Author Topic: New Mod Portal!  (Read 129279 times)

Offline Starving Poet

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2018, 04:47:58 pm »
Yeah, It's the master field in metadata.yml. I have a number of mods that are master independent, but an example I made is

Offline SupSuper

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #31 on: November 08, 2018, 05:44:45 am »
What if you just leave the field blank?

Offline Starving Poet

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2018, 04:10:03 pm »
yeah, that's an option, but then you can't use filters on the side bar, and if integration becomes a thing it won't be visible there either.

Offline gix

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #33 on: November 17, 2018, 06:54:34 am »
Hi, SupSuper
The Mods link on the leads to this forum(,16.0.html), not on the (new) mod portal. Is it on  purpose?

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2019, 09:15:34 am »
Hi, SupSuper
The Mods link on the leads to this forum(,16.0.html), not on the (new) mod portal. Is it on  purpose?
Each place has different mods so I'm not sure where to direct people. But it's been nearly a year without the site exploding so... maybe? Maybe this will sweeten the deal. integration is coming to OpenXcom!

You ever used Steam Workshop? It's exactly like that.
You haven't? Well you subscribe to mods (that red button on the site that doesn't do anything yet) and they are beamed directly into your OpenXcom. Automatically installed and updated for your convenience.

To mod creators:
  • Downloads should follow the same rules as the OXCE ziploader, i.e. a ZIP file (no RAR, 7z or ARJ) which contains a single mod or several mod folders, no extra layers or OXC installs.
  • Multiple editions of a mod should have separate mod entries (eg. OGG vs FLAC), as the primary file is always the one that's downloaded.

To mod users:
  • Updates are ready to install? No!
  • A account is required to play OpenXcom? No!
  • Can I still manually install mods? Yes!
  • Can I ignore this altogether? Yes!

It'll be a while until this rolls out so you have time to prepare and discuss. Do you want more features ingame? Less? Discuss!

Offline SupSuper

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2021, 11:16:28 am »
It'll be a while until this rolls out so you have time to prepare and discuss. Do you want more features ingame? Less? Discuss!
Or not. :P

Anyways contacted us regarding integrating with OpenXcom, and put together for us a Windows test build with features built-in (subscribe/download/auto-update/etc):
Is there interest in this? Try it out and let us known what you think!

Basic setup:
1. Turn on in the Advanced Options.
2. Access the portal via the new button in the Mods menu.
3. Login with your email address, a code will be sent to it to finalize the login.
4. Per-user data will be stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%\\openxcom_modio, and the global mod directory is in %PROGRAMDATA%\<game id>

This shouldn't interfere with any of your settings or manually-installed mods, but I recommend backing up your stuff just in case.

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2021, 02:27:58 am »
First I just want to say thank you to all of you that have worked hard at supporting this community. Thank you!

I'm just catching up on where things are at, so I apologize if I'm asking a question already asked or making a fool of myself due to ignorance.  I released the original Iron Man mod in 2014 and haven't been involved with the community until now due to mostly life, family, work, etc...

I've recently enjoyed playing X-Com again and seeing how the community has progressed.  I found the new site and have enjoyed the latest releases of mods.  I did see that someone else had re-uploaded my Iron Man mod (they also didn't claim credit for it) and I wasn't upset... I was gone from the community for 7 years so I understand. WOW, it really has been a long time.  Anyway I've done some fixes and updated the mod release.

I've been reading through the forms as much as I can to catch up and get familiar with current expectations and guidelines.  In my excitement to play again and re-post the Iron Man mod, I also looked up in the archives of the old mods a couple of mods that I enjoyed playing and found they weren't updated and needed fixing to run with OXCE.  I figured since I had to fix them to get them to work, that it would be nice to re-post them to the community (giving credit to the original author) for everyone to use.

I just read Hobbes post "Terrain Pack and Area 51 Announcement" and realized that I might have made a mistake in re-posting others mods.  I'll take any actions necessary to address anything not acceptable by the community or recommend.

This bring me to one question, I was reading this form and I realized it's been a couple of years now and many mods haven't been re-posted, is there any thoughts on uploading all the old mods, giving credit to the original authors and allowing them to take over the mod release if requested, and possibly going through and editing the latest versions released to align with the 2.0 format and do any beta testing to weed out crashes?


Offline 0xEBJC

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2021, 02:37:51 am »
I know for the purest, UFO or TFTD are the only two releases, but I've started playing X-Com Files and am really enjoying it, and to me it feels like it's its own release.

Any thoughts on adding a release version for XCF in addition to UFO and TFTD? I know you can select 'X-Com Files' in the dependencies section, but for the 'base game' option currently it has to be left blank.

I don't know if Solarius Scorch cares that I or others may want to start modding XCF?  But I've started to consider making mods specifically for that release.  I made a specific version of the Iron Man mod for XCF.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2021, 01:02:55 pm »
Since I've been asked specifically, then let me declare I don't mind at all if people make submods to XCF - after as a modder, I am expanding other people's work, too! :) Just please credit the creators if you use their resources.

Offline SupSuper

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #39 on: September 24, 2021, 01:54:41 pm »
This bring me to one question, I was reading this form and I realized it's been a couple of years now and many mods haven't been re-posted, is there any thoughts on uploading all the old mods, giving credit to the original authors and allowing them to take over the mod release if requested, and possibly going through and editing the latest versions released to align with the 2.0 format and do any beta testing to weed out crashes?
This has been suggested a few times but people usually lose interest once they realize what a huge effort it is to update, test and republish all the mods.

I recommend starting small, if you still use an old mod that isn't on the portal, update it and share it with the community. Some authors might still reply if you PM them, if not credit the original author and respect their wishes, don't reupload any deleted or obsoleted mods. If they return you can give them back the mod, as allows multiple admins per mod.

Offline quikesan

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #40 on: August 21, 2024, 02:45:17 pm »
I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I have been search in the forum already and I could find the answer:

How do you actually use to install mods?
You are supposed to suscribe to the mods and they are automatically installed?
There is no previous configuration to use ?

Offline Meridian

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Re: New Mod Portal!
« Reply #41 on: August 21, 2024, 02:51:22 pm »
How do you actually use to install mods?

Download the mod.
Install the mod. (as if it was downloaded from anywhere else)

You are supposed to suscribe to the mods and they are automatically installed?


There is no previous configuration to use ?
