
Author Topic: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.  (Read 20879 times)


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Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« on: September 26, 2019, 01:04:37 pm »
Footage of a suppose cover up by US navy of XCOM intercepting a UFO.

This prove XCom really does exist!  :o ;D
« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 01:07:05 pm by wcho035 »

Offline Nikita_Sadkov

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2019, 09:21:57 pm »
Probably some spy planes/drones and/or rocket tests.

Soviets for example had numerous UFO looking VTOLs. And experimental aircrafts usually look unusual, because they test some specific concept taken to extreme. Guess that is how the myth came to life.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 09:29:15 pm by Nikita_Sadkov »

Offline N7Kopper

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2019, 07:10:51 pm »
Just because the other UAPs weren't ayys, doesn't mean this one wasn't.

Nor does it mean it was. And besides, wouldn't we not really have X-Com unless they were trying to kill us?

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2019, 02:47:01 am »
It's a two-engine aircraft just like the one filming it. That's what they look like in infrared "heat vision mode". Notice how much easier it is to see than in the visual range later in the video. The commentary is fake, added in afterward.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2019, 09:06:30 am by The Reaver of Darkness »


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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2019, 10:10:36 am »
Now the us army has signed a contract to study suppose ufo crash material like exotic alloys.

So.. there's more concrete evidence XCom does exist somewhere in this world..  :)

Offline Stoddard

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2019, 08:42:21 pm »
Yeah, well. Don't forget the BBA-14

Offline Nord

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2019, 06:08:56 pm »
Sadly, "EKIP" newer lifted off. This was really perspective idea, but too hard to implement. Maybe harder than flying submarines.

Offline NancyGold

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2020, 11:59:32 pm »
Pentagon declassifies Navy videos that purportedly show UFOs

"The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified'", the spokesperson added.

I bet these are some lightning related phenomena or maybe camera problems. Like i.e. interference for electromagnetic activity in these fat clouds.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2020, 03:03:46 am »
I bet these are some lightning related phenomena or maybe camera problems. Like i.e. interference for electromagnetic activity in these fat clouds.
No, it's a twin-engine aircraft.

Offline NancyGold

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2020, 01:45:14 pm »
No, it's a twin-engine aircraft.
Why is it so fat? Where are the wings?

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2020, 10:47:19 pm »
Why is it so fat? Where are the wings?

It's in infrared. All you see are the engines.

Actually it has come to my attention that the image may in fact be a bird. I had heard somewhere else that it was a twin-engine aircraft. Either one easily fits the image profile from our position of limited experience. Perhaps there was a different one of a twin-engine aircraft floating about on the internet and I confused the two.

Offline NancyGold

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2020, 01:44:08 am »
There was once an eccentric guy, who believed that aliens have advanced socialist system, and will help USSR in building communism:
Beginning in 1968, Posadas also became known for his theories concerning UFOs. If anything like UFOs existed, they could demonstrate the existence of agents able to master a very sophisticated technology, something that would be compatible with what in this planet was advocated by socialism. If UFOs existed, they could be allied in addressing some of the major problems in the earth.
In his pamphlet Les Soucoupes Volantes, le processus de la matiere et de l'energie, la science et le socialisme (Flying Saucers, the process of matter and energy, science and socialism), Posadas pleaded that "We must call upon beings from other planets when they come to intervene, to collaborate with the inhabitants of the Earth to overcome misery. We must launch a call on them to use their resources to help us.”

Real life Cult of Sirius?

The XCOM cult is apparently based of

Surprisingly people are inclined to imagine aliens being just advanced humans. While for advanced lifeform stuff like social organization would be a matter of the past, just like humans as animals have long surpassed the single cell life form. So the real life aliens will likely have no definite physical form, and will be manipulating large scale space structures, maybe even galaxy sized, just like you manipulate items on your desk. Aliens will unlikely notice us humans, just like we don't notice every single quark or even bacterial colony on Earth.

The same way you are unlikely to waste your time on sharing your achievements with early bacteria colony, the aliens will just step over you. In fact, there is no way they can share knowledge with bacteria. And I'm sure human technological singularity is already near us, as soon as we gain complete control over genome, there will be technological explosion, long before we will be capable of interstellar travel. It will either destroy or completely transform human society into the form losing any connection with our origin. Stuff like self-replicating robots also lead to technological explosions. Suddenly we are able to manipulate large scale structures.

So XCOM or War of the Worlds scenario is a naive childish fantasy, just like the silly Warhammer, Master of Orion or Starcraft scenario. The Thing or The Blob is a bit more realistic, given that some small part of the alien organism has seeded the Earth to create some super-structure or being some larger experiment.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 01:51:49 am by NashGold »

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2020, 07:13:06 am »
Meh, Singularity is overstimated. Singularity ignores the fact it is impossible to simply iterate on a technology. Technologies can become mature, or stop advancement because the next step requires a material discovery, or even a paradigm change.

