I've been looking to start a new playthrough (using OXCE+ 3.10a, v2018-03-21) with just a few mods, and this looks like a great 'simple' mod that helps fix one of the annoyances I have with Xcom. After playing around with a little, I have a bug report and some comments:
- If I don't change the AI's armor (iow, leave it to use the default cannon), when I go into the inventory, the game crashes:
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite TANK.SPK not found
[FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite TANK.SPK not found
As a quick workaround I modified the aiUnits.rul and changed 'type: TANKM0.SPK' to TANK.SPK, so I could take the mod for a spin. - In a UFOPaedia entry, there's a 'HWP Napalm Cannon' entry, where other entries are shown something like 'Tank/Cannon'
- Tank weapons don't stay loaded after loading them using 'inventory' from 'equipment' when at base (actually it looks like tank inventories aren't saved). This may be intentional as you can't unload the weapon after.
- The number that shows the amount in the stack for 'HWP Cannon Shells' and 'HWP Napalm Shells' is off by an inventory 'square' ('HWP Rockets' are fine). Hmm, it's probably more like the graphic takes up three squares but looks like it should only take up two.
Anyway, thanks for the mod!
Are you playing the latest version (1.1.10)? I know what the first crash is about and had fixed it recently, can't reproduce on my end. If you are using the latest version, can you send me a saved game where you can reproduce it?
For the ufopaedia thing, what other mods are you using? If those mods use the regular HWP article style, then that will likely overwrite what this mod is doing, and that's something you have to work around on your end. You can try moving this mod down to the bottom of the list so that it gets loaded last, and therefore can't be overridden.
Tank weapons not staying loaded from the base inventory screen to pre-battle equip is a known issue, but nothing I can do about it mod-wise. You'll just have to make sure your tank is loaded in that inventory screen.
Since I don't use any extra sprites but the inventory tank images and black squares to cover blocked inventory space, I just re-use vanilla sprites. That means I haven't enlarged them to match the size I wanted them to be, i.e. 3 slots wide to fill up the backpack.