Personally, I'd love to use original design, and be able to edit/modify/whatever such file (but keep it away from the .exe!
- define gender: F, or M
- define race/look/whatever: 0, or 1, or 7, etc. (pointer to MAN_XXX.SPK file)
- define torso frames: 167-174, etc. (eight frames in XCOM_XX.PCK - default, or custom ones)
- define death frames: 200-202, etc. (right now the same are used for each XCOM_XX.PCK)
This way you can keep sprite customization on really high (and flexible) level, and make bald, long hair, short hair, etc. variations of soldiers, and different variations of armors as well, see here:
You could go even further and define legs, and arms too. I know it's only few pixels, but such customization would add a lot of more variety than re-colors only (because you can alter "shape" as well).
Anyway, some more stuff:
- allow to define new weapons look in HANDOB/FLOOROB.PCK (insert new frames and use them).
- allow to define what terrain (and civilians sprites) will be used in terror missions. For example, would be great to play TFTD's port terror maps in coastal cities.
- remove 256 colors limit. Useful when porting TFTD assets - you'll avoid breaking the colors when switching to EU palette.
- add civilians to the farm missions (emptiness is pretty boring over there).
- crazy, but really cool stuff: armed civilians (farm), or police (city), controlled by AI fighting against aliens.