Author Topic: Some misc 40k mod feedback  (Read 28610 times)

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Some misc 40k mod feedback
« on: July 13, 2018, 05:12:57 pm »
First off, this is an incredible mod that I've been playing since May.  So much good about it.  Seriously, it's one of the best user mods for a game I've ever played (and I'm not just talking about xcom).  Massive kudos to you, bulletdesigner.

That doesn't mean the mod is perfect.  I do have some criticisms, and feel there are certain things that could be improved.  But here's things I think worked particulary well:
- Music; the chosen tracks fit the mod.
- Custom graphics; especially how marines look wearing their armor on the inventory screen and seeing their faces on the battlescape.
- The use of OXCE+ features like pilots (the first time I got an intercept message approaching an enemy base, I was... ??? then... :o ... then...  ;D)
- Dropships!  Landspeeders!
- Master Crafted weapons!
- The amount of gear available and how damage types/resistances (or w/e xcom calls it) works; it *really* feels like I have options and choices to make when loading out.  Love it.
- The phrase "zeal and fury"; Dunno if it's canon or your own, but whichever, it'd be great to see that on every briefing screen.

Anyway, while playing, I've been making notes to give some feedback and was waiting until I'd completed the mod and edited my notes into some decent shape before submitting them, but 'stuff' has started happening my end, and seeing as there's this whole new shiny sub-forum and all, I'll post it now or it probably won't happen for quite awhile.

   I started playing the 2018_05_18 version, updating with newer versions as released, so it's possible bugs, or w/e, may be fixed/changed.
   I have a few save games if needed, but it'll be next week before I can get them.
   I'm real shakey on 40k lore (last I seriously played 40k was in the '80s), so if any point I raise conflicts with the lore, then obviously the lore wins.
   I'm not running any other mods.
   I haven't completed the mod, so there's stuff I haven't encountered to provide feedback on.
   I'm using the latest version of the truly most-excellent OXCE+
   While no modder, I can edit text files, so some stuff I've tweaked locally for my games (don't think it'll have affected the reasons for any of my bug reports, but...)
   No need to respond individually to all points below unless you really want to (life's way too short).
   It's your mod, ignore/ consider/ implement as you will.

Managed to fix this myself, but something you might want to look into, as I don't think it's my own tweaking that would've caused this.
I encountered a crash bug that at the end of Mission 3 (Distress Outpost).  Killing the last enemy gave a segmentation fault error:

[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

I tried different things to get around it but without luck (using different marines/weapon for the kill shot, stunning instead of killing).  Also, while messing around, the error log changed slightly:

[WARN]   STR_JOANMISSION not found in en-US
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[WARN]   No free channels available
[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

Think I was trying to kill Joan or something to see if that would help end the battle.

Anyway, after fooling around some more, I found the problem was with one of the starting corpses that was on the battlefield (specifically 'STR_TECH_CORPSE').  After I removed that entry from the save file, the battle ended as it should.

These are things that made me 'hmmmmm', especially the first time encountering them, but for all I know they may be what's intended.
  • When research 'Master Crafting' is finished you get some recipes but not for a master crafted laser pistol.
  • No 'pilots' required for 'stormraven'?  That can be good as it can be stationed at a new base, but please see my suggestion below under 'requests' about living quarters.
  • On a soldier's stat screen, used to be able to click/right click on the pic in the top right corner and change it, now I can't.  Wondering what that was for originally, cosmetic only?
  • Using 'chapter banner' gives a morale hit to the using character.
  • The 'chapter banner' sfx overlay each other when it's used (actually, that may be fixed now).
  • Is 'Apothecary Bay' facility working as intended as I can't see it doing anything.  I don't see the number of days a wounded marine takes to recover getting reduced; is a wounded marine meant to be allocated to that facility somehow?  Update: I peeked in a save file and so looks like it's working as it should, but going to leave this entry here because maybe I'm not the only one who doubted it was working ;)
  • The 'Orbital Communications Centre' adds 10 workshop, yet 'Orbital Beacon' and 'Orbital Nova Charge' each require 25 space, meaning a workshop is still required.  (But fuuuuuuck, is that thing fun to use!  Especially for the first time! Before you know the splash radius! FUN! :D )  Little surprised it didn't change any radar ranges/detection tho.
  • On a terror mission, I received a bounty of four adamantium, but it only happened once and I've done several terror missions since.  (btw, I really like seeing an entry like that in the mission report screen.)
  • I've picked up some items 'Power Core', 'Fuel Core', 'CPU Core' that can't be researched, any use?
  • The 'Librarium' base facility adds ten psi training slots.
  • It's possible to research 'Plasma Cannon' after researching Plasma Gun without researching Heavy Plasma.
  • The 'Terminator Assault Armor' doesn't give flight like the 'MK7 Assault Armor'.  Am I reading too much into the 'assault' part of the name?
  • The 'MK7 Chaplain Armor' weapon, 'Crozius Arcanum' can be dropped/unequipped.
  • The 'Master Crafted Heavy Bolter' ammo inventory size is 2x3, normal ammo for that weapon is 2x2.
  • The 'multimelta' weapon and 'multimelta charge' ammo that can be researched and manufactured, only 'ammo rounds: 1'.  It getting mixed up with grenades or something?  Or is it more of a missile launcher style deal?  A little puzzling how the 'meltagun' has ammo clip 10 in comparison.
  • I found some assault cannon ammo in my stores, but I can't find 'assault cannon' to buy/research.
  • Since the update (2018_06_11), are flames (esp from 'flamer' weapon) lasting as long as they did before?  They seem to be going out quicker.  This could totally be my imagination unless others have reported the same.
  • 'Plague havoc' enemy drops 'Blight rocket' but not it's launcher?
  • Should the 'Tigrus' boltpistol also have aimed attack? (it can use standard bolter ammo, I assume that should be it's only perk)
  • On a relic mission4, retrieving the relic piece and aborting the mission shows the mission 'fails'.
  • A 'Slaanesh Devotes' 'Noise Havoc' had a 'Heavy Plasma Charge'in his backpack, even tho his main weapon was a 'Sonic Blaster'.
  • Some enemy naming doesn't match-up.  Example: MCD shows a 'Nurgle Devotes' craft, battlescape mid-click shows 'Chaos Traitor', MCing shows 'Plague Havoc'.  Remember, I don't recall much (any?) 40k lore, so for all I know that's 100% right.
  • Sometimes when using 'tome of speed' (and maybe 'tome of morale') it doesn't work.  Energy is deducted as it should be, but the sfx doesn't play and the target doesn't get any boost.  Doesn't happen often... Hmm. Don't think I've a save game that could demo this either. Oops.

