it's about you - repedeatly - making it out like your suggestion would be a practical way to go about implementing it. It's not, for reasons that I pointed out in the other thread. You didn't actually adress any of the points and instead called into question the ability of anyone not directly contributing to the codebase to judge your suggestion.
Do you have a version of how this can be done? Or feedback is now discourage in your version of this forum?
As have been pointed out to you by now - repeatedly, by different people - simply taking into account existing mechanics can be enough to tell you if an idea is viable or not. You have a penchant for oversimplifying things and not looking at existing mechanics, their interconnection and the possible problems created by your ideas. This wouldn't be an issue in and of itself if you'd actually care to acknowledge those shortcomings, but instead of adressing them you'd rather pretend that these issue don't exist or call into question the expertise of those pointing them out to you.
And you assume I don't care about those short comings? Or you have a lacking in interest in knowing that I don't care, but wish to critique me? Practicing your english like you say? You never read the part I do acknowledge of the superhuman feat it will take to get this work?
Hi Warboy,
I am not ignorant of the fact that to get this feature out would take superhuman work. It is a huge if not astoundingly hard request.
Apparently what I wrote and quote above was conveniently ignored. Your interest, is to generatie more of your condescending "critique". You did this more often historically in this forum. You left bickering inducing comments and have short term memories of what you did. When someone explain to you that your "critique" is disrespectful, you conveniently forget of what you did and play the innocent victim.
Instead I'm at fault for not endorsing your creativity.
You want more examples of the damaging and bickering inducing comments you left on the forum that not even constructive but more of condescending in tone?
There is, if people have to go out of their way to make up for your laziness or inability to judge concepts according to existing mechanics. That aside, you currently have 2 ongoing wishlist threads and 10 other request threads. Not saying creativity is a bad thing, but this strikes me as kind of excessive.
Of course, you are not visible to the disrespectful critique or feedback. What is excessive here, is your disrespectful and rambling critique.
If you still is forgetful of what you wrote a few days before. Here is a reminder.
Meaningless? MEANINGLESS?
Who the hell do you think I am, some rookie?
Anyway, I am not interested in responding to "critique" based on irrational fear of pop-ups. If you have arachnophobia, don't play games with spiders in them.
This is a fun feature, it stays and will get bigger over time. I know Piratez is going down exactly the same path.
Solarius, I get the feeling that you're right now existing in some kind of bizarro world where sentences take on some whole new kind of alternative meaning. Why are you trying to imply things I never said?
Why did you keep practicing this bickering inducing critique of yours? What outcome are you seeking to prove? Why do you always forget what you did?