
Author Topic: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97, HWP series and more)  (Read 16585 times)

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Lightning replacement (Lightning 97, HWP series and more)
« on: June 09, 2017, 06:51:52 am »
# Lightning HWP REPLACERs - Mod by SteamXCOM

On Mod Portal

OR the download for this is further below after the first set of screenshots.

Features REPLACER LIGHTNINGs one of which you select to replace the original LIGHTNING in the game;
adding HWP capacity, letting you bring a Heavy Weapons Platform (tank) into combat.

Maybe you just want a REPLACER LIGHTNING that does not change too much the original craft.  The stats are the same as the original LIGHTNING, just carry capacity and some other features have been added.

Possible Loadouts for mods:

1. Lighting 12rHWP orange shipping container obtained from the docks and pressed into service for proof of concept.
- 14 Soldiers (two more than Original)
- or 10 Soldiers + 1 Tank
2. Lighting 16gHWP, interior slightly redesigned, the shipping container updated
and another added, suitably as a grey colored tank transport/deployment pod
- 16 Soldiers (4 more than Original)
- or 12 Soldiers + 1 Tank
- or 8 Soldiers + 2 Tanks

3. Lightning 97HL (heavy lift)
- two hardpoints (1 more than Original)
- Ladder allows roof and ground access
--can internally carry up to 3 HWPs
- 20 Soldiers (8 more than Original)
- or 16 Soldiers + 1 Tank
- or 12 Soldiers + 2 Tanks
- or 8 Soldiers + 3 Tanks

4. Lightning_AA  (Air to Air)
Lightning upgraded from Original to have
- two hardpoints (1 more than Original)
- Ladder allows roof and ground access

5. Lightning 51  (Earth alien hybrid craft)
Lighting made up with parts from crashed UFOs
--Orange shipping container obtained from the docks and pressed into service for HWP transport
- 12 Soldiers (same as Original)
- or 8 Soldiers + 1 Tank

See screenshots for pod appearance and color.

Install the mod into the mod folder of open XCOM:
Xtract the .zip file into your mod directory

Run XCOM go to options>mods and select ONE of the following:
Lighting 12rHWP
OR Lighting 16gHWP
or Lightning 97HL
or Lightning AA
or or Lightning 51

(FYI: If using a mod such as Vanilla Rebalanced by Align;  load Vanilla Rebalanced after Lightning HWP REPLACERs to get updated stats )

Check here for where your MOD folder might be at if you do not know:

--fixed an HWP unable to move from its restraining tile in the LIGHTNING 97HL

 --fixed stat errors on Lighting 51 and Lighting 12rHWP
--removed some craft as redundant, kept an orange crate version(LIGHTNING 12rHWP) and added grey 2 pod version(LIGHTNING 16gHWP)
 --Name changed from LIGHTNING HWP12r to LIGHTNING 12rHWP as the "12" could not be seen in the soldier
loadout screen
--Name changed from LIGHTNING HWP14g to LIGHTNING 16gHWP as to make it more distinguishable from the 12r and the "16" could not be seen in the soldier loadout screen.
--increased capacity of LIGHTNING 12rHWP by 2 soldiers to make it a more attractive upgrade.
--more craft added as replacers: Lightning 97HL, Lightning 51 and Lightning AA
--ladders have been removed from LIGHTNINGs carrying pods or crates as soldiers can
re-enter the craft from those areas now.
--crates and pods have working doors.
--UFOPedea pictures and base icons for some of the craft.

--Uses updated "fix" maps.
--Added variations of the orange crate and the grey pod for
--LIGHTNING HWP12r and 14g
---LIGHTNING HWP14r and 14g

The HWP deployment pod is redesigned in keeping with the crude implementation of Earth and UFO technology.
The LIGHTNING cannot replace the SKYRANGER in sheer transport capacity, however it should be more useful now.

Hatch in the back has been added, soldiers can use it to access the top of the Lightning as well as
ground level.


Additional information:
One or two re-purposed shipping containers are  stowed inside the LIGHTNING HWP series carrying the tanks.
Upon landing, the crate (called pod) drops out of the LIGHTNING.

On the LIGHTNING 12rHWP; when the tank or soldiers exit the pod, the rampwell drops.
At the beginning of the next turn, the rampwell closes again, sealing up the pod.

On the LIGHTNING 51; when the tank or soldiers exit the pod, the rampwell drops.
At the beginning of the next turn, the rampwell closes again, sealing up the pod.

On the LIGHTNING 16gHWP when the tank or soldiers exit the crate, the door slides up to open.
At the beginning of the next turn, the door closes again, sealing up the pod.

