Author Topic: [RESEARCH] Research Alive Aliens - v1.54 Final - Translators needed  (Read 52022 times)


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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2015, 11:18:19 pm »
After a lot of tweaking and reinstalling everything I've finally got it to work, fingers crossed, had to remove commendations and Luke's dark ufos as because they were done prior to all the map changes that came in November time I think that might had been causing the problem but not entirely sure on this point. Will just have to be careful in future and not use any mods that change maps, routes or terrain with files earlier than November. If I want to use any of these mods I'll have to use an earlier nightly which in theory shudn't be a problem as I've on my pc nightlies back to 03-02-2014. So thanks for all ur help and if any thing else causes probs I'll let u know.

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2015, 12:28:52 am »
After a lot of tweaking and reinstalling everything I've finally got it to work, fingers crossed, had to remove commendations and Luke's dark ufos as because they were done prior to all the map changes that came in November time I think that might had been causing the problem but not entirely sure on this point. Will just have to be careful in future and not use any mods that change maps, routes or terrain with files earlier than November. If I want to use any of these mods I'll have to use an earlier nightly which in theory shudn't be a problem as I've on my pc nightlies back to 03-02-2014. So thanks for all ur help and if any thing else causes probs I'll let u know.

Glad to here that my Mod was not causing you any Problems in the end, and i am glad that you resolved your Problem.
Please let me know if anything needs balancing or suggest changes :).

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2015, 12:32:07 am »
Updated Version 1.3 with some minor corrections (found some typos), i also added into the zip file the Research Tree Graphic i made.

Please tell me if the Research Tree Graphic is understandable to you or if it needs some adjustments.

I still wanna ad some Research Hints / Briefings which also should give some more Story (Lore) elements.
Anyone got some Ideas?

Edit correct Research Tree Graphic in Zip File for Version 1.3
Edit: Attachment are now only avaible on first Post of Thread ->,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 03:13:12 pm by hellrazor »


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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2015, 12:58:04 am »
Nice chart for the research tree, my "Item list order" .rul is almost complete, prisoners and stiffs to go so here's what I'm working with atm. Yes the smoke pellets shud be up along side the HWP dispenser but it's one I forgot about when I was putting the sectopds in order and I can't be really bothered to redo the entire list order numbers for one thing. Please tell me if I've forgotten anything from all the mods I'm using. The only trouble with this rul file is that once u add other mods on it'll go out of sync. Also it doesn't involve the ufopaedia, that's beyond me. What I wud like to do with this to take it a stage further is to subdivide the whole list into sections like the manufacturing screens but I'm unsure how to do this so feel free to offer any suggestions.

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2015, 02:16:59 am »
Well just noticed that the Research Tree Graphic was missing the Multiunlocks for some tech's colorwise.

Updated the Research Tree Graphic in the newly avaible zip's (Version 1.3) and the attachment in this thread.


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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2015, 01:46:51 pm »
Justed tested a new game and the missions generated are:

  - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 150
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 1
  - race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 150
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 2

So I don't think there r any conflicts going on I was just silly shooting everything, well almost everything. I assume that another alien base mission will eventually happen in my current game, April's missions look interesting incl Ethereals:

    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 2
    spawnCountdown: 15540
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 6
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 9870
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 7
    region: STR_EUROPE
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 15360
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 9
    region: STR_ARCTIC
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 10
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 11

These are from midnight just into April 1st.

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2015, 02:06:03 pm »
Justed tested a new game and the missions generated are:

  - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 150
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 1
  - race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 150
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 2

So I don't think there r any conflicts going on I was just silly shooting everything, well almost everything. I assume that another alien base mission will eventually happen in my current game, April's missions look interesting incl Ethereals:

    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 2
    spawnCountdown: 15540
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 6
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 2
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 9870
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 7
    region: STR_EUROPE
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 15360
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 9
    region: STR_ARCTIC
    race: STR_FLOATER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 10
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 11

These are from midnight just into April 1st.
Good so you got the Mission :)

Ethereals should not show up in April!
They are supposed to show up ingame in the beginning of August. I just doublechecked my Ruleset and however you get those ethereals, i have no clue. YOU definitly should not have them.
And Retaliation Missions should be triggered from the UFO's you shot down.
I will ask one of the developers later if there is a case were Retaliation Race can be from another UFO.
I can only presume that one of your other Mods interferes with this, but i have no clue so far.
In my testgame i didn't had Ethereals so far, and all other Races were appearing in the correct order.

