Author Topic: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition  (Read 123605 times)

Offline efrenespartano

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[WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2018, 08:12:15 pm »
Looks great. Keep up the good work.

Thank you, TarzanCZ! We are open to new ideas and/or suggestions.

Maybe have some armors sprites have gas masks and/or enclosed helmets. I know it will make soldiers look less diverse but on the other hand lessen the amount of work and time spent on copying faces to new armors, also makes sense from lore standpoint since most of earth is contaminated so it only makes sense that some kind of specialized force used to make incursions into contaminated areas wears gasmasks/breathing devices/enclosed helmets. I made two examples of enclosed helmet sprites for heavier armors.

Also just as some inspiration here you have some images.

Yes, we have found some other spritesheets of the Men in Black and Gasmask mods that we are adapting into our ideas. Actually the Tier II armors include a gas mask to reduce the effects of the poisonous Black Smoke.

Your sprites look great and the photos you shared are really great. :D They are useful for Tier III armors.

The expected armor tech progress is

Tier I: Basic trench coat/uniform
Tier II: Trench coats with gas masks
Tier III: Heavy Armor plates made with asbestos
Tier IV: Powered Armor

This specialized force (and the equivalent to XCOM) is called the International Expeditionary Force and of course are going to have high risk missions.

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Offline TarzanCZ

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2018, 09:53:55 pm »
I think it would be interesting if you added chemical weapons, like mortar shells filled with mustard gas and so on.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2018, 09:58:39 pm »
This thing reeks of oldschool tabletop fantasies, like Warzone or some parts of Warhammer 40000.
It's awesome.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2018, 10:51:26 pm »
Well I think uniform would be more Tier 0, and gas mask + standard stormtrooper armor should be available from the start, or right after the start (at a price, tho). The higher tiers sound good.

Offline Anon011

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2018, 12:49:56 am »
I think it would be interesting if you added chemical weapons, like mortar shells filled with mustard gas and so on.
That reminds me of good old Jagged Alliance 2 1.13. Oh the joy of mustard-gassing the whole enemy outpost just to charge in with your mercs equipped with bayoneted AKMs and grenades.

Nothing quite like it  8)

Offline efrenespartano

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[WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2018, 01:20:30 am »
I think it would be interesting if you added chemical weapons, like mortar shells filled with mustard gas and so on.

Interesting! I haven't contemplate the potential effects of chemical warfare against the martians. Initially, we planned to only use Tripods, but with the inclusion of Martian infantry, this open the opportunity to gas those bastards.

This thing reeks of oldschool tabletop fantasies, like Warzone or some parts of Warhammer 40000.
It's awesome.

That's one of the purposes of this project! There is some tabletop wargame I've commented earlier, All Quiet on the Martian Front that would be great for a video game. Well, this is the adaptation of some concepts we liked. :)

Well I think uniform would be more Tier 0, and gas mask + standard stormtrooper armor should be available from the start, or right after the start (at a price, tho). The higher tiers sound good.

I agree with the Tier 0. About the initial gas masks, we have planned to add the horrors of the Black Smoke/Dust in the 2nd month (December, 1914), so you have to worry of dying for suffocation until that month. But a initial gas attacks with lowered intensity and a starting but crude gas mask sound like a good option!

If you want some initial heavy armor, maybe a bulky prototype (not made of asbestos, just simple iron) could be useful at the start of the game.

That reminds me of good old Jagged Alliance 2 1.13. Oh the joy of mustard-gassing the whole enemy outpost just to charge in with your mercs equipped with bayoneted AKMs and grenades.

Nothing quite like it  8)

I like how it sounds. (:<

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« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 01:29:45 am by efrenespartano »

Offline TarzanCZ

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2018, 08:16:17 am »
Since in the book is writen that the infantry weapons didnt do much to the tripods, it would be logical to implement martian infantry or some kind of crude improvised tier 1 tripods the aliens build after landing without such defensive capabilities. The player would then have to research some heavy weapons like howitzers (which would have to be manned (equiped instead of armor like it is in XPiratez) and use the primitive anti-tank weapons that already existed like Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr. In case you would really implement martian infantry then they would need some 1910s scifi theme weapons, something like rayguns and death rays. I think that for martian units you could use waspite texture and lightly modify it. And one more idea, do you have a weapon that would replace blaster launcher? I remember when i was playing Ufo Afterlight there was a weapon called lightning ball thrower and such weapon would fit perfectly into tesla weapon tier. My best wishes

« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 12:31:50 pm by TarzanCZ »

