On the modsite
https://www.openxcom.com/mod/stealth-suitStealth Suit
Cloaks your unit making it harder to be shot at.
Unit rotation does not matter. Looking left or right does not rotate your LOF. Verticality/horizontality/diagonality is relative to the map and does not change on the map.
How or why this works:
This is achieved by giving it a no center LOF template (rather than the default central cylinder) making the OpenXCom engine targeting calculations fail if enemy is standing up down left right relative to the map and on same x/y as your unit. In order to hit this armor you ned to be situated only diagonal angles relative to the map. Due to lack of LOS to target enemies will be unable to detect you at times. Only exception are melee units that go straight for you.
Take a look at the following pictures:
3 normal dudes and 1 stealthed guy
Aim straight and this is what happens NO LINE OF FIRE
this is 1st ps view. check the difference between stealthed guy and regular 2 guys. that's why no LOF....game thinks shot just goes right trough him. to hit him you need to hit any one of those 4 corners
Aim diagonally and it works. Also yes cloaking is broken once unit dies and you can see how the armor really looks like cause in active inv is cloaked still.
There are 8 possible perfect positions to fire at an unit. And others in between. What this armor does is it cuts all possible possitions in half to 4 essentially making you 50% invisible. But for melee they don't give a shit cause they gonna com at an angle every time. For ranged units is harder as they need to be in the right firing position otherwise they can't see you. The close they get to you the easier it gets to find the right angle to shoot you.
Tech is same as power suit but a bit cheaper and much longer build time/research time.
If you have any ideas or find bugs or any suggestions or comments please let me know!