Author Topic: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions  (Read 80051 times)

Offline Surrealistik

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #105 on: November 10, 2022, 02:05:24 pm »
Almost finished my first playthrough.

Love it, but the lesser daemons appear to be somewhat off:

1. Daemonettes: These girls are easily and by far the deadliest lesser daemon in the game thanks to their non-canon ability to instantly corrupt/zombify Chryssalid style. Probably shouldn't have that capability. Melee attacks definitely shouldn't be deadlier than a Bloodletter's, though that they're faster and have more TU and Reactions makes perfect sense.

2. Bloodletters: These guys need better Reactions, TU and Melee Accuracy than they have. Their Hellswords should probably have the same armor ignore/pen as Power Swords.

3. Plaguebearers: These guys should have the Chryssalid style zombification abilities with their infectious Plaguesword (I mean, if any lesser daemon is getting those). Their puke should probably inflict extra wounds in the way the Plague Bolters do. They definitely need to be much tougher and have better resistances, have more HP and should also be wound/bleed immune like Plague Marines/Sisters as a facsimile of Feel No Pain. Was shocked by how easily all the lesser daemons die, but Plaguebearers especially.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2022, 02:39:18 pm by Surrealistik »

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #106 on: November 10, 2022, 04:44:26 pm »
thks for playing

1- the daemonettes  ability's is to represent an seduction(maybe badly represented), since  unit´s the doesn't lose armor(marines and adeptas), they just change side, chaplain is immune and other quarks , i haven't take time to do the same for guardman to keep armor but that was the concept.
3- True, i should have removed the wound´s and give it more toughness, all daemon power swords are OP one lucky swipe will kill terminator, the puke was just for no chesse when a unit is stuck or can´t be reached

Offline Surrealistik

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #107 on: November 10, 2022, 07:34:50 pm »
1. For the Daemonettes, not entirely sure what your options are at this point in OpenXcom, but I think if you want to keep the Daemonette seduction, I would either make it a melee only low TU cost temporary Mind Control that is pretty much guaranteed to work, or increase the TU cost of the Chryssalid style melee substantially, while giving her a low TU cost alternate melee that just does normal damage (much lower than Daemon swords) and morale damage. Being able to instantly corrupt at low TU cost feels more like something a Keeper of Secrets or Great Unclean One would have (or Lord of Change in terms of mutating their victim into a Chaos Spawn). Ultimately, players probably shouldn't be way more afraid of these enemies closing to melee than a Bloodletter.

2. I do see that the Hellswords/Plagueswords are 150 power. Honestly would stat the Bloodletter sword as per a Power Sword, and drop the Plaguesword to 90-100 power, but it deals damage to Energy and Morale in addition to inflicting many extra wounds like other plague weapons, which means it'll be real bad if you don't have an Apothecary nearby to treat the victim immediately.

3. I understand the puke being a contingency; I do think it would fit the theme of the Nurgle followers to have it inflict many extra wounds as I assume this symbolizes the illness it inflicts, and perhaps Energy/Morale damage to represent the impact of infection. Rest sounds good.

Other things that come to mind is that Terminators (including enemy Terminators) should probably have shields of some kind (their refractor fields), and the Chaplain Crozius is pretty insane with max Bravery, namely because two shots of it have the capacity to cover most of the map in fire, making these guys deadlier than my elite Librarians. Might consider capping the AoE size in exchange for it being more powerful, or having other effects.

But yeah, so far so good, been really enjoying the mod! Just about to do the final mission.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2022, 07:57:04 pm by Surrealistik »

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #108 on: November 10, 2022, 09:18:09 pm »
If it was possible with the engine, maybe instead of those UFO Chrysalids type of attacks, have the daemonettes set the unit that is hit into a berserk state (i mean when they shoot randomly in random directions) for as long as the daemonette is still alive (so you lose control of the unit, due to berserk state, but can regain it if you kill the daemonette).

As indeed that feels too easy for those units to get rid of any of your high armored high ranked high super high stats expensive troops in just one hit, this kind of insta-kill (as you lose the unit anyways) should only be reserved to boss level types of unit.

For the bloodletter i think his problem may be that it usually die before he can reach a target, as when it attacks it packs a big punch. maybe that would be solved by giving the monster more TU (and increasing the bloodletter weapon own TU usage to balance it out ? ).

Offline Surrealistik

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #109 on: November 10, 2022, 10:20:09 pm »
Bloodletters have reasonable TU (80?), but their Reactions are atrocious (40 I believe?), which means it is _very_ easy to gun them down with reaction fire before they close to melee.