Pretty sure these aren't what should happen ;)
  • After stunning 'Traitor Guardsman Sentinel' and 'Traitor Guardsman Turret', didn't get anything special as loot (ie no live guardsman, or a sentinel/turret to sell/research).  Haven't tried many terrorist units like that to see as they can take awhile to stun.
  • The 'Chaos Havoc' monster can't be researched and seems like there's several more, I can get a longer list (next week or so) if it's not a known issue.
  • The 'stormraven' craft refuel rate (sure hoping it's a bug at least ;))
  • Same thing with the 'thunderhawk' craft, takes awhile to fuel up (6 days lol).
  • When under alien control (or w/e it's called), a character will use the 'tome of speed' as an attack on his allies (funny to see, but...).
  • When a female character uses things like 'Tome of Speed', a male sfx plays.
  • When a marine wearing 'MK7 Assault Armor' walks on the roof of the 'Landspeeder' craft, besides the usual correct flying noise, a weird sfx plays, sounds like bullet ricocheting I guess (scared the crap outta me first time I heard it, thought I'd cleared around the speeder and so the active character was taking opportunity fire from something lol).
  • In a base defense missions, the 'Defensive Corridor' facility can sometimes have less than the four 'Tarantula Sentry' units.
  • Using middle mouse button on 'multimelta charge' shows info for 'multi-melta grenade'.
  • MCing a 'Slaanesh Daemonette', you don't see the right hand claw (the attack does work tho, it's just the graphic isn't shown like it is when you mid click on her).
  • At the start of a month, the spawn for a 'Chaos Terminator' 'Mission 4' 'Zone: Pacific' disappeared.  Far as I could track it, the craft landed in the ocean... right at the edge of the radar range it was being tracked.  (Before it vanished, it cycled thru the various geoscape markers which I think was kinda cool to see.)

Don't worry, not listing actual mispellings/grammar mistakes ;) My guess is you're not interested in those (and I'm not good enough to spot them unless real obvious), but here's a few things textual related.
  • Codex entry for 'Power Source' item is x-com default; 'Mind Shield' facility too probably. 'Laboratory' for sure.  'MultiMelta Defenses' too.
  • Codex entry for 'Cultist High Priest' is listed as just 'Cultist'.
  • On a craft's 'equipment' screen, at the top with 'Space Available / Space Used / Space Marines', the 'Space Marines' value is cut off.
  • On a soldier's stat screen the 'missions' value isn't shown ('Kills' are, and the 'missions' value itself is being tracked correctly as I can sort on it).
  • When in places like selling/transferring, the 'Apothecary Armor' isn't prefixed 'MK7' (other armors are, so...).
  • In the descriptions for armors that provide flight, that should be mentioned, along with other perks that armor gives.  It took me a loooong time before I realised the 'Mk7 Assault Armor' could fly and would've affected certain manufacturing/ loadout decisions early game.  Also, things like 'terminator assault armor' should have their abilities explained explicitly (yeah, I was equipping them with powerfists until I went and checked it out ;))
  • Similarly, please mention any extra costs for using a skill/item; ie: the banner takes energy... and I'm always forgetting :'( (note to self: '90')
  • The naming of 'assault bike' for both an armor a HWP has caught me out once or twice.
  • On the battlescape, the eagle that's used to decorate the left hand item can make the ammo counter hard to read for that hand (white text on a yellow background).
  • The order of some equipment is a little off.  For example: 'missile launcher' ammo appears right after 'sniper ammo'; terminator armors appear much lower than the other armors.  I'm not sure about having 'master crafted' items lumped at the start is best, but I guess that's a judgement call.

A few things to consider adding/changing.
  • More marine names.
  • To have the codex so complete, every mob and item has an entry.  I'm a real bear for that stuff.
  • Entirely my problem, but as the word 'chaos' is used for early enemy naming, I found it hard to keep track of individual strengths/weaknesses for awhile.  Confusing 'Chaos Raptors' and 'Chaos Terminators' usually does not end well for poor, innocent, little rookie space marines :'(
  • I also got confused with the crafts due to the similar names (actually, sometimes still do... but again, my problem).
  • To change the facing of dropship crew so they each face out.  Looks a little weird how they all face in one direction.
  • A landspeeder, singular, ala dropship.  (Landspeeder: Best CRAFT ever!  First time rolling up to a landed enemy ship in this thing was great fun, a real highlight of the mod :D)
  • More 'master crafted' gear.  Be great if most/all gear had a master crafted version. I'd be happy even if the differences over standard marine gear aren't that great... I just like the whole deal with it.
  • As some crafts require pilots now, it slightly complicates the setting up of new interdiction bases (I usually start squirting them out to get world detection coverage asap, with a view to turning them into full bases later, but it means having to place a living quarters earlier than I'd like).  Perhaps new bases could come with a few 'free' living quarters.  Not a whole lot, definetley less than ten, I'm thinking three to five should do it.  That'd be enough for a few fighters or a premier interception craft or two.
  • A simple corridor base facility.  Think 'defense corridor' without tarantulas and much cheaper cost (cheaper than a 'general stores' even).
  • A '1x2' melee weapon that can fit in a belt (combat pocketknife? lol).
  • I really like the different symbols you can use in the marine's names and the way it adds them automatically to the end of the name, but I would like a way to turn that off sometimes.
  • The camera tracking speed of bolter shots is usually great as it makes things like reaction fire appear fast and frantic.  Fun.  But, sometimes I find it moves so fast it's hard to keep track of the shot (did that snap-shot miss? Hit? Hit the ground?).  I've no real suggestion on this point, but am I missing a game option or something I can experiment with by editing files to change this?
  • If a 'chapter banner' is on the ground when the turn ends, all troops should get a small morale penalty (that could grow the more turns it's on the ground).  Don't know if that's possible given the engine, and it's maybe a weird suggestion anyway, but it'd be fitting. Caution: this could end up being exploitable for bravery training.

No way can I get deeply into mechanics (I have 'intermediate' xcom skill, not 'expert'), but a few things...
  • A little more utility for the Adepta Sorotitas. Pilots? (tho as imp guards already have that perk, maybe not).  Flight? Going by their codex pic it looks like they're wearing a jump pack... kinda.  Being dropship friendly would make me happy at least.  Also, I renabled their backpack (that was removed 2018_05_31).  I think I understand what you're generally trying to go for with them, but bear in mind they cost more than marines and have a higher monthly salary... having a set of reasonable starting armor only goes so far (seeing it can't be changed).
  • The 'Sniper Rifle' knocks holes in ufos and buildings... that might make it a little toooo good.  If that's changed, what'll the goto item for breaching be?
  • More variance in weapon ranges.  There seems to be a decent amount of choices for upto medium range, but not much (anything?) between medium and sniper rifle.
  • 'Chaos Traitors'...  Holy fuck, they meant to be this tough?  (They were easily MCing decent psiStr troops... it's GREAT!)
  • Are 'Imperial Honor Badges' meant to be so rare?  I've got a few from 'Chaos Base' side missions, but that's all (none from clearing out a cult, raptor, traitor bases).  Update: I cleared out another raptor base and got 22 badges.  That's more like it, finally make that librarian armor lol... was I just unlucky on rng drop rolls?
  • Be nice if later in the game there was a better money maker than the 'Motion Scanner'.  Perhaps there is and I haven't researched it yet.
  • I really like the whole 'Master Crafted' weapon thing, but think the $122k (or w/e it is) payment too much on top of the corpses (it works out about $150k - $600k worth of corpses, depending on weapon).
  • Researched and manufactured an 'MK7 Sargent Armor' and not that impressed with stats compared to the basic 'MK7 Tactical Armor'.  It doesn't need 'honor badges' to manufacturer, so can't be that good, but I expected a little more for 120 adamantium.  Maybe a little extra stamina?
  • I found the 'shotgun' weapon meh, along with it's master crafted version; tips for use?  Ehh, ignore this entry, I forgot it's weight '10', so it has a role.
  • I used the starting imperial guardsmen for a couple of fights and found them useless.  Sacked them and just hired marines instead.  Thinking about it, I never tried them with dreadnaughts or w/e their HWP armor is.  I'd rather just have started the game with marines instead, tho they do make cheap cannon fodder.  update: I see another mod that adds on stuff for guardsmen, maybe that'll fix my 'problem' ;)
  • I'm a little leery of the way armor reduces inventory AND lowers certain stats (especially if that includes 'reactions') and starting to think certain armors aren't worth the badges AND the damage reduction/stat trade-off.
  • The idea of using energy as 'mana' could be a good one, but one I think needs tweaking.  At the battle start it's not that much of an issue, but a few turns in... Please remember it's harder to manage energy points than TUs:
    - There's no buttons on the UI to 'reserve' them (fuck, if there is, PLEASE tell me lol).
    - I can't see how much that character will exactly tick (if there's a screen with that data on PLEASE tell me that too lol).
    - When moving the path doesn't display energy remaining, only TUs (if there's an option for that, guess... Yep! Tell me lol).
    I would suggest changing 'panic' to a low value (10? 15?), 'mind control' lower than it is now, but more than panic (15? 20?) and lowering or removing the cost entirely for the tech marine's armor repair.  I have no comments on 'chapter banner' or tomes, those energy costs seem fine for what they do. I'm also thinking stun costs can stay the same.
Phew, ok, that's it.

Let me know if anything needs clarification (remember, this whole wall-o-text can be ignored too, no harm done) and I can't wait to see what gets added in the future!

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2018, 08:21:32 pm »
 First of all mega thanks for playing it
 Second zeal and fury is a used expression in Dawn of war 2
 i will try to answer all , hope you don´t take any answer in the wrong way, i love feedback and knowing someone is playing the mod

1 )When research 'Master Crafting' is finished you get some recipes but not for a master crafted laser pistol.
1) A: there is no MC laser pistol i have image but i haven´t done yet , dunno if  worth it

2) No 'pilots' required for 'stormraven'?  That can be good as it can be stationed at a new base, but please see my suggestion below under 'requests' about living quarters.
2) there is no map for it , and i´m currently making it so it will be resolved soon

3)On a soldier's stat screen, used to be able to click/right click on the pic in the top right corner and change it, now I can't.  Wondering what that was for originally, cosmetic only?
3) The flag was comestic now it correspond to the kill´s so higher the count the more "kool flag you receive"

4)Using 'chapter banner' gives a morale hit to the using character.
4) why not , also i cannot control that , if the target becomes the user theres no way around it

5) The 'chapter banner' sfx overlay each other when it's used (actually, that may be fixed now).
5) the overlapse of fire sound i dunno how to  solve

6) Is 'Apothecary Bay' facility working as intended as I can't see it doing anything.  I don't see the number of days a wounded marine takes to recover getting reduced; is a wounded marine meant to be allocated to that facility somehow?  Update: I peeked in a save file and so looks like it's working as it should, but going to leave this entry here because maybe I'm not the only one who doubted it was working ;)
6) improves wound recovery like hospital

7)The 'Orbital Communications Centre' adds 10 workshop, yet 'Orbital Beacon' and 'Orbital Nova Charge' each require 25 space, meaning a workshop is still required.  (But fuuuuuuck, is that thing fun to use!  Especially for the first time! Before you know the splash radius! FUN! :D )  Little surprised it didn't change any radar ranges/detection tho.
7) its to comunicate to orbital ship no to detect but i see whay you mean, the point is to make the Beacon Dificult to get since a OP weapon

8)On a terror mission, I received a bounty of four adamantium, but it only happened once and I've done several terror missions since.  (btw, I really like seeing an entry like that in the mission report screen.)
8)some tile is made of adamantiun :P

9)I've picked up some items 'Power Core', 'Fuel Core', 'CPU Core' that can't be researched, any use?
9)Cosmetic and money

10)The 'Librarium' base facility adds ten psi training slots.
10) yes shine add other 10 so you can only have 20 per base

11)It's possible to research 'Plasma Cannon' after researching Plasma Gun without researching Heavy Plasma.
11)using old vannila tech tree, i can correct it

12)The 'Terminator Assault Armor' doesn't give flight like the 'MK7 Assault Armor'.  Am I reading too much into the 'assault' part of the name?
12) terminator assualt have more TU. Canon is teleport still wainting script for that, i´m thinking of adding some sprint abilitiy or something

13)The 'MK7 Chaplain Armor' weapon, 'Crozius Arcanum' can be dropped/unequipped.
13) on porpuse still only sprecial caracters can use it due being 90 energy or something like that

14)The 'Master Crafted Heavy Bolter' ammo inventory size is 2x3, normal ammo for that weapon is 2x2.
14) true master crafted is on backpack format, the other is small format ( i made into backpack to add use to devastator class

15)The 'multimelta' weapon and 'multimelta charge' ammo that can be researched and manufactured, only 'ammo rounds: 1'.  It getting mixed up with grenades or something?  Or is it more of a missile launcher style deal?  A little puzzling how the 'meltagun' has ammo clip 10 in comparison.
15)vanilla mechanics for blaster launcher and balance issues

16)I found some assault cannon ammo in my stores, but I can't find 'assault cannon' to buy/research.
16) you need chaos assualt cannon resarch (only apears on chaos Lord , chaos undived commander), you got ammo due to tzecnt assault cannon

17)Since the update (2018_06_11), are flames (esp from 'flamer' weapon) lasting as long as they did before?  They seem to be going out quicker.  This could totally be my imagination unless others have reported the same.
17)depends on tile you use, not the weapon ( on snow it wont last like in grass)

18)'Plague havoc' enemy drops 'Blight rocket' but not it's launcher?
18)All shoulder weapons can´t be picked, because there a sprite problem

19)Should the 'Tigrus' boltpistol also have aimed attack? (it can use standard bolter ammo, I assume that should be it's only perk)
19) it´s a rare weapon with some perks (if it haves a scope, it haves aimed , that´s the criteria)

20)On a relic mission4, retrieving the relic piece and aborting the mission shows the mission 'fails'.
20) theres no way i can go around that , engine limitation

21)A 'Slaanesh Devotes' 'Noise Havoc' had a 'Heavy Plasma Charge'in his backpack, even tho his main weapon was a 'Sonic Blaster'.
21)true, Solved

22)Some enemy naming doesn't match-up.  Example: MCD shows a 'Nurgle Devotes' craft, battlescape mid-click shows 'Chaos Traitor', MCing shows 'Plague Havoc'.  Remember, I don't recall much (any?) 40k lore, so for all I know that's 100% right.
22) geoscape is correct, battle incorrect. when you do preview on battle it shows the race name in the unit, not in the race of craft. still i´m correcting those but i may missed some, Nurgle havoc was incorrect. True, solved

