining bases. Thus doing so. Two more decoders being started in 6 days, and three more can be constructed in 16 days if we find new money.

Both Central Asia and South Africa scores for the aliens are now around 29.

Friday the 12th of February we see reports of new activity in Southern Africa, and a new patrol ensues. This time we don't seem to find anything though. Either the vessel is on the ground somewhere we aren't able to see it, and it'll get more alien score once it is done, or it was a UFO that didn't land or stay long.. Africa score up to 35.. Not a big rise if it was an unhandled UFO. Maybe it was a very small scout that went away fast.

Night to 14th of February we finished Mind Probe research. At least that went faster than average. Moving on to alloys, thinking we might want to start working towards FireStorm and Personal Armor. Living quarters are finished in San Marino, meaning we have space for another 50 scientists, but hiring them costs money, and so does building decoders. Thinking we'll delay more until we have build decoders.

14th of February around noon, we get some reports from the Indian Ocean and Central Asia. Scrambing another patrol. Landed UFO located in northeast India. Got interceptor patrolling above. Our skyranger is a bit away though, so wonder if we make it before it takes off again.

We did make it, and that makes for another night mission. The skyrangers nose is parked at the edge of the map, but otherwise there may be enemies all around, and there looks to be plenty of places to hide here. Better take a catious approach moving out..

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #25 on: August 07, 2020, 09:20:38 pm »

Finally a mission without casualties.. Armed with laser rifles all around we can just spray out shots all over the place, and try to shoot holes in walls of these wooden buildings. I think all aliens but one was out of the small cross shaped UFO. Engineer being the only one left in it died of proximity grenade walking out. Mostly we detected them spotting each other with a spotter, and then took them out with a sniper or the spotter. Some were detected after we shot down walls.

After fight, central asia graph is at ~48, North Africa at ~34, indian ocean around 8. Selling the loot we have around $5.2 million. If we sell a bit more we have money to build another 4 decoders. 2 will be started in 3 days time, in 13 days time we can start building in last 3 bases, and we expect to afford the 6th decoder too at that point, if we get another mission in between. That will be 27th of February, meaning we'll have world coverage of decoders around March 25th, and the first on ready around 8th of March.

We could hire more scientists too, but it's hard to know when we'll get money back to build decoders, and buying them at this time, would not make them available before 17th of February, which would only make them research 10 days for a full months salary. I think we'll still prioritize decoders for now.

Turns out nothing happened before living quarters finished the 17th. Started building 2 more decoders in US and China bases.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2020, 10:33:58 pm by humbe »

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2020, 12:36:07 am »
Later on the 17th we spotted more activity in South Africa and head south to patrol.. Eventually we saw this:

Night was coming and we were really hoping to fight the UFO in daytime, so was crossing fingers for it to land. Finally a large UFO to fight..

And then it landed.. Terror UFO of course. I shoulda guessed.. Looks like we'll just be able to catch the site before night fall..

We landed facing the border, but after dropping smoke and moving out next turn, we turned left and saw two floaters fairly close. Trouble is we were missing a lot, and got less TUs as people moved longer to get out, and the people already out was in the way. Trying to take out the 2nd we turned away to make way for new shooter and spotted 4 more next to the skyranger towards the front. And then we tried to move out on other side to get around to shoot them we spotted a big beast. Too many for us to take them all out, and we were expecting havoc, but one of the remaining floaters fled instead of fight, and the beast didn't manage to get close enough to attack (seemed to waste it's TU). We did get a surprise shot from another direction that sadly killed Jean Claude, but other than that we escaped much better than expected. After that we cleared the area with all the people we had out. Sadly, Maggie died of friendly fire after walking forwards to spot another beast. One would think one of our better snipers would manage to avoid friendly fire, but alas..

The end score was pretty sweet. Got more money selling the loot, and ordered builing of hangar and general store in Great Falls and Weinan bases. Once they complete the decoder in 26 days, they should have space for some soldiers and gear for base defense, and have a hangar we can park an interceptor in. Still, we have 3.5 mill left, so we don't need much more before we can buy 3 more decoders in the last 3 bases. But still 10 days to go before living quarters are ready there.

Jean Claude was the most experienced soldier we've lost to date I think, with 10 missions and 7 kills, he also had pretty decent stats at 63 66 33 50 44 65 62 32 37.. If it wasn't for the bit low reaction score he would have been pretty awesome.

After the mission, alien activity is listed as ~54 in South Africa and ~48 in Central Asia, and 8-9 in Indian Ocean. Antarctica is also around 6 and North Africa around 4.

