
Author Topic: custom missions ideas? - post yours here  (Read 19459 times)

Offline jackstraw2323

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2015, 10:55:43 pm »
How about the fishing village crysallid whale mission from Xcom eu? Or set it in a polar environment for a john carpenter's the thing vibe. Not sure if you could do something like the alien brain for completion, but if so that could be the mission objective.

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2015, 11:14:02 pm »
that's cool!

chryssalid only mission and a bunch of villagers that sounds like fun? I like that.  Port terrain would work really well with that.  port and my worker civilian.

Offline hellrazor

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2015, 12:36:20 am »
that's cool!

chryssalid only mission and a bunch of villagers that sounds like fun? I like that.  Port terrain would work really well with that.  port and my worker civilian.

A Bunch of? How about 30 Villagers paired into one room, the church, with 10 Chryssalids?

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2015, 01:07:11 am »
OH NO hahah.. GG 

Offline Liquid Snake

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2015, 01:08:20 am »
Well, I wanted to make a mission where you have 30 turns to destroy a computer server or else the entire map gets nuked. But I don't think it is possible to make the nuke part.

Another one would be defending ICBMs for a certain amount of turns, to destroy an very large alien ship hovering over Earth. Again, I doubt I could make a mission like that.

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2015, 01:10:28 am »
Turn limited missions would be cool. I don't think the engine supports this right now. Is maybe possible to create a mission that you have to destroy an objective to win like alien brain type by making an object marked as destroy objective type. So either kill all Aliens or destroy some object. That could work. Maybe? Like artefact sites in TFTD.

Offline NeXaXeN

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2015, 04:02:19 am »
I like abduction in progress one. Any more ideas?

I thought of Jail Attacks where aliens are attacking a jail house and you have to deal with aliens and escaped convicts. Some convicts are a new race and will be hostile while others will be civilians. They will look the same. Is gonna be hard to tell which convict is peaceful and which one is aggressive. You will have to be careful . Also there are guards and guard dogs you must save. You may accidentally kill convicts that are peaceful but ignore the ones that aren't. This is kinda a test of morals.


CRAFT > xx

Aliens have attacked a Jail House and broken free all Convicts. Some Escaped Convicts have turned hostile. You must be careful to eliminate only hostile convicts. Eliminate all Alien forces. Save any peaceful Convicts and Guards.

I wanted to use that unused map but not snow but rather grass or mountain.

Along that same line, why not an Alien Hybrid take down mission?

THE COUNCIL discovers a small town where alien hybrids are being integrated into a local community. The humans are good, whereas the "Hubrids" are hostile but armed with stun weapons only (since their job is to capture and replace they never got serious hardware].

The main "ufo" is actually a (scout???) ufo inside of a warehouse--inside may be a Sectoid Commander with MC powers to help the Hubrids fight your operatives. May even want to make use of a stun grenade mod or give some Hubrids a melee stun attack.

EDIT: OK, OK, one more:

Using some of those "TOP SECRET: XCOM" boxes from TFTD, make a special "supply chain" mission--

SUPPLY CHAIN: While searching for XCOM bases the invaders inadvertently followed a transport craft and discovered one of XCOM's supply chain warehouses. The "less glamorous" materials XCOM needs (soap, clothes, lightbulbs, Skyranger parts) are shipped through supply chains like this.

The whole mission is a massive, Indian-Jones style warehouse of boxes with the XCOM craft landing just outside (maybe a skyranger on a runway).

To actually simulate the "NEED" of these materials, make a special class of civilian--a box that doesn't move anywhere (zero TU's so it can't even turn). You'll lose points from these "civilian" deaths like losing the materials would hurt. 
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 04:21:57 am by NeXaXeN »

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2015, 04:58:04 am »

Along that same line, why not an Alien Hybrid take down mission?

THE COUNCIL discovers a small town where alien hybrids are being integrated into a local community. The humans are good, whereas the "Hubrids" are hostile but armed with stun weapons only (since their job is to capture and replace they never got serious hardware].

The main "ufo" is actually a (scout???) ufo inside of a warehouse--inside may be a Sectoid Commander with MC powers to help the Hubrids fight your operatives. May even want to make use of a stun grenade mod or give some Hubrids a melee stun attack.

Dunno if anyone made hybrid sprites but  that would be cool. Here's an expanded idea.  What if hybrids are found ONLY in this type of mission and what if hybrids have something in them that is used as a resource to build something cool. Also a live hybrid will lead to that cool thing. So you need at least 1 live hybrid and either live or dead doesn't matter. Is some thing that they carry some type of new weapon or item.

