that's actually been implemented for a while now, in fact there's a separate audio channel reserved specifically for ambient background noise which we make use of in TFTD's underwater missions.
Reviving old post, sorry?
This is very interesting bit of information. I'm currently playing TerrorFromDeep while I wait for other background tasks to be done, and listening to other audios while playing the game.
I want to only leave enabled the sounds in game that are actually SFX, I want to mute all Ambient sounds if possible. Or, even better, I would look for a way for the game to MUTE entirely when the game window is in the background. Do you know a way I could achieve one of these things?
I'm playing a relatively old build of OpenXcom, from 2019, maybe this feature is already existent in updated releases.
Also, I would make one request: include Hotkey to MUTE ALL SOUNDS, this would be very useful for certain situations (that ambient noise in the background gets tiresome after a while)
I need to have SFX turned on to know if enemies died or are only put to sleep (lol)