- fixed AlienDeployments.
v. 2.63
- OXCE 8.0 compatible;
- Added new pirate map by murkhach.
v. 2.62
- fixed Typhon map;
- fixed ion beam disruptors;
- updated for OXCE 7.14;
- minor fixes;
- minor balancing;
v. 2.61
Polishing release:
- Fixed minor bugs;
- Improved some images.
v. 2.60
- Added new map - Yacht (thanks to murkhach@centrum.cz);
- Added new unit - shoggoth;
- Added new items: tactical buoy; fuel tank;
- bio-suits now provide more bonus health;
- slightly improved some sprites;
- minor bugfixing;
v. 2.59
- New mission type - underwater terror;
- new events;
- Minor bugfixes.
v. 2.58:
- Fixed SWS spawn for OXCE v.7.9.6 or higher.
v. 2.57:
- Defensive facilities are now upgradeable. Torpedo-gauss-sonic-pwt can be built on top of previous;
- A knife has been nerfed again;
- minor bugfixing;
- OXCE 7.9 compatibility;
v. 2.56:
- new facility - headquarters (also prison for humans);
- new item - zrbite lamp;
- Improved some sprites;
- USO maps fixed;
- Fixed Cruise liner placement;
- Fixed the Poseidon tank placement;
- Fixed the Triton/Poseidon colors;
- Fixed some ufopedia typos;
- Slightly balanced;
- minor bugfixing.
V 2.52
- fixed 2x2 spawn in USO;
- fixed acid torpedo manufacturing;
- fixed knife/vibroknife balance;
- fixed missing USOPedia article;
- fixed Paladin stripping;
- fixed map CTD in martian battleship mission;
- fixed minor bugs;
V 2.51
- Added new suit - sailor vest;
- fixed minor bugs;
- prepared for newest OXCE (current - 7.5.3);
- added Korean language.
Due to bad internet connection:
- removed additional music, recommended to use mod "Orchestra of the deep";
- now in archive is only mod, without OXCE;
V 2.50
- Added functional acid damage. Now acid does damage over time. Direct weapon power was nerfed.
- Moved shard weapons down through tech tree. Now only any commander interrogation is needed to research and use them;
- Added sprite change for human-made weapons when it have no ammo;
- Added 3 hint pages to Usopedia;
- Fixed a pair of small bugs;
- Fixed some typos.
V 2.49
- nothing new, just minor bugfixing;
- updated to OXCE 7.0.
V 2.48
- Upgraded to OXCE 6.6.1;
- Fixed crash on martian battleship map;
- added wonderful orchestra music by zauberkraut.
V 2.47
- minor bugfixing.
V 2.46
- added new weapon, acid pistol;
- now small retaliation USO must bombard your base instead of assault (not checked);
- increased range of microtorpedo launcher;
- minor bugfixing;
V 2.45
- Fixed Triton map;
- Fixed holes in some of USO's roofs;
- Fixed Cargo ship civilian placement;
- Added feature: geoscape events;
- Fixed alien fighter hunt behavior, nerfed his shooting frequency;
- minor fixes;
V 2.40
- enabled bughunt mode after turn 20;
- enabled radar circles over hunter-killers;
- Various minor bugfixes;
V 2.39
- Now all units have inventory images, and let no one go offended;
- New shield level indicator - when unit is hit, flash message shows shield left;
- minor fixes;
- OXCE 6.4 used.
V 2.38
- Fixed Poseidon map;
- Fixed/rebalanced melee time costs and aim;
- Fixed drone sounds (checked);
- Rebalanced Sonic Oscillator;
- Now Oscillator and Ion craft cannon require ammo;
- New loot - neurointerface components;
- Now one mag.navigation needed to produce 4 gauss pistols or 2 rifles;
- Mag. navigation manufacturing;
- Minor fixes;
- Newest OXCE used.
V 2.37
- Cormorant now have 2 harpoints for cannons;
- Fixed shard weapons(armor damage, no more armor piercing, proper rifle name, proper sell costs and recovery points);
- Fixed melee weapons TU cost;
- new sounds for drones;
- more space for large storage and large quarters;
- minor balancing.
V 2.36
- Added new tier of alien weapons: shard guns;
- Added new craft weapon - aquaplastic cannon;
- Added recycling of termal shock bombs and pvt rounds;
- Increased HP of enchanced aquatoids;
- Minor bugfixing.
V 2.35
- Various minor bugfixes;
- Implemented decreased enemy's TU on the first turn;
- Minor balancing;
- OXCE 6.2 used.
V 2.34
- Added nev vehicle - Scorpenae;
- Added armored zombies (from armored soldiers)
- Some additional images (inventory and background);
- Decreased crew size of Triton to 12 men or 2 SWS;
- Global terrain-based environment (e.g. abyss in darkest regions of world ocean);
- Fixed crypt ruins map;
- Fixed X-Rifle research;
- Minor fixes;
- Stunning improves morale;
- Newest OXCE 6.1.1 used.
V 2.33f
- Fixed t'leth crash;
- Minor bugfixing;
- OXCE 6.0 used.
