I have a proposal (and code branch

) for improving the way that area explosion sprites are handled.
At the moment, we're limited to using the explosion graphics in X1.PCK for every area explosion - I think it would be quite cool to allow different explosion graphics for different weapons in the game.
There's also a couple of minor bugs that I've spotted in the way that explosion sprites are drawn, notably that:
- large explosions tend to look diamond shaped on screen rather than circular, since the sprites are randomly drawn within a square on the battlefield
- explosion graphics are displayed slightly too high on screen from the centre of the explosion
I have made a code branch that externalizes the explosion graphics config into entries like this:
spriteSheet: "X1.PCK"
start: 0
end: 8
animSpeed: 100
density: 100
I've then created a custom ruleset that has new entries like this:
start: 0
end: 35
animSpeed: 50
density: 100
- type: STR_PLASMA
start: 36
end: 72
animSpeed: 25
density: 300
- type: STR_STUN
start: 72
end: 108
animSpeed: 25
density: 300
Then, I've ripped and converted some explosion graphics from other sources so that I can play a game in which rockets, plasma grenades and stun bombs have different explosions as shown:

All look much nicer animated, and the settings are all contained in a new mod ruleset file.
Feedback please, I would like to submit this one.
My branch is here: