Author Topic: Nice mod !  (Read 11354 times)

Offline Bobwolf

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Nice mod !
« on: August 03, 2018, 04:51:19 pm »
Hey guys!

I was watching the X-Files series and it inspired me to play openxcom. Then I discovered this mod! It's a great mod. At the beginning I was completely lost but now I think I'm starting to understand it.
Correct me if I am wrong but this is more of a "Hit and run" mod.

Here are some suggestion I would like to share (superhuman) :

Transport : It's alright at the beginning to have simple car/van, but you should be able to send more than 4 soldiers at once. Why ? Because Cult safe house and Gang war are impossible. Not to mention that some Strange life form mission have a lot of alien. I "often" lost my 4 agents after the 1st turn no matter if I hide or try to shoot.

Weapon : I think you should have access to Kevlar armor and more gun faster. After all, those are human/normal weapon. The limitation only make me skip some mission because they are simply impossible.

I understand that some limitation were made to change the normal Xcom tactics but since lots of missions require you to save the civilians, you should have access to more equipment. Assault weapon, like m16, should be available at the beginning.

Offline krautbernd

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2018, 06:26:13 pm »
First off, you might want to switch to a lower difficulty if you're having problems - it's called superhuman for a reason. This isn't vanilla X-COM and plays accordingly. Also - at least for me - it's only been hit-and-run in the beginning and when dealing with extremely unfavourable odds. How far do you've actually progressed in the game (and what year are you in)?

Depending on your research you can get access to alternative means of transportion relatively early. HMMWV let's you take five agents, the Dragonfly takes eight, Mudranger a bunch more.

The whole point of the mod is that you start out as a civilian organization. Having access to assault weapons and body armor from the beginning kind of defeats the point of slowly unconvering the alien and cultist plots and being given given more and more authority. Again, if you're having problems, play at a lower difficulty.

Offline Bobwolf

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2018, 08:05:21 pm »
Maybe I haven't played long enough. I stopped after the 1st year because my agent were getting 1-shot most of the time and the lower cultist guys was taking 3-4 shot to take down.

I also notice that I did not active the TFTD weapon mod (50-150% instead of 0-200%).

I'll start another game and see if it help :)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2018, 08:54:56 pm »
Hey guys!

Hey, man (or woman)! Welcome to the forums! :)

I was watching the X-Files series and it inspired me to play openxcom. Then I discovered this mod! It's a great mod. At the beginning I was completely lost but now I think I'm starting to understand it.
Correct me if I am wrong but this is more of a "Hit and run" mod.

Yes, you could say so. I wouldn't say it's a central theme, but running away is a normal thing, especially early on. (That's why I made the "Retreat" article, to make sure that everyone understands that.)

Transport : It's alright at the beginning to have simple car/van, but you should be able to send more than 4 soldiers at once. Why ? Because Cult safe house and Gang war are impossible. Not to mention that some Strange life form mission have a lot of alien. I "often" lost my 4 agents after the 1st turn no matter if I hide or try to shoot.

As Krautbernd said, transports are sequential; first you can take 2 agents, then 4, then 6, then 8 and so on.

Weapon : I think you should have access to Kevlar armor and more gun faster. After all, those are human/normal weapon. The limitation only make me skip some mission because they are simply impossible.

You can have it very fast ifr you focus on it. But then your van gets delayed... And if you manage to squeeze both early, you will have your shotgun delayed... That's the basic idea, you must choose between options which are all must-haves.

I understand that some limitation were made to change the normal Xcom tactics but since lots of missions require you to save the civilians, you should have access to more equipment. Assault weapon, like m16, should be available at the beginning.

I also notice that I did not active the TFTD weapon mod (50-150% instead of 0-200%).
I'll start another game and see if it help :)

It's up to you, I haven't locked that option for a reason. But I don't recommend it - it makes hard battles even harder, since you can't get "critical hits" at 200%. Also, this model is generally considered less realistic (also by me) for a number of reasons.

Offline Bobwolf

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2018, 12:45:07 am »
Little update...

