This is compilation of various micro mods and fixes that introduce many new OCXE+ features to base game without actually adding any new content. I wanted this to be part of my own mod but I decided to share it with others so potential new moders can save time implementing these features (or ripping them from more complex mods). I also compiled in some tweaks and fixes for various X-Com oddities. It's still work in progress and I will be expanding this with other stuff as the features are added and I make new graphics for aliens, tanks, GUIs etc.
So far I have these:
- Options preset for advanced features (alien bleeding, explosion height etc...)
- Helmetless Power suit
- Distinct Flying suit (with corpse and death animation)
- Inventory nulls (copied from Piratez)
- Quick Draw inventory slot and 4x3 backpack (blocked on all player armors to 3x3)
- Tank Inventories are accessible now (added null items to block everything, doesn't look nice atm, but after I add tank paperdolls it will be fine)
- Alien inventory paperdolls (two are remade by me rest are placeholders from ufopedia images)
- Alien Melee stats
- All outdoor maps are 10 tiles high
- Item categories
- Cydonia Mission equipment limitations (no bullet weapons, no incendiary, armors converted to Power suits or Flying armors)
- Alien inventory preview in style of X-Com radar/medikit
- All crafts have pilots
- 2 bonus soldiers at the begining to pilot Interceptors (need to be assigned manualy at the moment)
- Armors and Auxiliaries previews for craft equit screen
- Tiny ranks and avatar background image (I need to solve centering of the faces somehow)
- Fast ramps for all crafts
- Lightning fix & Avenger door restoration (by Tarvis -,2040.0.html)
- recoverable & researchable Alien Reproduction
- Laser tech Ufopedia entry
- Radar ranges Ufopedia fix
What I am going to add in the future:
- Custom paperdolls with consistent style for everything including Tanks
- Custom Hit animations for all melee attacks
- Predefined custom projectiles & explosions image (some basic set for further use)
- Status icons
- Unique terror unit weapon image for Sectopod and Cyberdisk
- Improved ufopedia entry for HWPs (probably inspired by TFTD)
- Corridor facility
If someone knows about something that could fit in there feel free to post here. I am leaving home for a week so I won't be able to make anything new but I will be luring around the forums.