Ports in the door or rampwall allow soldiers that are in the pod to fire upon targets they see, however they have to be standing to get a good shot angle.      Even though the closed door or rampwell provides some cover, aliens can  see and shoot from that end of the pod so plan accordingly!!! The pods  are defensively orientated as the exit opening is underneath the LIGHTNING to prevent  catastrophic ambush.

If crew only mission  loadout is selected with no tank, two squad will be in the back of the pod.   The back and sides  of the  pod can protect  squad  from immediate attack though the front has small windows that they can shoot or be attacked through.  Additional soldiers can exit / enter the LIGHTNING HWP series through the  pod area from above or use the front stairs as normal.   Pod occupation counts for squad recovery, as it is drawn back inside the craft upon liftoff in case of an abort.

--The LIGHTNING AA is a LIGHTNING with enhanced AIR to AIR capability, as it has TWO hardpoints, though NO HWPs.
--The LIGHTNING HL is a LIGHTNING with enhanced AIR to AIR capability, as it has TWO hardpoints, and 3 HWP carry capacity.

Engineers were proud when they had at last built a working prototype of a transport aircraft using UFO technology and parts.  Called LIGHTNING it was  fast and could be expected to carry 12 men as well as engage enemy UFO's.  However, when inspected by  the military brass, one growled his HWPs had nowhere to park.   Also the thing was a deathtrap, there was only one way in or out.   

Hatches were quickly added to the rear of the craft allowing exit either underneath or to the roof. 

Another hardpoint was added.
The HWP was more difficult.  Commanders preferred the Skyranger, it could carry 3.  Various attempts
were made to fit a tank or two inside the LIGHTNING.  However as an attack craft, a load of tanks threatening to break free of their restraining cables during maneuvers was too much of a hazard.  The issue was securing the tanks while being able to deploy them quickly. 

An engineer determined in the LIGHTNING's case, the best idea was to carry only one tank secured inside of a modified shipping container nicknamed the "pod." 

Block and tackle using chains lifted the pod into the LIGHTNING where it was securely stowed during flight. 

When the LIGHTNING landed, the pod instantly dropped carrying a portion of the craft's floor with it.  (Chains attached to the floor would be used to later to lift the floor and the pod sitting on it back  into the craft).

Upon impact, The dropped pod's rampwall would open and the tank could emerge ready for battle.  Soldiers would exit the LIGHTNING either out the front assault door or use the hatches to the roof or travel through the deployed pod.  Portable grates were placed over the deck opening above the deployed pod to assist in moving around in the craft.  If the HWP still survived, When ready to launch, it would be hoisted back into the LIGHTNING inside the pod;  re-sealing the lower deck opening for flight.

Later improvements in the power plant allowed the additional ability to carry another pod culminating in grav clamps, together with conventional restraints,  which secured up to 3 the tanks safely in the main deck area.



The investigation of these mods help in implementation of this one

--Thunder Mod by hellrazor
--REAVER'S ARMADA mod by The Reaver of Darkness, (Also double door used for Lightining HL)
--Some parts from Dioxine Piratez mod(ie ladder, chains and crate parts)
--Forum hints thanks to Hobbes and Roxis231
--Vanilla Rebalanced by Align ( if this mod is used, load it after the replacer to get updated stats )
--SideQuest's alien power core recolor for Lightning 51

Please give credit for any use of this file.

This mod in part or in whole may be used as part of any other mod.,5500.msg83950.html

« Last Edit: July 25, 2017, 05:47:41 am by SteamXCOM »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2017, 03:20:38 am »
I want to see someone make tile pieces for stairs/ramps going in other directions. I want to make a lightning that can hold 16 soldiers or 4 tanks and can release them in all directions.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 06:24:35 am by The Reaver of Darkness »

Offline Stoddard

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2017, 03:35:08 am »
This is how you carry tanks on a Lightning:

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2017, 11:50:36 pm »
I want to see someone make tile pieces for stairs/ramps going in other directions. I want to make a lightning that can hold 16 soldiers or 4 tanks and can release them in all directions.

Yes, I saw that thread for such a mod, no further progress on that, no?,2936.15.html

I gather, there is the issue of soldiers not spawning where they should, The LIGHTNING is particularity cramped, especially with the updated map files correcting some of the errors, as no spawns occur against diagonal walls.

For a loadout of 4 tanks requires much like the photo of the bomber aircraft  from Stoddard (thanks for that).  Crates with the tanks inside could be placed on the map underneath the LIGHTNING indicating the craft carried then dropped them there just as it landed; then the tanks drive out of the open door of the crate (which presumably was opened at the time of the drop).  Floor hatches in the LIGHTNING would allow exit from the craft through the crates in some ways like the HWP- LIGHTNING, except there would be four of them.