A good example: Guns. Guns in 1900 are all semi-auto, bolt-action stuff, with semi-automatics being relatively recent. By 1950, we had assault rifles like the AK47 and the FN-FAL. 2020 guns are pretty much 1950 guns with lighter materials and extra stuff like picatinny rail, etc.

This is because firearms became a mature technology after WWII.

Computers are also a good example. Computers as we know them came about in the 80s. I am not old, but I lived the nineties and the 2000s. You could buy a top computer, and next year, it would be obsolete junk upstaged by the newest shiny stuff. It was ridiculous.

That stopped in the 2010s or thereabouts. A 2010 and a 2020 computer are pretty much the same thing, but the 2020 computer just has ten extra years of tech. A top of line 2010puter would pass muster today. By comparison, a 1990 top computer would be a museum piece in 2000, and the 2000 topcomputer would likewise be junk in 2010.

I think the biggest impediment to AI is the current computer architecture. Look at the human brain. Faster, better, stores more info than hundreds of hard drives, does actual thought and emotion, small, and barely uses enough power to switch on a fridge light. No computer does this and occupies the same space and has the same use of energy.

We cannot beat the human brain with what we call a computer nowadays. We need a paradigm change here. A quantum leap. Maybe quantum computing is the key.

True AI in 2050? More likely, 2500.

There's the chance the aliens are far older, through. But someone in this forum once pointed out that, if you assume life evolved naturally, and their planet followed a similar time-table to ours, then the time for life to appear in the universe is... Right about now.

This is because you need stars of enough metalicity (AKA materials that are not hydrogen and helium) to get a star long-lived and hot enough, and solid planets with enough minerals and such to sustain life. Then enough time for life to evolve properly.

Then there's the fact alien minds are, well... Alien. We don't know how they think. Alien Intelligences are an enigma.

And there's always the issue of tech. Renassaince Europeans were two millenia ahead of the Amerindians, whose technological level was somewhere between the neolithic and the early bronze age. They pretty much won by accident, because of diseases. Europeans still died to spear stabs and arrows anyway.

If America had large, centralized polities at the level of say, the Assyrian Empire, then it is likely things would have turned differently. Hell, Pizarro pretty much lucked out in beating the Incas, the closest thing. Had they been at full power, Pizarro would have been flattened and so would anyone else before 1650.

X-COM is actually logical: The aliens don't attack directly, because taking worlds is hard. Worlds are immense, full of people. If you want to win without bombing everything, you need hundreds of millions of soldiers, even if the locals folded like a cheap lawn chair, because otherwise they might as well create guerilla cells outside your control zones and local polities might start double-dealing. Far easier to coopt the local leaders, especially if you control minds and can play the long game.

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2020, 11:01:50 am »

X-COM is actually logical: The aliens don't attack directly, because taking worlds is hard. Worlds are immense, full of people. If you want to win without bombing everything, you need hundreds of millions of soldiers, even if the locals folded like a cheap lawn chair, because otherwise they might as well create guerilla cells outside your control zones and local polities might start double-dealing. Far easier to coopt the local leaders, especially if you control minds and can play the long game.

That, or mind-control everyone to submission in a massive psionic attack, or deploy viruses that mostly wipe out the locals. The aliens do neither to give you a fighting chance for gameplay reasons, but it is stated in TFTD that the main alien ship hidden beneath the sea is automatic game over for humanity if it's fully waken up, which means it has enough guns to level the planet easily, mass mind-control bullshit, or something like that.

Offline NancyGold

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Re: Footage of real XCom ufo interception.
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2020, 09:46:48 pm »
Meh, Singularity is overstimated. Singularity ignores the fact it is impossible to simply iterate on a technology. Technologies can become mature, or stop advancement because the next step requires a material discovery, or even a paradigm change.

Self replicating robots, especially ones produced with the advancement in genetics engineering, will produce exponential growth. On galaxy scales. Surpassing previous industrial and computing revolutions. Or maybe humanity lives its last days. Since modern technologies are very dangerous, and could be used to wipe out everyone, when used by stupid people for minor gains. I.e. even minor scale terraforming can potentially lead to large scale destruction. For example, USSR managed to wipe out whole sea from the face of Earth as part of its terraforming project: once a beautiful and rich region is now a desert.

A several decades ago computers were very big, expensive, inconvenient, available only to big universities and large corporation. These computers cost several millions of USD. Computing time had to bee booked.

Now everyone has in his pocket a smartphone, which is more powerful than any of these computers.

Even more, such smartphone offers far more value and has a far more diverse set of applications, than these older computers.

Literally today's people are millionaires in some sense, and have access to something, even billionaires of the past had no way of getting.

Now imagine you can own a personal star. There are a lot of stars in the observable universe. Enough for everyone.

Or take computers graphics for example. In a few decades it evolved from simple few polygon scenes to photo-realistic scenes. Latest advances in AI allow real-time graphics like following
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 09:52:42 pm by NashGold »