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2020, 10:24:50 pm »
This was the screenshot of the activity graph after the terror mission:

Looking at the graphs, we are a bit lucky noticing a change late 18th of February pretty early. Do you notice it?

It looks like the Europe graph has moved upwards slightly. Pretty hard to notice. I'm downsizing my screenshots though. I'm doubling up pixels on my screen so it's simpler to see here. I was hoping the "Maximize info screens" would maximize graphs too, but alas, it doesn't affect them.

Half an hour later, and we see the Central Asia graph moving up a notch too. We're moving our patrol east, as that makes sense as there's been earlier activity there this month.

At 23:00 hours we spot it:

We have the interceptor there, but it's soon morning, so we're currently just tailing it with the skyranger hoping for it to land so we can make a non-crash day mission for maximum loot..

At midnight we are interrupted by scientists.. They have finished researching alloys and they now start looking at personal armor. Would be nice to up survival chances on the battlefield..

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2020, 11:56:39 pm »
Thought I'd cover a mission more in detail, if anyone is interested in my battle tactics:

We're in the southwest corner. Straight ahead there are buildings that may hide aliens, though we see the doors are locked, so I guess the chances of there being one in the right one is minimal. There's also a hedge tile down there, that may hide aliens that can just walk in at very close range. When we step out we can likely look pretty far out the grass field in the middle though.

Also, we've been facing a lot of floaters this month. Would not be a surprise if there were floaters this time around too, and if so they may be up in the air, and sitting on the Skyranger for all we know. We'll start turn one with a smoke grenade outside and inside.

Started by deploying smoke and deployed around skyranger in turn 2. Noone in sight. Shooting a few holes in buildings and hedges to look a bit through.

Shooting more holes but no alien in sight.

We're seeing more and more, but little enemies.. Where are they?

And here we see the first alien. Not surprisingly a floater. We easily shoot him down at range.

Seeing more and more of the map but few enemies. We hear a lot of UFO doors though.

Clearing a bit up north. Took out second floor of building, but as we moved through the first floor, Clint was shoot through a window and sadly died. Getting up on the roof here will give us excellent sniper positions though.

Hiding behind a hedge to look out each turn and spot for enemies. Have put a guy with decent reactions down south at a UFO corner to try and shoot down any alien that tries to move in on us from the south. It never happened though.

With good sniper positions were were able to mostly be the ones detecting aliens moving with mutual surprise and shoot them down from range. No further casualties. And all died outside the UFO.

Clint sadly died, but other than that the mission went very well.

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Re: My first real OpenXCom challenge. Superhuman Ironman vanilla.
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2020, 12:43:05 am »
21st of February we invest Personal Armor. We start looking into Elerium-115. We're hoping for better armor later, but rather than building laser rifles for cash, our 30 engineers can start making some personal armor instead. Would be nice to have for the spotters at least.. 13 hours until the 31st laser rifle produced for cash is built. After that we'll change..

We have money to spare after the last mission. We could hire more scientists, but I think we'll be waiting until the start of March to avoid paying full salary for the few days that remain of February.

22nd of February at 13:00 hours, we are back to 20 soldiers after enlisting four more recruits:

Nicolas     59  56  27  50  51  49  58  27  24                                         6.5
Christopher 53  56  35  60  54  66  73  27  24                                         7.5
Will        58  42  28  10  41  50  57  20  39                                           5
Scarlett    53  60  30  60  54  44  61  28  21                                         5.5

The 27th of February we finish building living quarters in last 3 bases. Starting to build hangars, general stores and hyperwave decoders in all three. Our second workshop have completed, and there's only 9 days until our first decoder is done. Elerium has also been researched, and we're researching UFO power source. 5 personal armors have been produced.

It's quiet on the UFO front indeed. Will there be anymore in February?

Nothing appeared, and February has gone..

Everybody is happy with our performance this month ;D

At the start of March, our bases looks like the following:

Here's the main base..

And here's how all our other bases look like, though the last 3 are later in the progress, having 24 days left for the decoder. But we will have pretty good world radar coverage 25th of March, marking the end of graph tracking.

We have collected 500 elerium since the beginning, and not used any of it yet. It's filling up our storage, so moving 200 units of to each of Great Falls and Weinan. We have no defense in those bases yet, but they are not operational yet and no craft has been shot down near them, so we're assuming any retaliation missions will come against San Marino base first at least. I guess we'll have to try and get some soldiers and equipment in other bases for defense in not so long..
« Last Edit: August 10, 2020, 09:19:23 am by humbe »