Offline kharille

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2015, 07:18:31 am »
Rescue xcom prisoners?  Shoot captured/mind controlled xcom soldiers?  Stun the alien scientist and carry him out of a small base?  Maybe one with a lot of demolitions work where you pretty much need to use explosives to fight, stalin grad style urban warefare.  Dense residential buildings or a complex with lots of rooms/stairs and walls to blow? 

Maybe there are 'rock formations' with lots of cover, ideal chryssalid territory, like some ancient earth places we haven't seen in the tourist books? 

I think a big change in environment using the terrain available would be good.  Dense forests? 

Find alien artefact?  Minefield missions with 'alien grenade' power mines?  Or one where killing the alien commander means mission fail? 

How about a 'tank battle' mission with lots of alien 4 square units? 

Reaper only dense forest missions? 

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2015, 07:24:36 am »
i like the ones with one race only...the dense forest with reapers only and the fisherman village with chrysalids only  . that's kinda cool.

Offline DarkerDark

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2015, 08:32:24 am »
It'd be kind of neat if we could get a series of special missions for alien infiltration attempts. For instance, having a couple of mind-controlling aliens in a presidential palace/government building protected by their human hosts.

Offline NeXaXeN

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2015, 03:59:39 pm »
Dunno if anyone made hybrid sprites but  that would be cool. Here's an expanded idea.  What if hybrids are found ONLY in this type of mission and what if hybrids have something in them that is used as a resource to build something cool. Also a live hybrid will lead to that cool thing. So you need at least 1 live hybrid and either live or dead doesn't matter. Is some thing that they carry some type of new weapon or item.

Actually with a Hubrid they look EXACTLY like humans, so using one of the civilian recolors like the More civilians mod is a quick one-in-done if the modder gives permission.

As for new weapons I mentioned a stun grenade but how about a psionic stun blade (maybe this modder would give permission for a recolor?)? It gives a new item AND saves the coding of making a special type of Hubrid that only stuns. Quicker + new item that way. I'm sure a modder would give permission for a recolor of an existing object.

As far as a special Hubrid item... I dunno... some mods allow corpses to be used to make things [like the XCOM Sectopod mod ] so maybe the Psionic Blade needs the chemicals in the Hubrid's corpse?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 04:13:52 pm by NeXaXeN »

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2015, 06:41:08 pm »
hybrid is kinda like a  civilian wwith like this pink big head also anyone got permission to use any of my mods anywhere

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2015, 08:54:20 pm »
Regarding the Hybrids, I totally made them. See here. They're in the Final Mod Pack too.

I really like the "friend or foe" idea, but I think it would require having armed civilians first. After all, it's easy to see who is armed and who is not...

Offline NeXaXeN

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Re: custom missions ideas
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2015, 10:20:19 pm »
Regarding the Hybrids, I totally made them. See here. They're in the Final Mod Pack too.

I really like the "friend or foe" idea, but I think it would require having armed civilians first. After all, it's easy to see who is armed and who is not...

That whole armed/unarmed issue is why I suggested the melee stun thing, albeit with reaction fire and the tactical map with colored IFF (identify friend-or-foe) that can be tricky anyway.

Still, if you don't want to make it too obvious or do melee coding tollworkout then maybe, in the short term, make the ALIEN Psi blade have no hand object so its invisible, but allow it to be researched to make an XCOM Psiblade WITH a handob.

Your Hybrids are awesome Scorch, as is everything you make. And your commitment to share is what, without question, makes you one of the coolest modders here. I didn't mean to slight your awesome mod by not including it in my links there as I almost exclusively play your FMP with some additional enabled mods.

The reason I use the term Hubrid is because, in UFO lore, Hybrids range in their appearance whereas a select group of alien-human hybrids called Hubrids are allegedly infiltrating society as they are 100% human looking (or extremely close to it). It would also be easier to mod them in as they could use the civilian skins. Moreover, it fit with the "friend or foe" idea.

I'm certainly not here to do anything but make suggestions when asked. And tollworkout, if you want to make something great Scorch is the one whose brain you wanna pick.

EDIT: Just in case you want to scare yourself or bore yourself to sleep or laugh yourself silly, here are some links to the lecture by a leading "UFO Researcher" (he was having some skype issues so sound is wonky) about alien hybrids:

Whole Video : HERE
Hubrid Info   : HERE

The way the guy talks though you'd think *he* invented the Hubrid term, but w/e.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 11:01:00 pm by NeXaXeN »