
Author Topic: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions  (Read 98185 times)

Offline Kake

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #90 on: October 30, 2020, 10:50:35 am »
Can a difficulty\option to play with all factions be added.

wanted to have separate bases for with IG, SM and Adepta Sororitas, with all of their gear and crafts.

have tried going in to the files to do this but have failed, as i have no experience except changing some values.

I know there will be balance issues with this mode. but it is something I really wanted to try.

don't really mind about doing the same teck multiple times, but for the different factions.

Offline bulletdesigner

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #91 on: October 30, 2020, 04:32:38 pm »
the iss
Can a difficulty\option to play with all factions be added.

wanted to have separate bases for with IG, SM and Adepta Sororitas, with all of their gear and crafts.

have tried going in to the files to do this but have failed, as i have no experience except changing some values.

I know there will be balance issues with this mode. but it is something I really wanted to try.

don't really mind about doing the same teck multiple times, but for the different factions.

there is an easy way, chose the faction, save and close, edit  then on the save game with a notepad an add
on the research

Offline Gnelf88

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #92 on: November 20, 2020, 12:45:11 am »
Haven't seen anything about the 5th playable faction, just thought id say that the mechanicus seems like a cool idea for the last faction. I could see their whole strongpoint being mechs n advanced weaponry

Offline Doc

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #93 on: December 04, 2020, 05:49:14 pm »
Wishes for the wishlist!

A master craft version of the officer's sword for IG with power weapon stats, and likewise a lighter version of the chainsword and powerfist for our noodle armed heroes in green.

Offline Harmondale2

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #94 on: June 20, 2021, 07:12:20 pm »
the iss
there is an easy way, chose the faction, save and close, edit  then on the save game with a notepad an add
on the research

Hey, just wondering if this would work similarly if I wanted to play space marines with all the 4 strategies unlocked. Kinda wanna to do a playthrough where I can collect all the armors and craft.

Offline oxcuser0003

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #95 on: August 06, 2021, 11:49:38 am »
Hey, just wondering if this would work similarly if I wanted to play space marines with all the 4 strategies unlocked. Kinda wanna to do a playthrough where I can collect all the armors and craft.

You eventually unlock all the firstborn armors (Assault/Tactical/Devastator) if you choose one of them, dont know if it unlocks Primaris armors though. I started a Primaris playthough and havent seen any firstborn armor.

EDIT: I had a firstborn campaign pretty far along then updated to the latest mod version. I could then research Primaris but I dont know if that was intended.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 02:28:41 am by oxcuser0003 »

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #96 on: August 10, 2021, 03:49:19 am »
Any thoughts on intended weapon progression? Its fun unlocking and seeing all the cool weapons in the mod but then I stuck with pretty early unlocks after seeing the stats and costs, maybe Im playing it wrong lol? I was expecting a traditional X-COM upgrade path but maybe I shouldnt be? 

As SM on build 029 I ended up spamming Heavy Bolters (Auto Shots) and Lascannons pretty much all game. I noticed the auto/snap shot range on the heavy bolters is 20/20 instead of the default 7/15 and might be too good? Ammo is cheap too, the MC ammo is a nice damage upgrade but the ceramite plates get expensive and the regular ammo was mostly fine. Also 5 shot auto shot and available right at the start of the game.

Lascannon damage seemed high enough even for late game. Also an early unlock and cheap. Was using Sniper Rifles before unlocking this

Assault Bolters added in 030 seem really nice for Primaris early game with the 20/20 range until strength is high enough for heavy bolters

Plasma didnt seem to hit hard enough, even the Heavy plasma. (Also the graphic makes it seem like the blast radius is bigger than it is?) I assume there was something going on with the armor of the targets? I just ended up going back to heavy bolters. Havent tried incinerators yet but mag size of 20 seems like its not intended for auto shot spam? But it doesnt have the buffed 20/20 ranges or an aimed shot for long range. Maybe nerf lascannon and buff this as a replacement?

Meltas max range cap made me ignore them

Being able to hit myself with flamers also made me ignore them lol

Wanted to like storm bolters but they didnt feel worth the cost, feel like they need an auto shot buff or something (to clearly replace bolters/heavy bolters?)

