Playing on 2.13 (I will do the update today to the latest).
Concerning my game, I was able to balance in positive points by assaulting a landed dreadnought with sectoids. Up to now I am able to buzz over the USOs with three barracudas and two tritons (with that the interceptions are quite manageable). I am quite surprised of the high costs of aqua-plastics of both the Morays and the upgraded triton but as you can basically recycle most of the alien stuff I cannot pronounce on its balance. Despite all, the USO storm does not let me go farther in the game (one week is like 3-4 missions and several interceptions). I'll apply the fix and see how it goes.
From the weapon standpoint the sharkmans seems to be the muton-equivalent for the jet harpoon weapons: pretty resilient. I am about to unlock gauss so seems legit.
Concerning bugs and QoL stuff:
Graphics issue, but this one crashes the game.
(Simply MC a mindworm and switch to him. Haven't tried locust though)
1.- I can confirm it is something with the graphics of weapons or one sprite in the inventory, I have the same issue when middle-clicking on the locust to check what it was.
2.- Then I have issues with the sprite of the hazmat suit. In some cases the head is replaced by the dead body sprite (not sure if this bug was already traced).
QoL-1: It would be nice to have color coded ammunitions for the harpoon weapons. I go nuts every time I have to check if I am firing stun harpoons or SC ones (attached some files edited with Aseprite. I don't know if they are valid for the color palette
QoL-2: The sectoid commander has an "empty" tech tree w.r.t. the squad leader. I would be nice if he was more useful in this matter (either research or "manufacturing").
Said this I am having fun, the mind worm and the locust is a nice move (fortunately I mix laser and X-rifles