Try to clear out the second stage of a colony assault in TFTD
"Clear out" as in "killing all aliens", not as in "destroy the objective and the haul ass to the exit"
I haven't played TFTD yet unfortunately
I was going to suggest an option to crank up aggression after 20 turns instead of knowing XCom locations, but that doesn't help if the aliens don't know where to attack..
Yeah, but I think it would be possible to just make them move closer agent's side (one could use the mind control algorithm to direct the location, if needed) without acting based on the new location(as an option, of course). For example, there was a cyberdisk inside a battleship in front of a gate or something, and my agents were almost ready to break in. What was frustrating was that on my test, if I stopped one of my agents near to the gate, the disk came out next turn and melted him. On the other hand, if the distance was far 'enough', that disk just stayed in there forever. And I have to say it was even extremly hard to find that disk since it was just waiting for me there forever! (and that ship was one of the newly added UFOs...) So I think making aliens to move to my side would actually be a better idea if one is concerned about the forever-searching problem(well, this is slightly different story but I'm just saying
Well there's your explanation right there, the whole time the alien commanders back at base are psychically scanning the battlescape, by turn 20 they have pinpointed all of the X-Com operatives and even tho they are too far away to intervene directly they are feeding your locations to the aliens on the ground.
Yes, and that was what I was kind of... imagining
. So that means aliens have telepathy or something. Even reapers?!! Or maybe those lower class aliens just get injected the image or information, or something like that...