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2018, 11:35:50 pm »
Since in the book is writen that the infantry weapons didnt do much to the tripods, it would be logical to implement martian infantry or some kind of crude improvised tier 1 tripods the aliens build after landing without such defensive capabilities. The player would then have to research some heavy weapons like howitzers (which would have to be manned (equiped instead of armor like it is in XPiratez) and use the primitive anti-tank weapons that already existed like Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr. In case you would really implement martian infantry then they would need some 1910s scifi theme weapons, something like rayguns and death rays. I think that for martian units you could use waspite texture and lightly modify it. And one more idea, do you have a weapon that would replace blaster launcher? I remember when i was playing Ufo Afterlight there was a weapon called lightning ball thrower and such weapon would fit perfectly into tesla weapon tier. My best wishes

There are really going to be Martian Infantry. We are working on modifying the Mechtoid race (made by harold_gray) and the Cerebreal race (made by Solarius Scorch) into the infantry. The Waspite is a really good option. Would you like to fight them from the beginning or like a end-game enemy?

There are going to be 4 HWPs available at the start, the British Mark IV, the French FT-17 Light tank, A7V of the German Empire and a new American Self Propelled Artillery. Further on the research tree you will get advanced tanks, some based on the chassis of these 4 tanks, some others very different. Definitely you will use a lot of tanks, alinare drew a lot of them. ;D

The T-Gewehr is going to be part of the Tier I 1/2, composed of late war weapons (like the Fedorov Avtomat, the Luger P08 Carbine, Mondragón M1903, M1918 BAR or the Flammenwerfer) made of Martian Metal, firing Martian Metal rounds.

The whole Martian army uses derivatives of the Heat Ray tech, like small arms and Tripod mounted guns, the humans could only adapt it to heavier weapons. Therefore is imposible to use a Heat Ray Rifle, but you can mount Heat Ray Air Cannons on your airplanes.

The Lighting Ball Thrower sounds cool. I'm going to check it with alinare, since he is in charge of the Tesla techs. :)

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Offline TarzanCZ

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2018, 11:52:27 pm »
I think the alien infantry should be encountered early-game in large amounts becouse the late game aliens will be good equiped and they wouldnt risk theyre lives outside of tripods

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2018, 12:04:29 am »
I think the alien infantry should be encountered early-game in large amounts becouse the late game aliens will be good equiped and they wouldnt risk theyre lives outside of tripods

I agree with the progressive use of Tripods. The first Tripods will be lighter. But I think that the martians should keep using infantry, maybe more mechanized. They will still use pistols and rifles even on the late game.

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Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2018, 12:31:09 am »
Will there be triffids in the mod? :P

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2018, 02:33:29 am »
Will there be triffids in the mod? :P

Yes, that's right. They are going to be added, along with a new monster that alinare made.  :D

We have planned some "pest control" missions deep in the Martian Quarentine Zone including Triffids (the great model of SideQuests, IIRC you have added in The X-Com Files) and alinare's mutant.  ;D

I'm thinking about adding Selenites too, but I'm not sure.  ???

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2018, 10:17:15 am »
If you want some initial heavy armor, maybe a bulky prototype (not made of asbestos, just simple iron) could be useful at the start of the game.

Well not really a prototype, but some of the standard stormtrooper armor used in the era. If it's 1914, it can be expensive since mass production did not kick off yet.

And gas mask can be balanced by giving penalties to reactions and firing, so a shrewd commander can ignore the risk of black gas in order to get better stats... to his doom.

Also since tanks are so small, what about a quite radical idea... make soldier sprites to-scale, down to 1/2 of current size? :)

Offline alinare

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2018, 05:33:56 pm »
A couple of power-armor concepts, that have occurred to me and that could fit into The Great War of the Worlds.

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2018, 08:35:36 pm »
Well not really a prototype, but some of the standard stormtrooper armor used in the era. If it's 1914, it can be expensive since mass production did not kick off yet.

And gas mask can be balanced by giving penalties to reactions and firing, so a shrewd commander can ignore the risk of black gas in order to get better stats... to his doom.

Is a really nice idea! We will implement it.
Also since tanks are so small, what about a quite radical idea... make soldier sprites to-scale, down to 1/2 of current size? :)

Initially we thought it, but I'm not entirely sure about it, because I don't know if the game engine would display a smaller spritesheet correctly.

To justify the small size of the tanks, the story explains that these tanks are for one crew member and the larger ones (like the Conqueror APC) include more crew and heavier weapons. there is even a justification for the Tripods to be smaller, that these are like small mechs of a single crew member, more like battle suits. I'm experimenting with MapView to make an MCD of a larger Tripod, UFO sized, to make a transport of both the Martian Tripods and infantry. These can be attacked in the Geoscape as a normal UFO.

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