With all those graphics mods, sound mods, new units and new maps floating around, I believe there would not be a lot missing to make OpenXcom not rely on non-free contents. So to speak, make it really open as in open source. Maybe a user interface (especially the geoscape and the soldier inventory and such things)) would need a free reimplementation. But I think it'd be doable. I remember the achievement of UFO2000 creators, to have at least a basic version of the game playable, that doesn't require any non free graphics or other resources. Just install it, and you are good to go. So the game was really free. And if you like, you could also copy the original contents to the designated folders, and you had even more maps and units at your disposal. I am wondering: Would it be possible, with not to much effort, to create a really open Xcom version? Or did someone already give it a shot?