23)Sometimes when using 'tome of speed' (and maybe 'tome of morale') it doesn't work.  Energy is deducted as it should be, but the sfx doesn't play and the target doesn't get any boost.  Doesn't happen often... Hmm. Don't think I've a save game that could demo this either. Oops.
23)it´s count as a miss , spell miscasted , it uses bravery to the hit  -->   damageBonus   bravery: 1.0 and  --->accuracyMultiplier: Melee: 0.0 Melee: 0.0

1)After stunning 'Traitor Guardsman Sentinel' and 'Traitor Guardsman Turret', didn't get anything special as loot (ie no live guardsman, or a sentinel/turret to sell/research).  Haven't tried many terrorist units like that to see as they can take awhile to stun.
1) it´s the same renegade guy just behind a turret/aparatus

2)The 'Chaos Havoc' monster can't be researched and seems like there's several more, I can get a longer list (next week or so) if it's not a known issue.
2) havoc are just regular chaos marines of the devastator squad, so they are regular traitors only with diferent weapons

3)The 'stormraven' craft refuel rate (sure hoping it's a bug at least ;))
3)the more fuel i give more time to recharge , they all have the same refuel rate (only exeption stormhank at some request for that special role)

4)When under alien control (or w/e it's called), a character will use the 'tome of speed' as an attack on his allies (funny to see, but...).
4) the game view it as a weapon no way around that

5)When a female character uses things like 'Tome of Speed', a male sfx plays.
5) fire sound is by weapon not by soldier, no way around that

6)When a marine wearing 'MK7 Assault Armor' walks on the roof of the 'Landspeeder' craft, besides the usual correct flying noise, a weird sfx plays, sounds like bullet ricocheting I guess (scared the crap outta me first time I heard it, thought I'd cleared around the speeder and so the active character was taking opportunity fire from something lol).
6) bug on my part on tile walking sound, i have to check it

7)In a base defense missions, the 'Defensive Corridor' facility can sometimes have less than the four 'Tarantula Sentry' units.
7)engine limitations, i cant  precise has to be   civiliansByType:  STR_T_BOLTER: 4 # with 2-4 guards

8)Using middle mouse button on 'multimelta charge' shows info for 'multi-melta grenade'.
8)bug , got to check it

9)MCing a 'Slaanesh Daemonette', you don't see the right hand claw (the attack does work tho, it's just the graphic isn't shown like it is when you mid click on her).
9)OCXE+ melee weapons script dont display then in hand on INV , but apears midclick

10)At the start of a month, the spawn for a 'Chaos Terminator' 'Mission 4' 'Zone: Pacific' disappeared. 
10) it will apear every month until you get mission 5, also some missions have limited time then disapear , also can be on retreating, also it have limited to 1 per world i think , so lot´s of variables going on


1) Codex entry for 'Power Source' item is x-com default; 'Mind Shield' facility too probably. 'Laboratory' for sure.  'MultiMelta Defenses' too.
1) true i´m to correct that since relase

2)Codex entry for 'Cultist High Priest' is listed as just 'Cultist'.
2) i will check it

3)On a craft's 'equipment' screen, at the top with 'Space Available / Space Used / Space Marines', the 'Space Marines' value is cut off.
3)got to change the name since now there are senoritas e guard on the mix

4)On a soldier's stat screen the 'missions' value isn't shown ('Kills' are, and the 'missions' value itself is being tracked correctly as I can sort on it).
4)got to check it

5)When in places like selling/transferring, the 'Apothecary Armor' isn't prefixed 'MK7' (other armors are, so...).
5) ok

6)In the descriptions for armors that provide flight, that should be mentioned, along with other perks that armor gives.  It took me a loooong time before I realised the 'Mk7 Assault Armor' could fly and would've affected certain manufacturing/ loadout decisions early game.  Also, things like 'terminator assault armor' should have their abilities explained explicitly (yeah, I was equipping them with powerfists until I went and checked it out ;))
6)  i will see what i can do, but now all MK7 units can  punch , its more a RPG cannonic element

7)Similarly, please mention any extra costs for using a skill/item; ie: the banner takes energy... and I'm always forgetting :'( (note to self: '90')
7) in UFOPEDIA spells its says of cost to use

8)The naming of 'assault bike' for both an armor a HWP has caught me out once or twice.
8)true mistake on my part

9)On the battlescape, the eagle that's used to decorate the left hand item can make the ammo counter hard to read for that hand (white text on a yellow background).
9)Engine limitation, space is limited i made one with more space but it cut´s top

10)The order of some equipment is a little off.  For example: 'missile launcher' ammo appears right after 'sniper ammo'; terminator armors appear much lower than the other armors.  I'm not sure about having 'master crafted' items lumped at the start is best, but I guess that's a judgement call.
10) listorder is always changing due to making new itens , i  do revision from time to time still need some work

1)More marine names.

2)To have the codex so complete, every mob and item has an entry.  I'm a real bear for that stuff.
2) you want more or less?

