Hey guys, looking for some tips. Been playing X-piratez since who knows when, doing 1 playthrough per year. I always go in blind, so I am always behind on the tech curve, and one other gimmick I do is I don't use grenades. Used to do it in OG, and pretty much every game devolved into hot potatoing or just suiciding the strongest grenades / high ex and similar, so I grew to hate it so much I can't stand using them anymore. The patch before ninja bases came was the pinnacle of balance, difficulty and reward to me, but ever since ninjas came I can't make it past early game without using some sort of a gimmick.
Bearing all that in mind I have a few questions.
1. Any tips on air game, aka good ships and loadouts?
I have NEVER managed to properly make use of Kraken or any of the heavy weapons. They either get completely absorbed by armor, or are not strong enough to kill the ones they can penetrate. As for light weapons I used to prefer sonic, but now I'm not sure. Missiles are the only thing that works for me, but they are too expensive to maintain, and in newer versions there is SO MUCH MORE air traffic that I simply can't invest in them. And the skies are so deadly now that I'm lucky I chose Grey codex this time, as I have absolutely no clue how I would manage anything without being undetectable. Even just the clusters of ninja bases are so dense that I couldn't break through even if I had a ton of interceptors. I always have the problem that my ships are either too slow to catch up to something, or those that can are too weak to take it down, so I basically only take down very small ships, occasionaly small, and then only extremely late game manage to make squads to take down the larger ships.
2. Notably good shooty guns I should use?
Currently I am using M-laser. I have access to smart weapons and that whole tier (no Gauss or Plasma atm). The thing is I don't really know what else is above average. I usually go guns + bows into Silver Snake into Laser / Gauss / Plasma. I added Mortars into my arsenal in order to deal with the ninja turrets, as I simply can't find anything else that I can fire without immediately getting reactioned to death. This is definitely not intended as by the time I got mortars there were, at least, 17 spawned bases around the world. My actual go to strat is melee, as that was the only thing I managed to ever use with consistency.
3. How to use voodoo effectively?
This is the first time I am going for Grey codex. Usually my voodoo is limited to bugeyes landing onto a sub and then MCing through walls, that's literally it. I don't know how to effectively use ANY other voodoo ability in the whole game, so tips here would really help.
4. How to actually deal with ninja bases?
I have destroyed 5 - 6 of them, plus an airfield, but I still feel like I'm stumbling like a moron. Jellyfish obviously bypasses their defenses, so that's basically one layer I automatically am not dealing with. Then the turrets, the only way I managed to destroy them without imminent death is by mortars (and they still take 4 or more hits), but since they spawn so early I assume there are many other ways to do it. Specifically the 14mm 4 square ones, the small turrets are not a problem. I even feel like my heavy armor is barely up to scratch for this mission, as plenty of my units survive with slivers of health left.