I know its one of the canonical examples from "why my suggestion rejected"
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,6498.0.htmlOpenXcom is a 320x200x8 game and anything that cannot fit into that won't be done.
So please don't ask for "just one more button above Intercept button on the Geoscape", you're wasting your time.
But still, if we are already there. What about making buttons for optional features that were implemented only as geoscape state hotkeys - global research screen, manufacture, daily experience, and stuff like that - useful features, that are already in the game, but only accessible with a hotkey. That hotkeys are not obvious, many people do not know they exist. Having UI buttons for it would be handier, IMO. It would not heart people who play 320x200 (though, IDK if it's me, but I can't set up this resolution in video options) - nothing would change for them, they would have only hotkeys as they do now. And it's not like much work - all states are there, just new methods for buttons, it's not hard at all.
I'd also like to have it behind some option like extended "Extended Geoscape UI" for those, how used to vanilla button set, and would not like changes.