3)To change the facing of dropship crew so they each face out.  Looks a little weird how they all face in one direction.
3)droppods? ok i will see to it

4)A landspeeder, singular, ala dropship.  (Landspeeder: Best CRAFT ever!  First time rolling up to a landed enemy ship in this thing was great fun, a real highlight of the mod :D)
4)a singular landspeed craft can be made with a diferent role

5)More 'master crafted' gear.  Be great if most/all gear had a master crafted version. I'd be happy even if the differences over standard marine gear aren't that great... I just like the whole deal with it.
5)dunno if i clogue up the mod with too many itens

6)As some crafts require pilots now, it slightly complicates the setting up of new interdiction bases . Perhaps new bases could come with a few 'free' living quarters. 
6)i want to force players to build bases and use tiles, making game harder with more decisions , that the main reason for the 3x3 refinery

7) A simple corridor base facility.  Think 'defense corridor' without tarantulas and much cheaper cost (cheaper than a 'general stores' even).
7) i was planning but no one resquested , i will put in to do list

8)A '1x2' melee weapon that can fit in a belt (combat pocketknife? lol).
8) i will make it , it´s second time  request

9)I really like the different symbols you can use in the marine's names and the way it adds them automatically to the end of the name, but I would like a way to turn that off sometimes.
9) i think you can desible stat string´s on the mod´s menu dunno if i enforced it

10)The camera tracking speed of bolter shots is usually great as it makes things like reaction fire appear fast and frantic.  Fun.  But, sometimes I find it moves so fast it's hard to keep track of the shot (did that snap-shot miss? Hit? Hit the ground?).  I've no real suggestion on this point, but am I missing a game option or something I can experiment with by editing files to change this?
10) no we can´t have both , or it´s fast and have no hit sprite . or it´s a slog with hit sprite, i decided to remove hit sprite on all bolter´s for that effect, you can press middle mouse on unit if it bleed´s it´s a hit

11)If a 'chapter banner' is on the ground when the turn ends, all troops should get a small morale penalty (that could grow the more turns it's on the ground).  Don't know if that's possible given the engine, and it's maybe a weird suggestion anyway, but it'd be fitting. Caution: this could end up being exploitable for bravery training.
11) i´m 0 at script, thats all script i dunno if its even possible


1)A little more utility for the Adepta Sorotitas. Pilots? (tho as imp guards already have that perk, maybe not).  Flight? Going by their codex pic it looks like they're wearing a jump pack... kinda.  Being dropship friendly would make me happy at least.  Also, I renabled their backpack (that was removed 2018_05_31).  I think I understand what you're generally trying to go for with them, but bear in mind they cost more than marines and have a higher monthly salary... having a set of reasonable starting armor only goes so far (seeing it can't be changed).
1)true adeptas should be affect by droppod´s but to be honest i dunno the canon on that aspect

2)The 'Sniper Rifle' knocks holes in ufos and buildings... that might make it a little toooo good.  If that's changed, what'll the goto item for breaching be?
2)true, corrected
More variance in weapon ranges.  There seems to be a decent amount of choices for upto medium range, but not much (anything?) between medium and sniper rifle.

3)'Chaos Traitors'...  Holy fuck, they meant to be this tough?  (They were easily MCing decent psiStr troops... it's GREAT!)
3) canon they have the same armos as space marines

4)Are 'Imperial Honor Badges' meant to be so rare?
4)yes, you can have captain armor and sargent terminator several times got to enforce limited use, and yes is random , some bases give 40 others give 0 but 15 is the average

5)Be nice if later in the game there was a better money maker than the 'Motion Scanner'.  Perhaps there is and I haven't researched it yet.
5) all the times i play i get riched, so i want to limited it to have racional decisions

6)I really like the whole 'Master Crafted' weapon thing, but think the $122k (or w/e it is) payment too much on top of the corpses (it works out about $150k - $600k worth of corpses, depending on weapon).
6)again same issue , you can chose money or the weapon ;)

7)Researched and manufactured an 'MK7 Sargent Armor' and not that impressed with stats compared to the basic 'MK7 Tactical Armor'.
7)you got 20 extra health , for no bagdes , again it´s a choice have 2 regular marines or one  with extra health

8)I found the 'shotgun' weapon meh, along with it's master crafted version; tips for use?  Ehh, ignore this entry, I forgot it's weight '10', so it has a role.
8) true

9)I used the starting imperial guardsmen for a couple of fights and found them useless.   update: I see another mod that adds on stuff for guardsmen, maybe that'll fix my 'problem' ;)

10)I'm a little leery of the way armor reduces inventory AND lowers certain stats (especially if that includes 'reactions') and starting to think certain armors aren't worth the badges AND the damage reduction/stat trade-off.
10) it depends the roles you want, and yes again choices :D

11)The idea of using energy as 'mana' could be a good one, but one I think needs tweaking.  At the battle start it's not that much of an issue, but a few turns in... Please remember it's harder to manage energy points than TUs:
11) spells are OP i got to enforce it´s limited use.
if the unit dont move i wont expend energy, but the trick is  have a apothcary neraby i will give energy like crazy if you want

12)I would suggest changing 'panic' to a low value (10? 15?), 'mind control' lower than it is now, but more than panic (15? 20?) and lowering or removing the cost entirely for the tech marine's armor repair.  I have no comments on 'chapter banner' or tomes, those energy costs seem fine for what they do. I'm also thinking stun costs can stay the same.
12) mind trick´s are the ultimate op weapon , combine with the apothcary and its devastating
the apoth will resolve our energy issue

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2018, 10:03:25 pm »
You responded to pretty much everything, that definetley cleared thing's up.  Outstanding.