Otherwise you have to enlarge the LIGHTNING, the interior controls would have to be removed or re-positioned, maybe a 2nd, smaller upper level for the pilot /navigation/engineer/weapon control seating  and the main level for your open deck packed full of men and tanks.  A 2nd level might not be too much of a change to update the picture in the Pedia.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 11:53:46 pm by SteamXCOM »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2017, 12:07:24 am »
Yes, I saw that thread for such a mod, no further progress on that, no?,2936.15.html
That's my original thread on the subject. I received a bunch of help with the ruleset and I now fully understand how to arrange the map tiles any way I like.

My current Lightning starts the soldiers or tanks at ground level underneath the craft, but I wish I could start them inside it and let them out on ramps. In order to add ramps, I can use the existing Lightning and Skyranger ramps and make mirror versions of them, but I don't currently know how to create new tile pieces or how to add them to the existing tilesets.

I could make the soldiers or tanks simply jump off the edge, but then there's no way for them to get back inside the craft to abort a mission, unless it has just one ramp and I don't like that.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 12:09:00 am by The Reaver of Darkness »

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2017, 03:20:32 am »
That's my original thread on the subject. I received a bunch of help with the ruleset and I now fully understand how to arrange the map tiles any way I like.

My current Lightning starts the soldiers or tanks at ground level underneath the craft, but I wish I could start them inside it and let them out on ramps. In order to add ramps, I can use the existing Lightning and Skyranger ramps and make mirror versions of them, but I don't currently know how to create new tile pieces or how to add them to the existing tilesets.

I could make the soldiers or tanks simply jump off the edge, but then there's no way for them to get back inside the craft to abort a mission, unless it has just one ramp and I don't like that.

I'm learning how to do that.
There are other ways for this , however here is what I'm doing:
Use MCDEdit.exe to re-save an existing tileset such as lightin.MCD to lightin01.MCD

Use MCDEdit.exe to (mcdedit117) set the attributes of the tile (examine other tilesets to see what these might be) so it is game identified as a floor or door or whatever, in your case the lightnin01.MCD though should already be set.
You can have MCDEdit open lightnin.MCD for reference purposes and
another instance of MCDEdit open to edit your lightin01 file.

MCDEdit can edit thelightin01.MCD file (edit pck) then you use cut copy paste and flip tools in there to orientate the stair ramp and other tiles the way you want .  You should not have to create new pieces, just copy paste and flip the existing ones to the correct orientation.

The MCDEdit program is a bit wonky, in selecting and copy and paste sometimes I have to try several times before they take effect.

BMPs can also be edited in other programs(that do not alter the palette) then once satisfied, imported into PckView and attribute edited in MCDEdit.

To see the tiles in MAPVIEW and in game, follow my threads with Hobbes who gave information on how that is done

PckView can be used that to open another tileset and export individual tiles as .bmp to a folder.
Use PckView to open  lightin01.pck and delete bmps you do not want and add bmps that you exported from the other tileset.
Not sure how to import a .pck created in PckView direct into MCDEdit, that is why I use a pre-exisiting tiles and edit that.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 03:25:54 am by SteamXCOM »

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2017, 08:00:02 am »
MCDEdit eh?

I tried it out and it seems easy enough to use! I got the tile pieces made!

Now I'm having a problem, I can't get MapView to load. I don't remember what I did a long time ago to get the paths to work but something is all jacked up and it refuses to load the craft. Worse still, I somehow accidentally deleted all of my custom craft settings! The settings.dat file has been reset to its original values. >.<

Why does MapView have to be so arcane?

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2017, 07:28:45 am »

Why does MapView have to be so arcane?

All these programs have their quirks, I think they work best in XP, I use Windows 7 on another computer because MAPVIEW does not work right at all in Win8.1.   Keep an eye on the original LIGHTNING map you are beginning with, the  patch update which is suggested when you install OPENXCOM  loads a newer LIGHTNIN map in that corrects some errors. Since it tightens up the map, there is less room inside to spawn.

Glad you learned MCEDIT, it will make things easier.

Yes, from time to time you have to reload the paths in MAPVIEW.   I think it creates a temp file that always does not save properly when you exit out of it. You can edit some of its files to refer back to the tileset it forgets, see my conversation with HOBBES on this.


