Hi there, I'm having trouble when I hit a muton with a rocket,
it opens the ground and he falls from level 3 to level 0 and survives with 3+- fatal wounds and like 50hp.
Then i have to wait for him to bleed out, takes like 10 to 20 turns or kill him in the save file.
Is there a fix? or is it me that is doing something wrong?
Edit: Im looking at some of the maps and
1- Note: I use height 2 for explosions, that explains why the ground breaks
2- The underground have content but doesnt have "Grd" this might be the reason why they keep falling.
3- I cant load 'FRNl83' into the MapView
4- Ill try to create a program to fill up the "Grd" of blocks that have a specific content, so I can test the theory and play without problems
5- I think the stairs need 2 open grounds over them to work correctly