The Bath still could use some more stuff: tables,chairs and may be a carpet.
Well if i think about "special" locations most of the time Xcom gives a very superficial impression/visuals. I have thoughts about making a huge hotel or hospital and you can imagine there are plenty of different rooms with different stuff in there -> swimming pool, luxus suite, 2nd class suites, restaurant, kitchen,floors, casino and and and.
Interiors could look much more individual even at that old engine.
I already had that thought about later versions of OXcom @ higher resolutions. I think its okay to give those models for further use in oXcom as long its uncommercial. First there needs to be a solid libary of objects, its just to early to think about that. First create & then decide what to do.
And by the way for anybody interessted:
It is NOT difficult to learn Blender for basic stuff. Only the organic 3D modelling (humans, animals etc.) seems to be more challenging and need experience. There are great free beginner tutorials and after just 2 days you'll have your first own model. I am not very experienced but i am happy to give advice/links if anybody needs.
Stuff like i did here can be done by anybody.