And to clarify:
2)To have the codex so complete, every mob and item has an entry.  I'm a real bear for that stuff.
2) you want more or less?
I meant to have more ;D   I like reading about researched enemies/items, and it can help when equipping too.  It is, obviously, extra work tho  :-\

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2018, 06:18:44 pm »
I think the reason why chaos raptors are hard to fight in the start is that you are essentialy dealing with a enemy with more armor than your scout marines and plasma pistols which can outrange bolters and apart from sniper rifles you cant do much,that is if you can find enough marines that have enough strenght to carry snipers in the first place.

Im actualy split if the best option is to rely more on your starting equipment by making them usable earlier or increase the time that the chaos marines appear to give time for the player to reach plasma guns.

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2018, 12:19:29 am »
it will happen a small rebalance on future, i will take a idea from ohartenstein23 and also have some help with spawn units in vehicles
i´m waiting for him to open the gates from hell with spawn unit script

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2018, 07:58:14 am »
Hi bulletdesigner,

I went through the research tree differently this time and when I researched the power armor I could manufacture only 1x Mk7 and then it disappeared from the workshop's list leaving only devastator and assault armor, and I cannot research the terminator armor.

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2018, 02:49:50 pm »
Did you accidentally right-click the manufacturing project for the MK7 armor in the manufacturing menu? That will hide the project from the normal list, but there is a drop-down menu there to re-show hidden manufacturing projects.

Can you upload a save where you can't research terminator armor so we can see what's going on?

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2018, 04:40:55 pm »
Hi ohartenstein23, I have attached a saved game.
I`m also using the IG mod.

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2018, 05:06:35 pm »
It looks like you turned on the IG mod in the middle of a campaign after you had started using space marines and then selected the research that corresponds to playing as the Imperial Guard instead of the space marines.  This is something you should not have done as it breaks your save.  It is intended that selecting the Imperial Guard research will disable certain gear reserved for the Ultramarines while opening up new equipment meant only for the Guard, and so not being able to make MK7 armor is the correct behavior for this mod.  At this point we can't really fix your save game, so if you want to play with the correct balance, you'll need to start over.

Edit: I can see how it is possible to research MK7 armor before selecting one of the two "Operations" research topics at the beginning of the mod and therefore could have gotten into this issue while starting the campaign with the IG mod on; I'll change this such that MK7 armor requires selecting the space marines at the beginning of the game.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2018, 05:17:10 pm by ohartenstein23 »


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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2018, 09:43:45 pm »
Hey finally i got my (dirty) hands on 40k!

First of all, even if it is 200+ MB download it loads very faster, maybe there are not loads of things like in piratez or maybe depends on sprites palette and/or detail but it's a really lovely thing, tryed on a very old 2009 desktop pc with linux mint 19 XFCE and works rather well in terms of speed

Observations in detail for the 0004 version: 

1) music and sounds effects very cool!

2) Interface also good, the mod used the one of TFTD along some assetes of it the only complaint in the graphic department is the text in research and manufacture screen which i find  not readable! I rather shortsightened tah's also why i play a little :)

3) Bestial difficulty! Hell i lost my valkirie craft in the veri first ground assault, even in x-piratez im able to make some progress! And i tryed in at "emperor" difficulty level" Firing speed is very fast, also even after i decreased it in  the options menu

4) Some weapons like the boltwin goldwyn patter have an ultra short range so it's unusable, but it is intended? Even some weapons once i pint on target have 0% chance to hit indicator but can hit the target although very rarely/with difficulty

5) Ufopedia menu is offset because of its categories there are a bit much but this is already a known problem

in th end very personal sidenote, i never known 40k in  in my life (!!!), so i cannot figure what to add to the mod  make it more focused on 40k i barely know what it is maybe i'll take alook at the mentaime, how about to distribute along with the mod lates linux executable of openxcomextended+? Non win user have to download from the dedicated thread everytime an update is out, kind frustratin' :(

Some screenshots attached:

If 40k will get me, maybe i'll give another shot to next versio :)

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2018, 02:23:57 pm »
hey niculinux thks for playing and feedback,
The size of file is huge solo because the movie cut scenes, so it was lesser resources than piratez.
The bolter difference from boltpistol is the autoshot and a bit less Accurate. All ranged weapons have falloff 5 , so only weapons with scoped have aim shot (negates falloff) and enforces melee combat. Also there are penalty's and buff´s , bolter is two hand , and you can kneel for bonus. Also marines become megabuff so at a point when they use bolter they never miss.
So what i´m trying to say this is a delicate balance to work in all aspect´s
And i correct as i play through emperor difficult (third session for me from start to endgame), i got to play hardest to make it possible to finish in all difficulty's

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2018, 08:35:25 pm »
Instead of making a new topic I decided to post here.

Feedback... First - awesome mod! The atmosphere is great.

Now balance issues. It might be just my luck and the fact that my first game I had no idea what to pursue research wise... however, there are a lot of ways for a new player to grind to a halt and if there's any resources online to avoid it, they're kinda hard to find.

First - you'll need at least couple of games to properly explore the tech tree and figure out what works and what you should focus on. That's an issue if you lack a lot of spare time for trial and error.