Would significantly increase their Reactions (from 40 to 70-80), Melee Accuracy (from 80 to 100) and slightly increase their TU (from 80 to 90-100). Again, I feel they should be wielding what are essentially Power Swords.

In general I feel Daemons are way too fragile and should probably take sharply reduced damage from most damage types due to their Daemonic nature which gives them unnatural resilience (hence their invul saves in tabletop and damage reducing Daemonic Resilience traits in the RPG games). Damage dealt by psychic/consecrated sources (like Smite) should probably be the only things dealing full/extra damage to them; 75-50% damage (even less for Plaguebearers) sounds about right for most everything else. Basically what they lack in armor, they should make up for in resistances.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2022, 10:35:43 pm by Surrealistik »

Offline Surrealistik

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #110 on: November 17, 2022, 06:59:54 am »
Aight, beat the game, thanks in no small part to broken Chaplain Crozius spam:


Lost a bunch of disposable hero Sentinel Guardsman on base defenses, a marine or two on an early Khorne terror mission with absolutely awful droppod placement, and came close to suffering losses on the final mission, especially the part where a shit ton of surprise bloodletters spawn near cover with full TUs, but pulling back to the Rhinos and creating a defensive line with my flying Assault Marines (suck it bloodies) saw me through easily after the initial surprise.

So some additional feedback:
  • Already stated my views on daemons and especially Daemonettes.
  • Terminator armor is really bad for the cost. Sergeant Terminator armor is decent, but its Salvo ability is frankly garbage. It should either cost less TUs or have a half-decent range; I'm not exactly sure what it's supposed to be, but doesn't quite have the blast radius or accuracy to be effective long range artillery. All Terminator armor including enemy Terminator armor should have Refractor/Conversion Shields. A teleport/deep strike ability that required all of your TUs and inflicted Morale damage to teleport to a place you could see, maybe with a random offset would be neat, but I'm not sure if it's currently doable with OpenXcom.
  • As stated, the Chaplain's Crozius fireball is utterly insane and broken; see the above image. It needs not to have an AoE that covers a third of the screen at max Bravery. Lorewise I'm not sure how this makes sense either.
  • Librarian implementation is pretty cool.
  • Plasma is wildly inconsistent; that 0-2x roll really makes it more of an NPC weapon.
  • Book of Speed is insanely good, giving a marine an extra turn at the low cost of some Energy and 25 TUs. Not sure if intended.
  • Smoke cheese is insanely good; more enemies should have thermal and psychic vision.
  • The Heavy Bolter is probably too good; it was my mainstay weapon well into the late game despite being a weapon you can purchase at the very beginning. Might consider nerfing it, but adding an improved pattern that can be researched and developed later.
  • No Mastercrafted Assault Cannon?
  • Low fire rate, precision weapons like Lascannons and Sniper Rifles should probably have Gaussian Damage as Stormbolters do (0-200, 2 dice roll) so they have more consistency.
  • Ended up with an absolute abundance of Ceramite Plates albeit a dearth of Adamantium; these should probably be used in place of Adamantium for a lot of recipes.
  • I believe the Chimera Turret corpse is broken?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2022, 11:17:07 pm by Surrealistik »

Offline Marrik

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #111 on: January 09, 2023, 08:20:29 am »
IMO it'd be cool if you were to add something like the mechanic in the ROSIGMA mod where things like Heavy Stubbers or Heavy Bolters have super low accuracy when the gunner initially crouches with them, so you either have to wait a turn or have another trooper uses the Heavy Weapon Kit on them. In the tabletop/lore that stuff is supposed to be operated by heavy weapon teams, so I thought that was kind of a cool mechanic.

Also, it'd be nice if you added mortars at some point.

Offline EleriumWard

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #112 on: November 30, 2023, 01:41:18 am »
Any plans to incorporate the Leagues of Votann in some way?

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #113 on: November 30, 2023, 12:37:50 pm »
not working on it, maybe if any sprites emerge

Online Meridian

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #114 on: January 06, 2024, 10:38:29 am »
Hi bulletdesigner,

40k uses alien race attribute `retaliationMission`, which will be removed next week in the new oxce release.

Please update to replacement attribute `retaliationMissionWeights`

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #115 on: January 08, 2024, 01:37:00 pm »
Ok so i will replace this "retaliationMission: STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION" with this? "retaliationMissionWeights:  STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION" or should it be       
« Last Edit: January 08, 2024, 01:40:01 pm by bulletdesigner »

Online Meridian

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #116 on: January 08, 2024, 02:31:32 pm »
Like this:

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Re: 40k future plans and Work in progress / Suggestions
« Reply #117 on: January 08, 2024, 06:38:27 pm »
gotcha thks