Hello, and trhanks for taking the interest.
So, here is the list of what I think is either does not make sense, breaks lore or just not logical:
1. Aquatoids having purple (psi) shield. TFTD lore says that every marine alien is full of implants that block psi, so why do they have psi shield?
OK, let's get this out of the way: half of TFTD lore is crap.
I am strugling to keep the mod 100% aligned with UFO/X-Com 1 lore (or at least close enough), even when I build upon it or interpret it in some ways. But for TFTD, I cannot do this, because it's internally inconsistent, illogical, and shoehorned (since the game was rushed as hell and basically a reskin of UFO). The
not-psi molecular control idea is one of the most egregious examples - the creators couldn't get around the fact that psi was already well understood from the first alien war, and they still wanted the same mechanics, so they just said "psi no work lol" and introduce the MC, which was a perfect carbon copy of psi.
Now, I'm not saying that the entire MC lore as such is garbage. There is some interesting content regarding to the Synonium network and the like. But I consider it just a form of psi, because this is what "MC" actually must be. There is absolutely no reason to believe that normal psi doesn't work on TFTD aliens when it works to some degree on all living beings, just because they have some gizmo in their brains.
If you aren't convinced, then you can assume it's not a psi shield but an MC shield... Which changes exactly nothing.

2. This comes out of question 1. I can mindcontrol and panic those critters.
See above.
3. Shock weapons under water. I'ma be real with you chief, buy a shocker and stick it in water then pull the trigger. Block shock weapons for under water missions, we have dart guns for that.
I know, but TFTD is big on electric weapons which work underwater perfectly... So there must be some trick to it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't like it much myself, but I don't want to tackle this right now.
4. Why do I need a assasin interrogation to unlock martial arts training when I have ninja scroll and Lo Wo's scroll? I am late game and locked out of Helix Knights and Psions cause they demand MA training.
Because unlike Naruto, you still need a teacher, and catching one living Assassin isn't a big deal. If you missed the opportunity with Black Lotus, wait for a bank robbery.
5. 90% of Hydrospace marines during alien raid in military base run around with crowbars and axes, unarmored. Really? These guys are affiliated with X-Com, why do they not have aquaplastic armors? Theres also only 1 dude with gas cannon and 1 with sonic pistol.
It's not an X-Com base, it's a civilian facility. If they could defend themselves, the Council wouldn't even let you know this place exists.
Maybe I'll make some Aqua-Plastic units for them in the future, when I expand the underwater arc.
6. Can we fix non hostile AI? Police/military, all run around like headless chicken, sometimes even two steps away from enemy, instead of shooting they like "I'ma run around stupid"
That's not a question to me, but to developers

7. Is zombie arc broken? I cant seem to progress after cleaning nests and catacombs, and I did live captures and kills of all HVTs there.
It is not broken, as people certainly are getting past this phase. You must be missing something.
8. Not getting Shogg arc opened, whats the criteria? I did open it last playthrough.
You need to discover Hidden Caves, develop a Motion Scanner and find some Shogg artifact.
9. Not getting bobblehead robots missions too.
RNG makes every campaign different. Enjoy what you have, because many people don't see it!