1. On worm island automatic turn switcher does not work. I have to click every time to go to next turn. 2. Ok, at last I've met naga dreadnought. I've crushed it using leviathan. Only naga soldiers and warriors. No drowners, sorcerers and commander inside? How am I supposed to finish the game. Usually in dreadnoughts commanders are present. There 18 units inside. 4 died due to explosion on landing. 14 were soldiers and warriors. So, 4 dead nagas were a commander, 2 sorcerers and a drowner? Doubtly. 3. I replayed the episode with naga dreadnought hoping it will land on my base. It returned to T'leth but naga city opened on map without interrogating naga commander. In naga city were only soldiers, ghosts and warriors as well. 4. Finally I've got alien key and was able to produce it !before! I've researched it. Nonsense. 5. These is a nasty invisible holes in Leviathan that allows enemies to kill aquanauts through doors. How could game developers of X-com miss it? It could be present in Hammerhead as well. Did not check. Aquanauts can shoot through closed metallic Leviathan doors as well. Haha. Vanilla feature, not a bug. Thanks.