Second, base defenses and assaults. I hope that the new version improves on them. My first game ended when the second assault I got after more than an year of playing was chock full of Chaos Terminators who basically plastered my defenders. I had gone with tactical strategy and found that in order to reliably kill those I needed range and concentrated firepower. That mission basically ended my first game.

It's notable that during that game I didn't get a single base assault and I was late reseraching side operations so I had only the starting honor badges to play with and ended up using them for appothery armours. That did contribute to the loss. I did have money and other resources for multiple suits of Terminator armour in that game, just not the badges.

In my second game, the new version... Four months in a roll I'm getting my second base, the one in the continental US assaulted like a clockwork. The first three times it was traitor guards and the odd demons with the last, plague marines. That basically wiped out/injured my whole second string team despite replenishing the numbers with rookies. It doesn't help that it's still early enough that the handful of armours I have were with my strike team in Europe running all over the place going after landings and shot down ships. On a more positive note, I did find an enemy base early and got a few honour badges and I did recently research the side operations, though I have no idea how to start the first mission. Will it eventually pop up by itself?

Speaking about base defense... how many plasma defense installantions are needed to shoot down a ship assaulting your base? During the last base defense, I just got my second installation complete, both hit, the enemy ship survived and I had to deal with a lot of plague marines, demons and one terminator. At that rate, I might lose this game too.

I already have three installations building in my new third base, which I'll be using for storage/interceptors. The downside is that I simply that so far I didn't have the time/resources to upgrade my aircraft besides replacing the starting trasnport with landspeeders and they're getting more and more damaged with each encounter so I might have to restart this game too soon. I really hope that I didn't waste a great deal of money and some space in defense installations that simply can't get the job done.

Any tips? Disregarding ground equipment for air game is something I'm reluctant to do after losing the first game to that Terminator rush. That in fact brings me to ask about the various strategies - first time I went with tactical, because it would offer me more flexibility, I assumed. How would you see someone handling base defense when you got a ton of chaos terminators dropped on you? Unless range loves you, even one of those could eat multiple krak missiles, sniper shots, lance strikes, melta shots and a lot of plasma gun fire.

And what do I need to research in order to get Drednoughts or is that what I get from completing the Side Operations?

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2018, 12:42:01 pm »
hey  Delkatar i will provide many tips, that will help you pass throw at ease:

About base defense
 -if you shoot down scouts, the probability of then finding your base is reduced (but you need transmission decoder to see enemy craft intentions, so capturing a live undivided chaos marines is essential)
 -retaliation occur on consecutive high scores like 2000 (pc won´t go without a fight)
Now there is 2 way´s to fend off retaliations , marines and facilities defenses:
 -never go for both (you need space for one or the other)
 -if you go for tatical marine , theres no unit limit (you can have 60 marines and hwp, so Zapp Brannigan tactics last resort), i always have 4 missile tarantulas in reserve for that situation (they don´t have upkeep like marines, only need storage so dont build facility defenses only storage) also use chock point´s when building base (enemy only spawn on hangar / air lock / and orbital comunications deck) image in attach (put sniper at end of corridor , even terminators can´t resist sniper´s)
-if you go defenses facilities it´s much harder without bombardment shield , but you need at least 10 defenses and luck:
  chaos flying fortress has 7000 hp
  missile defenses do 1000 but has 50% change of hit
  so you need 20 just to be safe,
  mind there are much better defenses end game

Also have arrange or base layout mod xcomutil to create chock points on base from beginning

- Dreadnought come at mid-tier , side operations completion only unlocks venerable armor for dreadnought
, and they are a way to give a second change to fallen heroes than use it as a front line unit ;)


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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2018, 03:23:25 pm »
So basically five or six plasma defenses to be reasonably sure - those were the only ones I built. As I mentioned above, two hitting a target had no effect. My third base already have three building along with the cloak device and considering it has a lot of free space currently I should add three or four more and simply scrap the defenses in the other bases and rely on marines, the defense corridors that should be completed over the next month and whatever armoured units I have money for. Thats a few millions I wasted on a handful of defense installations in my first two bases then. :(

I haven't really used the tarantulla turrets yet because of the lack of mobility. My experience with the Sentinel and Assault Bike - big soft target that die two turns after leaving the transport and thus waste of money really.

I've had the transmission decoder available for a few months, however I have been going for better weapons and base defenses.

Speaking about scouts, once the enemy has located a base once it knows where it is and killing scouts in its general area doesn't prevent it from being hit again or am I mistaken?

As far as my bases are concerned, all are built with a single choke-point between the hangars and the base proper - a normal corridor after the lift until I have the defense one researched and replace it with it. I'm currently researching techs that would hopefully give me better fighter craft because in the last few months most small enemy ships are more than capable of melting my interceptors.

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Re: Some misc 40k mod feedback
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2018, 04:54:09 pm »
sentinel and assault bikes die easy against lasgun´s (low tier enemy's) , so they are good against all other (only exceptions chaos havoc with big lasgun) since they take less damage from plasma (all vehicles)

once your base is detected, i will face the music, no way around that (that flag will disappear after they land)

IMO base defense mission are the easiest in the game since you have no unit limit, facing a terminator/undivided chaos base is a true nightmare compared

also don´t wast many badge on apoth, servitores can heal and repair without wasting badge, i only have 1 apoth per company
taking down craft´s is optional (scorewise) but combine interceptions and use craft addons in order to get an edge