Since in the book is writen that the infantry weapons didnt do much to the tripods, it would be logical to implement martian infantry or some kind of crude improvised tier 1 tripods the aliens build after landing without such defensive capabilities. The player would then have to research some heavy weapons like howitzers (which would have to be manned (equiped instead of armor like it is in XPiratez) and use the primitive anti-tank weapons that already existed like Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr. In case you would really implement martian infantry then they would need some 1910s scifi theme weapons, something like rayguns and death rays. I think that for martian units you could use waspite texture and lightly modify it. And one more idea, do you have a weapon that would replace blaster launcher? I remember when i was playing Ufo Afterlight there was a weapon called lightning ball thrower and such weapon would fit perfectly into tesla weapon tier. My best wishes
There are
really going to be Martian Infantry. We are working on modifying the Mechtoid race (made by harold_gray) and the Cerebreal race (made by Solarius Scorch) into the infantry. The Waspite is a really good option. Would you like to fight them from the beginning or like a end-game enemy?
There are going to be 4 HWPs available at the start, the British Mark IV, the French FT-17 Light tank, A7V of the German Empire and a new American Self Propelled Artillery. Further on the research tree you will get advanced tanks, some based on the chassis of these 4 tanks, some others very different. Definitely you will use a lot of tanks, alinare drew a lot of them.

The T-Gewehr is going to be part of the Tier I 1/2, composed of late war weapons (like the Fedorov Avtomat, the Luger P08 Carbine, Mondragón M1903, M1918 BAR or the Flammenwerfer) made of Martian Metal, firing Martian Metal rounds.
The whole Martian army uses derivatives of the Heat Ray tech, like small arms and Tripod mounted guns, the humans could only adapt it to heavier weapons. Therefore is imposible to use a Heat Ray Rifle, but you can mount Heat Ray Air Cannons on your airplanes.
The Lighting Ball Thrower sounds cool. I'm going to check it with alinare, since he is in charge of the Tesla techs.

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