V 2.33
- Biodrone inventory fixed;
- terrain bugs fixed;
- changes in T'Leth enemys;
- minor fixes;
- OXCE 5.6.2 used.
V 2.32
- Fixed armor MC-defense;
- Fixed T'leth level 2 exit zone;
- New unit - naga honor guard;
- ion armor and ogre shields improved;
- mag-ion armor now calls "mag armor";
- jellymen reaction improved;
- sonic oscillator nerfed even more;
- naga spawn reduced, and additional naga missions stops not after research alien key, but after research naga commander;
- alien key manufacture fixed;
- exosuit now gain additional light in abyss;
- minor fixes, mostly reported by Meridian in his letsplay;
- updated to OXCE 5.6.2.
V 2.31
- Fixed OXCE 5.5 incompatibilities;
- Minor balancing (bio armors, uso speed, gauss resistances, etc)
- Minor fixes (strings, inventory pics, bullet sprites, etc)
V 2.30
- Fixed MC Battlearmor special weapon;
- Added ALL units armor overview in USOPedia;
- Included wonderful pWWWa's "Alt Drills";
- Reworked some USOPedia pages;
- Improved russian texts;
- Minor fixes.
V 2.29.1
- Fixed inv pics. Again.
V 2.29
- Added new USO interiors by Blank;
- Added soldier transformations to cyborgs and MC-shielded ones;
- MC-shielded aquanautc MC-strength increased;
- rebalanced a few things;
- defined names for craft weapon slots;
- Fixed new music;
- Fixed island civilian spawn;
- minor fixes;
- suited for OXCE 5.5. And exactly this version is used.
V 2.28.1
- fixed new armor invs.
V 2.28
- added new inventory pics (64 of them) for ALL armors;
- added some music;
- added new SWS: scout drone (for surface recon);
- increased value of civilian lives;
- diver knife do less damage to armor;
- rebalanced USO mission chances;
- rebalanced alien item levels;
- randomised mission spawn time;
- mindworms attack nerfed;
- fixed Outcast bugs;
- fixed missing strings;
- fixed music in excavation;
- minor fixes;
- OXCE 5.4.1 used.
V 2.27
- added new alien weapon: Cocoon;
- fixed hazmat armor (again);
- fixed outcast unit spawn;
- fixed mindworm melee invulnerability;
- fixed poseidon unit placement;
- minor fixes;
- newest OXCE used.
V 2.26
- Fixed barge map, so foot units wont fall off the barge;
- Fixed aquanaut corpses recovery;
- Fixed sometimes-critical error with sunken ufos;
- Fixed russian translation for new OXCE rules;
- Special to Meridian: added possibility to repair Paladin armors;
- Minor fixes.
V 2.25
- fixed alien lab level 1 map;
- fixed Naga temple map;
- added new enemy: Church outcast;
- added new item: alien clip;
- added special desriptions for special missions alert (deep missions warning);
- minor fixes;
- used nevest x64 OXCE build.
V 2.24
- Fixed Ufopedia entry about high pressure;
- Fixed holes in Leviathan;
- Small rebalance of Zrbite ammunition and Magna-Pack;
- Minor changes in mission scripts;
- Minor bugfixing;
- Newest OXCE build.
V 2.23
- fixed ion armor;
- newest OXCE build used;
- added new item - bubble.
V 2.22
- added new rare item: handheld mc-shield;
- improved routes of many normal maps, focused on floating units;
- increased weight of explosives;
- minor changes in enemy resistances;
- fixed Usopedia order;
- fixed small bugs in research;
- minor bugfixes;
- newest spellcheck from long6oarder included.
V 2.21
- fixed hole in triton/poseidon;
- fixed officer laser pistol accuracy;
- fixed item categories;
- fixed facility moving price;
- fixed human corpses size;
- increased weight of plasma cannon;
- small fixes;
- added two help articles in USOpedia about hotkeys;
- new background in some mission briefings;
- seaman now called fishfood. (by Meridian);
- newest english text redaction. (by long6oarder).
V 2.20
- fixed abandoned crypt map, terrain and text strings;
- different directions for P8M deployement;
- added a pair of ufopedia articles;
- newest OXCE build used.
V 2.19
- fixed shock mechanic;
- fixed a pair of text strings;
- minor fixes;
- new Poseidon appearance, Triton sprites are also updated (minor fixes);
- newest OXCE build used.
V 2.18
- minor fixes;
- naga sorceror fix;
- decreased chances for alien biolab to spawn;
- new english translation by long6oarder;
- proudly present to you: new TRITON appearance, gratefully stolen from Carlos Cabrera (original art:
V 2.17
- fixed x-com base spawning nodes;
- added new armor - carapace;
- added new weapon - plasma gun;
- added new manufacture projects - repair/decompose broken armors;
- experimental - added large polyphs to jellymen base;
- newest oxce+ build used, thanks to Meridian;
- MC-armors now use special weapons.
- Also cyborg names now have 'CS' prefix.
V 2.16
- nerfed polyph TU. Expect less reaction fire.
