Hey all,
New to Xcom. I saw someone play it on YouTube and thought it looked interesting so I gave it a try. So I've gotten the game to work just fine, but I've been trying to install the UFO Redux mod (that's what the person on YouTube was playing and said it was highly recommended as it fixes a lot of the original games bugs) but, for the life of me, I just can't figure it out. All the guides I have found say to put the extracted files folder into the OpenXcom mod directory. The problem is that there is no mod directory (I am using Ubuntu 15.04, so it's /usr/share/openxcom/). The only thing in the openxcom folder is data/. I've tried making a mods directory both in openxcom/ and data/ and I've also just tried copying the mod folder directly into both and it never shows up in the mods screen in-game. Since I'm on Ubuntu I installed the game using the PPA so it's the 1.0.2 release if I remember correctly. I've really enjoyed the game thus far even if it is brutally difficult at times (so far my soldiers have a habit of being sniped from unexplored areas and dying in one shot. I've probably lost a dozen that way). Any and all help is appreciated.