I would like to express my gratitude to the author of this mod. TWoTS is decent! Have my "thumb up"!
No, I haven't actually finished this mod. While approximately 1/3 into it, my desire to see the end overweighed everything else. Oh, how many grind waited for me. And I morally declared myself a winner after capturing live Lobsterman Commander... How wrong was I! Very nice story. I really appreciate the improvement over the base game.
Then I casually read this thread.
Looks like this mod was a nightmare few years ago! So much bugs, so mush frustration! So good I haven't experienced this myself, no bugs encountered.
Almost... STR_BIOLAB_UFOPEDIA translation in ru.yml is wrong: 2 Alien implanters required, not 1.
Also, this is probably not TWoTS's bug, but torpedo launchers armed with guided missal can do a reaction shot.
So, are alien colonies really are supposed to be taken down with Gas Cannons? Looks like a suicidal mission on any difficulty (I played on beginner, by the way). This was not a joke? The main problem I see is mind controls. My own aquanauts will probably kill themselves with earlier mentioned Gas Cannons.
Someday I will definitely try this mod again. On Experienced difficulty.