- improved hellcrab resistances;
- added shields to all Freaks;
- implemented sniping mechanics;
- implemented spray fire mechanics;
- implemented ability to cease alien missions by shooting down uso;
- implemented ability to regain lost country;
- decreased infiltration chances even more;
- all ion weapons now have 10% armor piercing;
- added ufopedia articles about game mechanics;
- mc-controller now lose aim due to range (maybe need to balance);
- mc-focus lose power;
- decreased zrbite portion per accelerator (to 20 units);
- added missing thermalvision to armors;
- fixed bug with T'leth third stage;
- some options made unchangeable;
- modified darts sprites to better type visibility;
- minor bugfixing;
- newest OXCE+ used.
V 2.15
- fixed bug with needler movement;
- fixed bug with hazmat suit torso;
- fixed bug with final mission research;
- fixed bug with ion rifle disassembly;
- changed alien infiltrations. They will spawn rarely, use smaller crafts and finish faster. Please try and provide feedback. Remember: if last craft is landed, infiltration counts as succeded.
- changed alien key research. Now you can produce new one, if the first one was lost;
- some more unnamed bugfixes.
V 2.14
- Fixed second stage map bug (excavation site and ancient dungeon);
- Fixed/changed biodrone research;
- Fixed missing music;
- Now you can recycle alien ammunition for zrbite.
- New armor: Ogre (2x2) with integrated weapons.
- Replaced weapons between Ogre and Cyclop;
- new image for advanced medikit;
- shielded USO have modified interception pics;
- minor fixes;
- newest OXCE+ build used.
V 2.13
- Another critical bug fixed. Now Freaks spawns properly.
- MC battlearmor animation fixed.
- Some other fixes.
- Research and manufacture slightly changed due to balancing.
V 2.12
- critical bug fixed, noe you can win the game. I hope...
- many small bugs are fixed too, including advanced bio armor.
- added two new USO, both with shields (for late game). Maps are stolen and then reworked.

- reworked tech tree.
- balancing
- newest OXCE+ build.
V 2.11
- Major bugfixing, including critical bugs.
- added new weapon - vibro knife
- Triscene now have fire weapon
- research tree has been changed slightly, one major thing - you need to destroy one alien base or artifact site to build one transmission resolver.
- added two buildings - Naval control center and transmission nexus.
- minor rebalancing
- rebalanced manufacturing costs.
- newest OXCE+ used.
V 2.10
- bugfixing.
- added equipment - chemical neutralizer.
- fixed new animation of static units.
- newest spellcheck applied.
V 2.09
- new item: biogel injector.
- new facilities: medbay, regeneration bay.
- finished sprites for hybrid armor and advanced bionic armor.
- rebalancing.
- more bug fixes.
- Fixed crash in willage.
- Fixed stun darts
- Fixed corpse names and some other strings
- Spellcheck by long6oarder
- Minor bugs fixing
- New armor - advanced biosuit, sprites of hybrid armor changed, ufopedia picture is in progress.
- newest version of OXCE+, all praise Meridian!
- Hunter-Killers will drown your subs, if you will be not cautious enough.
- A whole new quest arc added: The Jellymen. With new missions, new units, new weapons and new USO. Easter eggs included.
- Stingray can now land for small assaults (still 2 crew members)
- many upgraded Ufopedia pics, some new pages too.
- fixed bugs with upgraded aliens capture.
- fixed some other bugs (may forget the list after two monts)
- maybe something more was added, but i can not remember.
- special thanks to ohartenstein23 for animated torso script.
- Fixed broken routes in suken galleon map.
- Fixed naga sorceror capture.
- Fixed hazmat armor production.
- Maybe fixed a bug in mutant maps, at least i hope so.
- Angler craft renamed to Mako.
- Fixed Mindworms usopedia articles.
++Fixed facilities building
++Improved English translation, thanks to
- Archive contains full packgage. Just unrar and copy original TFTD files into "TFTD" folder.
- Added 4 new races with new units and their own terror units.
- Added 9 (or close to that) new weapons.
- Added new armors, including shielded ones.
- Some alien units also gain shields.
- Added 5-6 types of missions, like alien floating barge and defense of military base with the help of soldiers.
- Multiple rebalancing changes. Like lobsterman has more armor and less health.
- Many ufopedia pics.
- Many changes in research tree.
- Multiple fixes.
- Improved english translation, thanks to
- Graphic updates: animated terrain, fixed "artifact site" groundblocks, etc. Also added previews for armor and SWS in craft equipment screen.
- added hazmat armor;
- added sonic sniper rifle;
- added small barracks called outpost, for your interceptors pilots;
- added craft weapon - Nuclear torpedo;
- fixed facilities sprites;
- fixed vanilla alien deployement in xcom base attack;
- fixed melee weapons (error "no ammunition loaded");
- behavior of some units changed to leeroy jenkins;
- minor fixes.
- added missing strings for OXCE+;
- fixed knife damage type;
- fixed hook ufopedia;
- fixed stun grenade sprite;
- fixed russian translation.
- small bugfixes in research tree and usopedia order;
- mutants now armed with shotguns;
- medikit requires SORESO database now.