moriarty, that voxel editor can edit only whole 3d model. You cannot adapt it to edit loft single layers and compose 3d models with them. In order to get this voxel-by-voxel editor work for openxcom, MCD tile format should be changed.
We have to decide either we stick to original MCD format with LOFT table and 12 layer references, or get into precise voxel models 16x16x24 (in this case we have to rebuild every game tile).
In this second case with 1 bit per voxel we'll get 768 bytes per tile (196kbytes for 256 tiles), otherwise (for 1byte per voxel) it will be 6k per tile and 1.5mbytes for 256 tiles (map tileset), which is kinda big, specially if you want to fit this on mobile devices.
Is it really worth it, to spend so much time and effort for bulding voxel models of such tiny resolution as 320x200?
I doubt it. I can make this LOFT (bitmap) editor which will be capable of editing of original MCDs (including LOFT assembling, image and tile mcd fields). But what for? This format is obsolete. I refuse to do anything within stupid MCD format, which is absolutely INCAPABLE to fixes or mods which will require of extra tile flags or values.
This one my little suggest to make maps more solid, less stupid (with inability to stand near northern or western ufo outer wall) was ignored... this is useless. forget it.