Author Topic: [DONE] [Suggestion] See what other bases are currently researching in one screen  (Read 2845 times)

Offline DoxaLogos (JG)

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EDIT by Meridian, more info here:,6128.0.html

When you have research projects going on in several bases, it would be nice to have a quick way to see what other bases are currently researching in progress from the research screen.  This could simply be another button from the research screen to click on called "Current Global Research" that pops up a list of all ongoing projects located with the associated basename.   This would help tremendously because I can't keep track of all the projects in progress, so I have to jump around from base to base checking their research projects.

Another perk would be able to jump to another bases's research screen from this global list.

Cheers! :)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 02:26:34 pm by Meridian »

Offline Yataka Shimaoka

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Hey, I support this! This is a much needed feature if you are playing Xeno Ops, as one research base is not enough, you need a lot more to catch up with the marathon research tree

Offline DoxaLogos (JG)

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X-COM Files has the same problem since it forces you to have more labs spread across your bases to get your science going strong.