Just about to release the last planned update for Equal Terms 2.0 For Equal Terms (in the middle of smoke testing it right now), so I'm finalizing my planned changes for Equal Terms for OpenXcom Extended while I am away from my main computer.

Current planned changes:
1) Complex scripting for the accuracy for all projectile weapons
a) Weapons like the Sniper Rifle will be more accurate only in the hands of high Firing soldiers
b) Weapons like the Shotgun, LMG & SMG are best suited for low firing soldiers
2) each weapon will have new reload and unload characteristics
a) most weapons will have completely different unload and reload TU costs
b) all weapons will have new reload and unload sounds
3) Power Range reduction for certain weapons
a) the shotgun will be the most obvious weapon for damage dropoff
b) other pistol calibre weapons will see some dropoff, but not drastic
4) Some weapons will be forced as Two handed.
a) Other weapons will have customized One handed penalties
5) Other weapons will have flat TU costs for snap shots
6) High penetration weapons will be more effective against armor
7) Certain options will be forced on (UFOExtender Accuracy) to ensure the mod works properly.
Any other recommendations for things one would like to see in this mod?