I'm using the Berreta instead of the Colt .45 and for some reason it seem to be more deadly. That's weird because the Berreta deal less dmg than the Colt.
Maybe it's because I reduced the difficulty to Genius.

I'm currently using the 0-200% dmg range and since I have more shot it seems to be more effective.

I'll play some more (because this mod is very refreshing) and I'll come back when the Aliens will have invaded the Earth :P

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2018, 12:20:54 pm »
I'm using the Berreta instead of the Colt .45 and for some reason it seem to be more deadly. That's weird because the Berreta deal less dmg than the Colt.
Maybe it's because I reduced the difficulty to Genius.

I'm currently using the 0-200% dmg range and since I have more shot it seems to be more effective.

There shouldn't be any reason this happens. Probably just coincidence.

I'll play some more (because this mod is very refreshing) and I'll come back when the Aliens will have invaded the Earth :P

Good luck :)

Offline legionof1

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2018, 06:34:07 pm »
Regarding the Beretta, i talked about this in other posts. At the very early stages of the game when nothing is 100% immune to crappy pistol dmg, volume of snap shots is the way to go. 23 dmg Beretta puts out 6 snaps per turn for an average of 138 potential dmg. Colt is 5 snap shots at 30 for 150 potential. However colt is 5% less accurate so suffers more missed shots with poor stat early agents. Between more volume and better accuracy the Beretta wins out when agents suck.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2018, 06:59:35 pm »
Regarding the Beretta, i talked about this in other posts. At the very early stages of the game when nothing is 100% immune to crappy pistol dmg, volume of snap shots is the way to go. 23 dmg Beretta puts out 6 snaps per turn for an average of 138 potential dmg. Colt is 5 snap shots at 30 for 150 potential. However colt is 5% less accurate so suffers more missed shots with poor stat early agents. Between more volume and better accuracy the Beretta wins out when agents suck.

Very astute!
I thought about it too, but maybe I have underestimated the effect a little. But it's very good actually.

Offline legionof1

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2018, 08:09:46 pm »
Doesn't get very far though. Once your at cult hideouts/bases the average enemy armor makes the Beretta about 60/40 to do any damage, where as the colt is still about 90/10 for any damage.

It does remain an excellent trainer weapon, since exp is about hits not damage. Even more so perhaps cause stuff wont die as quick.

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2018, 06:45:36 pm »
You can have it very fast ifr you focus on it. But then your van gets delayed... And if you manage to squeeze both early, you will have your shotgun delayed... That's the basic idea, you must choose between options which are all must-haves.

That philosophy assumes the player knows 1) what the must-haves are and 2) how to get to them. At high difficulties that is not unreasonable, because even the experienced player should be challenged. For a first time player though these things are unknown, and often it is unclear what the thing to research next should be.

I myself am on my first game (except that one time) and I'm pretty much winging it. I just started getting the beach missions and I get to take *no* ranged equipment at all. I managed to pull through the first such mission by going in at night and murdering the enemies in the dark with machetes. Still, I couldn't begin to guess how to focus my research to improve the situation. I play with the no-spoilers tech tree (because I think searching ahead in the tree is very un-X-Com) but even if I didn't I wouldn't know what to look for.

So my point here is, I suspect I am probably slower with tech than the campaign assumes, which may be a concern balance wise.

Offline Bobwolf

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2018, 05:31:51 am »
I'm taking a wild guess but I think you have to make a choice between research. Let me explain...

At my 1st attempt to this mod (superhuman) I was researching weapons to get better ones. But the game was getting harder and harder and I was not following the pace. Superhuman is too hard for me and it was my 1st game..

I restarted (Genius this time) and I used my scientists differently. In the original game, you throw all your scientists on one research most of the time. But in this mod, I found it better to split my scientist and have multiple research at the same time. When I get a research I feel very important, I throw most or all my scientist on it.

I may be imagining things but, there are so many research project that you can research that I feel like you have to try to sort them out. To me that's the investigating part of the X-files mod. Your resources are limited, you need to try and focus on what seem to be important.

I'm currently finishing the 1st year and for some time I was feeling strong until recently. What have I done recently ? I tried too hard to research unimportant stuff. This mod makes you pay for that.