The Assault Cannon was a good all around upgrade but unlocked pretty late and ammo was expensive

Also Melee seems outclassed by guns? At least on SM playthrough with Assault Term/Thunder Hammer. Havent tried much on Primaris playthrough, I know Phobos armor adds some TU but havent played with it much

Thoughts? Maybe Im expecting more linear progression when instead keeping weapons situationally useful was intended? Either way, loving the mod, thanks again for the great work!

Offline ohartenstein23

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #97 on: August 10, 2021, 03:30:50 pm »
There are intentionally few linear weapon upgrades. Most weapons you research are more about opening up more tactical options. What you think is useful is related to your playstyle - I've heard players say they fully switch to plasma as quickly as they can, others love abusing the terrain destruction of meltas, and some throw as many powerfists as possible.

If you found weapons you enjoy and didn't use the same one gun for everyone the entire campaign, then it's working the way we intended.

Offline Bonakva

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #98 on: August 10, 2021, 09:53:36 pm »
It's funny, I went through the whole game with heavy bolters.
In the beginning it's hard and very oblique, but once the marines get their strength and accuracy up, the weapon's efficiency goes up significantly.
I tried switching to plasma and melta from time to time, but quickly abandoned that idea because I didn't see the effectiveness. The heavy bolters were more reliable.

I also liked the assault bolters. Very often they kill fat targets with 1 shot.
Only I don't quite understand the mechanics of the shot.
The info says 2 die rolls. What does that mean?
One shot, but the 2 damage adds up?
I know assault bolters have two barrels, it's very strange to see 1 shot...

Offline ohartenstein23

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #99 on: August 11, 2021, 12:35:47 am »
Assault bolters, if bulletdesigner made them work like storm bolters, are nearly the mathematical equivalent of firing two standard bolts that hit the exact same spot. We tried other methods of firing two bolts instead of one, but none of them quite satisfied how we wanted them to behave. Just think of them as firing two shots that follow the exact same trajectory for expected damage.

Offline EleriumWard

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #100 on: June 01, 2022, 02:50:40 am »
I think that there should be higher-tier armor for the Frateris Militia, as well as researchable Carapace Armor for non-IG factions just so the Guardsmen you rescue in Terror Missions could have some decent protection. Also, maybe the Leagues of Votann could be incorporated somehow.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2022, 04:11:54 pm by EleriumWard »

Offline EleriumWard

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #101 on: June 23, 2022, 12:35:21 pm »
Hello again. So, I came across this thing while searching across the web. I think it would make an interesting addition to the Sisters of Battle.

Offline Simi822

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #102 on: September 14, 2022, 06:10:58 pm »
so are there any plans for the future?

if I take the 40k mod + rosigma...then maybe the deathwatch, combi weapons, necromunda content and the Tau is missing

and the only factions that needs additional content are the Eldar and Tyranids (lets be honest Eldar has like 3 units and the tyranids like 2x) and the Arbites (Rosigma expanded then nicely but there are some WTF decision like they have the thunderfire cannon or a Manticore or the useless hydra....they should have the RIOT Armored car and stubcannons, Repressor, Assault Ram, Concussion Carbine etc)......any plan to do these?
« Last Edit: September 14, 2022, 06:25:10 pm by Simi822 »

Offline Rangerh

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #103 on: September 14, 2022, 06:47:06 pm »
Looks like there should be a new version of the 40k mod soon (hopefully) as on discord bull3tdesigner posted
bull3tdesigner — 09/09/2022
BIG announcement : Since now we will have a base for other Xeno faction , craft´s and items will require imperial base functions to be brought. This will have two major effects for development and player´s:    - Items and Craft can´t be Brought unless there is an hangar for craft´s , store and living quarter´s for items and soldiers (don´t act surprise no craft appear on list if no hangar is present!!)     -on development and items and craft need the   requiresBuyBaseFunc: so they can be brought and don't appear on Xeno factions . This will have also the affect that now the list is cleaner and not clough up with useless  like craft stuff in training outpost.

Can't wait !

It also probably mean that Rosigma will have to update to follow on the base mod.

Offline Simi822

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #104 on: September 15, 2022, 01:47:33 am »
so you need certain things to be build to unlock stuff.....that is just a change in the game mechanics.....what is the part in regards of XENO factions...that is the interesting part...playing as one? or new enemy Xeno faction (chaos are no Tau coming as a Enemy? or Dark Eldar) now that is exiting news...possibility to play as a Xeno or new Xeno faction (Tau ir Dark Eldar)....sounds good