Since OXCE also offers scripting support I decided to also look into this and i found some interesting things,
for one a simple Red Hit Flash confirmation script, which I added. Just to give visual feedback towards the Player.
Then we got the Ufopaedia Celatid, oh boy, oh boy.
I learned some lessons about expotential growth there

So yes the Ufopaedia Celatid is now Part of Hardmode Expansion, but only with a linear growth pattern (meaning, it can only Clones once, Clones make new Clones; exception is Cydonia on Cydonia Celatids do have expotential growth pattern).
What I currently struggeling with is I am lacking some Inventory Graphics for the entire Drone set (Normal Drones, Alloy Drones and Hover Drones). Unfortunately I am not a great graphical artist myself. So I hope some might offer his help in this regard. I already search a few other mods like FMP and XCF for possible drone inventory sprite as basis for creating something myself and yes there are some sprites which can be used as a basis but they also require completely new stuff...
Current Changelog progress so far:
- Fix Mod not loading on OXCE 8.0.0. (rapidyml)
- Fix Wrong Inventorysprites for Alloy Tanks
- Fix Alien Data Slate Occurance
- Fix wrong values on Snakeman / Waspite Armors
- Fix Hovertank Inventoryimage position
- Fix some Colors on some Inventory and Ufopaedia Pictures
- Fix DOWNTOWNURBAN Mapscript for size 60x60
- Update Language files for more translations
- Unify Alien Base cancellation behaviour (exception Alien Base at Gamestart)
- Adjust Alien Missions and Scoring slightly
- Adjust Armors for Gazers, Sectoid Elite, Muton Elite, Ethereals, Muton Elite Guard
- Adjust Aliendeployment spawns to also enable lower Difficulties with proper scaling
- Adjust Terrorsite mapScripts for UFO spawn and proper block variety
- Adjust Alien Alloy recovery from Missionsites to give proper yield
- Adjust Tank fire accuracies slightly
- Add Terrorships Spawn on Terrorsites
- Add Terrorship reappears after Terrorsite despawn or failed/aborted XCom Mission
- Add DOWNTOWNURBAN Railstation to URBAN and INDUSTRIAL Terrosites
- Add Ufopaedia Articles for Armors / Combat Analysis
- Add Running will NOT trigger Mutual surprise
- Add Info for Melee Weapons that user strength increases damage
- Add another Graphic for a DayNightIndicator
- Add Psi Animation by pWWWa
- Add Psi Miss Animation
- Add Missing HandOb for Alloy Knife
- Add Script: RED HIT FLASH for all Battlescape units
- Add Ufopaedia Celatid (Ability to Selfclone once on Earth and unlimited on Cydonia/Psivision 13 tiles)
- Add Custom Background for UFOpaedia Armor articles
I want to add some more terrains from TerrainPack 4.3, which I still lack at this point.
And also the economy rebalance with SellCostcoefficient, so the mod can be played also on lower difficulties then Superhuman with keeping the tight balanced economy.
I am looking forward to any form of feedback/critique points for the current released Version:
And yes there will be a Version 1.0 at some point