Don't click if you don't want spoiler...
18th November 1997, I'm about to start Alien Biology. Most of the time I'm fighting a mix of armored cultist. The crop circle and cow mutilation missions now have MiB trying to kill me. I'm using the lower blackOps gear but the magnum is still my better option.

KZad Bhat

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2018, 08:41:18 am »
Had a pair of MiBs earlier. A bit of a pain in the ass, but at least the taser works excellent. I'm about to try a new game, though, because I'm stuck on research, and have the idea now that spreading out the way I was led to some of my earlier trouble in getting the things I need.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2018, 08:58:07 pm »
That philosophy assumes the player knows 1) what the must-haves are and 2) how to get to them. At high difficulties that is not unreasonable, because even the experienced player should be challenged. For a first time player though these things are unknown, and often it is unclear what the thing to research next should be.

I understand the point, but I don't think it's tham much of a problem - if you don't get it the first time, you get it the next time. That's how these games are meant to be played, not just this mod. I have restarted TFTD many times and ever thought of it as a bad thing (despite the frustration).
Besides, the readme states clearly:
Start with Logistics: it'll expand your away team from 2 to the whopping 4. Also get Personal Protection early to get the basic kevlar vest, it makes a big difference against small arms. Train your agents in the Gym. Choose your weapons well. Sometimes defence is the best offence. When overwhelmed, don't hesitate to run away. Firing rifles one-handed will cost you some teeth. Chupacabras will f*ck you up.
End of story.

I myself am on my first game (except that one time) and I'm pretty much winging it.

Good! That's how it's meant to be played! :)

I just started getting the beach missions and I get to take *no* ranged equipment at all. I managed to pull through the first such mission by going in at night and murdering the enemies in the dark with machetes. Still, I couldn't begin to guess how to focus my research to improve the situation. I play with the no-spoilers tech tree (because I think searching ahead in the tree is very un-X-Com) but even if I didn't I wouldn't know what to look for.

Well, you completed the mission, which to me means that the balance is good...

So my point here is, I suspect I am probably slower with tech than the campaign assumes, which may be a concern balance wise.

The campaign doesn't really assume anything. Yes, the invasion starts in January 1999, but if you don't get a base assault (which you probably won't very soon, as you won't have the means to shoot down UFOs), then you can pretty much continue at your own pace.

I'm taking a wild guess but I think you have to make a choice between research. Let me explain...

At my 1st attempt to this mod (superhuman) I was researching weapons to get better ones. But the game was getting harder and harder and I was not following the pace. Superhuman is too hard for me and it was my 1st game..

It's your first game and you're playing Superhuman? Are you insane or what?
Even I don't play on Superhuman.
It's up to you, but don't expect any sympathy. :P

I restarted (Genius this time) and I used my scientists differently. In the original game, you throw all your scientists on one research most of the time. But in this mod, I found it better to split my scientist and have multiple research at the same time. When I get a research I feel very important, I throw most or all my scientist on it.

Yes, it's often better to split them. Of course it depends on the situation, but generally, yes.

I may be imagining things but, there are so many research project that you can research that I feel like you have to try to sort them out. To me that's the investigating part of the X-files mod. Your resources are limited, you need to try and focus on what seem to be important.

Yes, I'd say it's not wrong. Though once you get real labs, things accelerate.

I'm currently finishing the 1st year and for some time I was feeling strong until recently. What have I done recently ? I tried too hard to research unimportant stuff. This mod makes you pay for that.

Still, as I wrote before to BTAxis, you don't have to agonize over your progress. You won't suddenly get eaten because your level is too low or something. (Probably.)

Offline BTAxis

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2018, 12:44:25 am »
Yes, I do think the balance is good so far, because even though I'm running away a lot I'm still winning my missions and keeping my score up. And I'm having a lot of fun doing it too. So no complaints really. Just so long as I don't run into a brick wall at some point due to sub-optimal research choices; I'd hate to have to abandon the game over that.

Offline krautbernd

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Re: Nice mod !
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2018, 03:07:56 pm »
Well, you completed the mission, which to me means that the balance is good...

Why do you have to be so mean...