FYI Updated HWP Lightning,5501.0.html

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2017, 12:19:38 am »
Updated (not sure if uploaded properly in mod area, as at this time do not see the files or pictures there)

# Alternate Lightning 97HL - Mod by SteamXCOM

v 1.1
Features an alternate LIGHTNING with HWP capacity.  It is identified as LIGHTING 97HL in the game and DOES NOT replace the original vanilla Lightning.
It is identical to the vanilla LIGHTNING in performance with exceptions noted further below such as it can bring up to 3 Heavy Weapons Platform (tank) into combat and has a rear exit entry ladder giving roof and ground access.
Can be packed with 20 squad/no HWP; or up to 3 tanks and various arrangements of squad:

Possible Loadouts
- 20 Soldiers / no tank
- 16 Soldiers + 1 Tank
- 12 Soldiers + 2 Tanks
-  8 Soldiers + 3 Tanks
The Lightning 97HL  has the interior equipment moved over a tile to accommodate the HWP tanks or up to 20 squad, but otherwise stays close to the original design.
Routing has been updated to allow aliens to use the ladder, yes a Muton sneaking up that ladder can cause lots of mischief.
Otherwise the equipment consoles are laid out the same as in vanilla.
The stairs have been widened  to let the tanks out.
The double doors allow entry and exit to include animation, and sound.

Install the mod into the mod folder of open XCOM:
Xtract the .zip file into your mod directory
Run XCOM go to options>mods and select LIGHTING 97HL
Check here for where your MOD folder might be at if you do not know:



The investigation of these mods help in implementation of this one
Thunder Mod by hellrazor
REAVER'S ARMADA mod by The Reaver of Darkness
[UFO MEGAMOD] Reaver's Faithful Megamod (improved door graphics)
Forum hints thanks to Hobbes and Roxis231

Please give credit for any use of this file.
This mod in part or in whole may be used as part of any other mod.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 01:39:55 am by SteamXCOM »

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2017, 02:04:54 am »
Nice, you used the door I made! It's a pretty neat craft!

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2017, 03:54:28 am »
Nice, you used the door I made! It's a pretty neat craft!

Thank you, Reaver. Yes, that is a good 2 square wide door, you made, lining things up and getting rid of the double symbol. 

The routing was not as mysterious as I first thought, Aliens now may climb the rear ladder causing all sorts of problems unless a soldier guards the hatch. 

This pretty much finishes what I had in mind for the LIGHTNING, range and  fuel, can be tweaked forever. I wanted a LIGHTNING that closely resembled vanilla that COULD displace the Skyranger in certain situations, but not replace it.  For example, the Skyranger's reach is its best attribute especially for terror missions halfway around the world.

The vanilla lightning according to UFOPEDIA is supposed to be both a transport and a fighter, though in use, cannot  erode either the interceptors or Skyranger especially for the price paid.

"As an interceptor, it fails by having a short range, low speed and only one hardpoint. As a transporter, it is unable to carry Heavy Weapons Platforms and only has room for a small squadron of soldiers. These are the main reasons why a number of X-COM Commanders frown on the usage of the Lightning. "

Hmm wonder if another air to air weapon slot should be added?  Again it would not displace an interceptor, but if something was within reach.... its a quick 2 minute edit in the rul file to add an additional weapon slot.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 04:01:00 am by SteamXCOM »

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2017, 07:34:19 am »
Hmm wonder if another air to air weapon slot should be added?  Again it would not displace an interceptor, but if something was within reach.... its a quick 2 minute edit in the rul file to add an additional weapon slot.
I don't think it needs that. It's a capable interceptor, though it falls short of the Firestorm, it has a huge speed advantage over the Interceptor. Once its transport capabilities are made worth using, its interception capability is a useful bonus that leaves it valuable as both a fast transport and a flexible ship capable of both roles in one hangar.

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2017, 08:07:15 pm »
I don't think it needs that. It's a capable interceptor, though it falls short of the Firestorm, .....

Once its transport capabilities are made worth using, its interception capability is a useful bonus

Yes, in thinking furher on that, I agree.

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2017, 11:52:09 am »
I also made Lightning and Firestorm replacement mod a while ago. In my mod I made both ships hybrid transport-interceptors but  Lightning is slower more durable but can carry HWP and more soldiers while  Firestorm is way faster less durable and carries less soldiers and no HWP. The idea was to alternate using them as dual transport for various targets. Smaller or faster targets Firestorm and slower bigger targets Lightning.  Was fun to play that way .

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Re: Lightning replacement (Lightning 97 series)
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2017, 11:07:48 am »
That's a good way to do it. I am finding fast transports have pretty limited use, however. I like my versions which have the Lightning as an excellent transport and mediocre interceptor, versus the Firestorm as an excellent interceptor but mediocre transport.