Look, I really am sympathetic to this request and having a fan like yourself, showing a fanatical interest in this really honours me as the creator of the Hybrid mod.
The conversion of Nord’ TWOTS mod is not an easy task, every asset has to be converted into UFO standard. The armour, aliendeployment, Alienmission, research tree and item, units rule need review.
This is at least 1 to 2 months of full time scripting to get the conversion done. I am currently full with Nord’s mod. Originally, the Hybrid mod is a staging ground for anyone who want to start their own hybrid mod.
If you are really keen for this, my suggestion is, get involve and donate the time to make it happen yourself. You can start by tweaking the rul files and if you need help, try asking people in the forum.
I can only get involve in this after Nord’s mod is complete and that is a long time away.