It is possible that for some odd reasons, the game defaults to XCom1Ruleset, but even then you should not get Ethereals in April (which is your 4th Month were you get snakeman on mass).


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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2015, 02:35:33 pm »
Maybe just bad luck or as u said some other rul file is over riding but not to worry. Since ur mod is heavily based on research I was wondering if I cud pick ur brains on this one. I used part of a mod called "Ultimate Interceptor Pack" and took the craft Predator from it as I had the mass weapons seperately. The only problem is this, I've unlocked the Predator too early, in effect @ the same time as ur Retailator. I looked @ the research and saw why. If I use the second attached rul file here and rename it back to predator.rul wud there be any probs with substituting it for the original predator.rul file as I realise that I shudn't have this good a craft b4 I get a Firestorm.

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2015, 02:49:32 pm »
Version 1.3.1
Included Stuff in the Readme.txt which was missing.
Fixed Bug with Sectopod Corpse (got overwritten by Alloy Tank Corpse)

Further changes in Version 1.3.1 to 1.3:
Alien Base Mission Waves adjusted (should appear quicker 1 Large Scout removed from wave 3)
Adjusted all Mapheights to 6 (except Small Scout and Base Missions)
Alien Base Mission Mapsize changed to 60x60
Terror Ship Mission Mapsize changed to 60x60
Battleship Mission Mapsize changed to 60x60

New Version avaible attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 02:52:40 pm by hellrazor »

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2015, 02:57:39 pm »
Maybe just bad luck or as u said some other rul file is over riding but not to worry. Since ur mod is heavily based on research I was wondering if I cud pick ur brains on this one. I used part of a mod called "Ultimate Interceptor Pack" and took the craft Predator from it as I had the mass weapons seperately. The only problem is this, I've unlocked the Predator too early, in effect @ the same time as ur Retailator. I looked @ the research and saw why. If I use the second attached rul file here and rename it back to predator.rul wud there be any probs with substituting it for the original predator.rul file as I realise that I shudn't have this good a craft b4 I get a Firestorm.

Well the Problem was how the original Author named the Research Topic, i changed the strings STR_ADVANCED_INTERCEPTOR instead of STR_IMPROVED_INTERCEPTOR.
So you should now get it later in the game :-)


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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #40 on: February 25, 2015, 04:40:45 pm »
Thanks, predator & ur mod updated.


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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #41 on: February 27, 2015, 04:31:25 pm »
As an increased challenge I was thinking of increasing the difficulty to level 5 on my current game but since only the stats increase, I was also considering increasing the aliens as well to this but wanted to check with urself 1st that this won't cause any problems. Mainly it'll only increase the min no of aliens encountered except for battleships and the alien bases. Other reasons are that battleships being the primary vessel of the alien fleet shud be dang hard and alien bases a bit of a nightmare. Attached is my proposal.

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2015, 07:48:31 pm »
Well i thought about a few changes and put them in here but not all of them.
Will go into next Version.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 08:28:38 pm by hellrazor »

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #43 on: February 28, 2015, 01:54:27 pm »
Version 1.3.2 :)

Removed unneeded MAP and TERRAIN Files (plz reinstall mod completly)
Increased number of Alien Terrorunits by 1 for Terrorship, Battleships and Terrormissions
Increased number of Alien Terrorunits by 2 for XCom Base Defense Mission
Increased number of Alien Soldiers in Alien Base significantly (from 7 to 5, randomspawn is +4 so max total 16 Soldiers)
Increased numbers of Alien Engineer / Navigator for Alien Base by 1

I also strongly recommend useing Expanded_UBASE_Nightly :)

New Version attached here:,3260.msg37294.html#msg37294

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Re: [RESEARCH][WIP] Research Alive Aliens Mod. (Alternate Research Tree.)
« Reply #44 on: March 01, 2015, 11:31:34 pm »
Well i am gonna add a new Tank :)
Hovertank / Elerium Bomb

Maybe this is overpowered. Clipsize is 16 and can fire 3 rounds per turn if stationary.

Functionswise it should replace Tank / Rocket Launcher or Alloy Tank / Rocket Launcher for terrain clearing.